16: Synchronized

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You guys... We're at 8k! What!? The love I've been receiving lately has been incredible. I so love that you guys have been enjoying Sitter and want more. It's really motivating.

I've been working a lot recently, so it's been harder to write. I do have days off, but I usually am doing something those days (thanks to Christmas shopping!) 

Today is my day off and I actually went to grab my laptop so I could edit. Yay! So here it is! I know you all have been waiting. Thank you so much for your patience and support. I appreciate it!

I hope you enjoy!


-Y/N's Point of View-

I got up feeling a lot lighter than I did this morning. My face was buried in the cushion of the couch and I had a blanket tucked around me. I took in a deep breath as I turned over and looked up at the ceiling. It was still pretty light outside. A ray of sun shot across the ceiling. I pulled the blanket off of myself and sat up, turning around and looking towards the TV, or... not the TV. Something big stood in the way.

Right in front of me on the coffee table was a huge bouquet of beautiful purple peonies. The peonies were surrounded by tall, pink snapdragons, another favorite of mine. Little individual white roses popped through some of the spaces. There was a white ribbon tied around the neck of the vase. Next to the bouquet was a collection of Cadbury chocolates.

I could feel a grin come onto my lips. I leaned forward to smell the flowers. There was that familiar light, fresh, floral smell. Just like it used to smell back home when my mom would bring home new arrangements every week to put on the dinner table. My eyes scanned over the colors of the flowers, arranged so beautifully together. I stopped when I noticed something jutting out of the back in between a rose and a peony. I pulled it out- a card! I opened the envelope and pulled out the card, turning it over to read it.


I'm so sorry you're unwell and wish you the speediest recovery ever. I know I got to steal one kiss earlier, but I would rather have stolen many more! I hope you like this new arrangement. I thought the one in your room could use a replacement. They look a bit worn out!

Now hurry up and get better so I can shower you with my affection!!

Just kidding, take your time.

x Thomas

p.s. your medicine is in the kitchen.

I giggled, tucking the card back into its envelope and setting it down. I stood up and walked into the kitchen, looking around. Not a sign of the boys anywhere. I walked around the kitchen island and saw a bottle of medicine waiting for me with a post-it attached.


a.k.a. the sleeping angel - Tom

a.k.a. Y/N - Jacob

These boys are so silly! I laughed, taking the little medicine cup off of the top and pouring myself the amount needed. I quickly downed it and rinsed out the cup, setting it back down with the medicine. I went upstairs and turned into the restroom, closing the door. After using it, I washed my hands and quickly brushed my teeth to get the medicine taste out of my mouth. I went back downstairs and walked into the kitchen, heading towards the back door.

Harrison, Jacob, and Tom were chatting in a small circle around the table. They seemed to be having fun. The three of them reunited and just having a good time. Just looking at them made me smile. Seeing Tom laugh and throw his head back in delight made me smile. Tessa was running around further back. Seeing her mess around made me smile, too.

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