19: The Luckiest of Our Stars

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WELCOME BACK!! Did you miss me?

I wouldn't have either. You're probably annoyed at how late this is. I'm so sorry about how infrequent I've been. I've really been trying to write more but it's been a struggle lately. But you all have been so supportive and so patient with me, I can't express how grateful I am for you... Anyway, I won't keep you waiting. Enjoy the next chapter of Sitter. I hope you love it!


-Y/N's Point of View-

"You did what!?" I laughed, hunching over and holding my stomach.

"I made Harry run face first into cling wrap!" Tom answered, grinning with pride.

"How!? Oh my gosh!"

Tom had been telling me stories about his family. Mainly his brothers, the ones I haven't met just yet. They were quite the pranksters! Especially Tom!

"I just stuck it across the doorway and cried out for him! He ran right into it!" Tom laughed.

I choked on my laughter, my stomach hurting from laughing so hard.

"I wish I could see that!" I managed to say in between laughs.

"Oh, I have a video!" Tom smiled menacingly, pulling out his phone and tapping on it.

"Yes!" I cheered, trying to calm myself down. After a few more taps and swipes on his phone, Tom turned the screen to me and played a video he had pulled up.

There it was, a doorway with clingwrap stretched across it. Tom's voice was heard crying out for Harry, pleading him to come to him. Harry, dawning a Super-Man onesie, came rushing in, shouting, "What, what, what!?" and immediately crashing face first into the cling wrap. He went straight to the ground, crying out in pain. I covered my mouth, gasping while trying to hold in my laughter.

"Oh my... Oh my gosh..!" I giggled. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing but... I can't help it!"

"It's okay! I mean, he was fine! It is really funny!" Tom chuckled.

"And why is he wearing a Super-Man onesie!? Isn't that like... A betrayal!?"

"In a way, yeah! But, to be fair, I also had a Super-Man costume as a kid..." He admitted.

"Oh, wow!" I exclaimed. "Well, Spider-Man suits you." I winked.

"Why, thank you!" Tom smirked, dramatically smoothing his hair back.

I smiled. "You seem to have a great relationship with your brothers."

"Oh yeah, they're great. Actually, Harry got me back for this prank..."

"No way! How!?"

"The same way... And he used Tessa..." He shook his head.

"Not Tessa!" I did a dramatic gasp. "Please tell me there's a video of that one, too!"

Tom's eyes shifted down as an embarrassed smile curled onto his face.

"You have to show me!" I exclaimed.

"No, I don't!" Tom protested.

"Aww, Tommy, please!"

He pinched his lips in, his eyes looking up in thought. "Fine... But you owe me!"

"We'll see!" I teased.

Tom smiled and tapped through his phone again, turning the screen to me. Another doorway was there, cling wrap stuck across it just like in the last video. This time, when he played it, Harry was shouting for Tom.

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