5: Realizations

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-Tom's Point of View-

I yawned, walking towards baggage claim. I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, opening up my messages. There were three messages in my phone.

SAM: Have fun in America, Tom! We are certainly having fun here in the land down under! Oh, Paddy says hi, by the way. And so does Harry.

MUM: And we're off! Please let me know when you land, Tom. Safe travels!

HAZ: Don't hate me, but I scared Y/N on the way in. She's quite the tough one! She hit me with a rake... Not great. But all is well! We're here chatting it up while she introduces me to something called "zoodles"??? I'm not entirely sure what that is, but she seems very fond of it. And get this— I helped prepare the chicken! Shocking, eh? Let me know when you arrive. Later!

Great. Harrison was spending more time with Y/N than I have spent with her in the last two days. I quickly sent my mum a reply announcing my landing and a quick thanks and I miss you to Sam. What would I say to Harrison? I opened up his message and hit 'reply'.

Me: Hey, I've landed! Also, what are you doing scaring her? Remember... I think I like her so... don't mess with her too much! Maybe you deserved to get hit with the rake! Ha ha! But do keep an eye on her and make sure she's okay every once in a while. Talk to you later, mate.

I clicked send and stopped at baggage claim, watching the carousel go around. I spotted my bag and picked it up, quickly looking for my gate exit. My eyes scanned the area until they landed on a well dressed man with a sign that read 'Holland'. I approached him and smiled. "Hi. Are you Jeff?"

The man turned down his sunglasses. "Why yes I am. Thomas?"

"Yes. Well, Tom."

"It's a pleasure, Tom. I'll take your bag. Follow me, please."

I nodded as he took my bag. I looked at my phone again, opening up a new message for Y/N. I smiled just thinking about her.

Me: Hey! I just landed and am heading to my hotel now. I'm thinking we can maybe FaceTime when I get there? I hope Tessa is treating you well.

I hit send and looked up as Jeff stopped at a black car. He opened the back door for me.

"Thank you, Jeff." I smiled, getting into the car.

"Of course, Mr. Holland." Jeff nodded, closing the door and putting my bag in the back. He climbed into the front seat and started the car, looking back at me. "Are you comfortable back there, sir?"

"Yes, I am, thank you. And please, just call me Tom."

"Are you sure, sir?"

"Positive. I'm a friend, not a boss." I replied. He smiled and turned around, driving off into the streets. What I just said made me smile a little. It reminded me of last night's conversation with Y/N... or just Y/N. I couldn't wait to talk to her again. My phone vibrated and I looked at it. Speak of the devil... I thought, a grin turning up on my face.

Y/N: Hey Tom! A FaceTime sounds good! Tessa misses you! She's already pawed at your door a few times. How was your flight? All well, I hope!

I chuckled, clicking reply.

Me: It was alright! Long, boring. It feels good to be walking again. Tell Tessa I miss her and that I will talk to her very soon! I'm on my way back to the hotel now.

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