chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Noah had drunk enough blood so that he could go back to uni. Life felt normal and everything was fine for about a day or so. Though he felt like he had around four days ago. All the emotions were breaking into his brain and bashing down all the windows and doors so that they could steal every single thought that he had. His senses made him aware of every single thing which was happening within his surroundings from the pleasant smell of grass and flowers to the unpleasant high pitched voice of one of his classmates.

It was uncomfortable but somewhat bearable. Crow had told him to keep calm and to keep distracted. He often found himself listening to the tick of the clock on the wall when he felt any panic rising. It worked rather well , that was when he was in a place with a clock. His ears often wondered to someone's heart beating which put him off. The uneven pattern of the person's heart made Noah cringe , he needed something steady and constant.

Crow had spent the day with Haven again , they were doing homework and assignments together but neither could really help the other in their studies. Their work was so different yet so similar, they weren't able to understand what the other was talking about half of the time . though there were special moments of understanding. That afternoon they went out for ice-cream and Crow returned to his home.

That evening he had gone home to Ruby and Violet, they hadn't seen him in a while and so he was forced to have dinner with them and to stay for a game or two before he excused himself to go to bed. Though instead of going to bed he had left throught he front door quietly and ran to the hotel, knowing there was a visitor there.

"Good day?" Noah said as he sat on the chair he had claimed as his own in the hotel room. He was sat with a cup of tea in one hand and a pencil in the other. They had arranged to meet up there that evening . They felt much more comfortable with each other now. The previous evening they had spent talking about nothing and so tonight was where they would discuss the heavy stuff, in time.

"Well it was a day-" Crow sighed as he took his bag off his shoulder and looked around. "Thank you." he had a rather perplexed face as he saw a cup of tea on his table and took a sip. It was perfect . He narrowed his eyes at Noah. "is this sorcery?" The humour didn't go unnoticed though he was still rather curious.

"Nope!" Noah popped the 'p' as he continued to draw. "Just good eyes and memory." He smiled to himself, happy he had gotten Crow's tea right . "and i do work in a case you had forgotten." The tease was something that Crow noticed Noah returned to a lot. Crow often did the same when he was nervous and wondered what on earth they would be like if they were both in a situation where their words mattered . They would probably be killed on the spot.

"How could i forget our first date?" Crow grinned in achievement as he saw Noah's cheeks turn bright red. It was fun to be able to tease someone , even funner when you out-tease the person. "Anyway, how was your day?" The conversation went on discussing the troubles of Noah's day.

That was an issue Crow would have to fix. Noah always talked about the negative and never the positive. Though he wasn't one to do that very often either, in comparison to Noah, Crow was as positive as the sun, full of light and energy. Noah couldn't help the slight annoyance that this caused for him. He could see some of Crow's points,He understood where Crow was coming from. It didn'ts top him from feeling like Crow was trying to change him instead of his point of view.

"Shoot!" Crow shot up after several hours of talking. He had just checked the time, he thought it was odd how there was a light reflecting off the television, only too late he realized it was the sun. "I'm so dead." Noah picked up on the whisper and the panic it held. Therefore he resisted the urge to say 'yes you are'.

"Late for school?" it was more like a statement rather than a question but Crow nodded anyway. He rushed out the door but then came back. Asking if Noah was working that day and telling him that they would meet there, Noah was left a little bit stunned, he wasn't expecting them to meet up again after that evening, he thought they would discuss vampirism and then go their separate ways. He had a feeling that their fates were now entwined ...he wasn't getting rid of Crow Clawdon.

Crow was met by a rather disappointed looking Violet when he returned. "Have fun?" she asked with her arms folded , her glasses resting on her nose as she peered over the top of them. She was reading that morning's newspaper as he entered the room.

Crow was a stuttering mess as he felt her gaze go straight through him. "I-...yes" A small blush came to his own face. If anyone else had asked him that he wouldn't have reacted that way, unless it was Ruby . Crow had a special connection with his mothers. They knew almost everything about each other. There were very few secrets between them.

"Is it a boy?" Violet asked intrigued, she knew her son was bisexual, though she had been told by Ruby that on their last venture into town he had met someone. It was a simple guess that it was this person that her son had been seeing, it wouldn't' surprise her. She knew it wasn't Haven and she didn't know of anyone else Crow was friends with. "How old is he?"


"Job or school?"

"University art student and cafe"


"Worse than he lets on"

"I want to meet him." The look in her eyes wasn't mean, or judging but rather curiosity. She wanted to make sure that her son surrounded himself with good people, she didn't really care about his status but knowing what someone was doing and their status could tell a lot about someone.

"I'm sure he would love to meet you too...but i have to go." He pointed upstairs hurriedly before going to run up the stairs. He was called back for a moment. With a large sigh he returned to the doorway. Seeing a smile on his mother's lips.

"I'm glad you have a friend, i won't' tell your mother yet. Don't be late." she raised a hand to blow Crow a kiss which he caught in a fist and pressed his closed fist to his heart . With a nod he returned upstairs to get ready for school.

That morning Noah had returned home. Little did he know he wouldn't make it to work that day.

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