chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Noah was shocked that he was correct . Before him was a grand mansion . There was at least three stories to the house . The front garden was just as grand as the house was. It was an incredible sight to see. Noah had passed a very intricate designed sign which read 'the Grand bird hotel'.

That was how Noah recognized the address. He had done an assignment on the hotel once before in school. It was an extremely old building that had been passed down through the Clawdon family for years. Noah started putting the pieces together. He knew that the Clawdon's had a son named Crow , it was on the hotel's wikipedia. That means the person who had attacked him was Crow Clawdon, the child of the millionaires Violet and Ruby Clawdon.

It was extremely hard to believe. Crow didn't seem at all like the pompous rich kids that Noah had met at school and university. He didn't come across as someone from a wealthy family is usually portrayed. Crow had worn plain trousers and a shirt which looked like it could be bought for £6 at primark. It was difficult to associate the man to this building.

If Noah hadn't met crow that day and had only gone off what he had seen last night then he could understand how Crow would live in the mansion. It would have suited the vampiric side of Crow that Noah feared. It would be rather stereotypical for a big bad vampire to have a big dark mansion.

Noah felt out of place as he walked to the large oak double doors which led into the hotel. The hotel had been functional as a family mansion for many years but through the past one hundred years or so it had become a hotel . The owners of the building saw an opportunity to gain more money from the building which was hardly ever used. It took a while to hire staff and gain popularity but now it was another steady business.

As you entered the building you could immediately feel the age of the place. The floors were hard dark wood and the walls were a deep maroon. He was almost immediately met by a member of staff who wore the signature uniform of the hotel. A simple white button up shirt with a red waistcoat,

"Hello there, is there any way i can assist you this evening?" A very bored voice matched the man's very bored expression. He didn't seem to enjoy his job , or at least that's what it seemed like at this moment.

"um..."Noah trailed off as he felt even more out of place. "Crow told me to come here. He said that i should stay here until tomorrow." The worker's eyes widened and his back straightened. A fixed smile appeared on his face as he bowed apologetically.

"Ah young Crow..." The worker trailed off as curiosity seemed to gleam in his eyes. "It's not often that Crow invites people to the hotel. "Other then that delightful friend of his Haven , she once co implemented my tie you know?" The worker messed with his tie as a fond smile appeared on his face. That moment with Haven stuck with him as he didn't often get compliments on his attire. "Any way, since you were directly invited by Crow i assume you have a note of sorts?"

"Ah yes.." Naoh fumbled around in his pocket until he found the note that Crow had written. Noah had read it only for the address and so he didn't know what else was ont he piece fo paper. The worker politely took the piece of paper from Noah's hand and gave a quick glance at it.

There was a moment before a chuckle escaped the fron the worker's lips . "my, my ." The worker shook his head before looking at Noah fondly. "So...what did you do to get on Crow's good side?" The worker gestured for Noah to follow him through the hallway decorated in grand paintings and shiny chandeliers.

Noah stumbled to follow the worker down the long hallway and up several flights of stairs. He was sure there would be a lift somewhere and assumed that the worker was just attempting to annoy him. Considering it was this or on the streets, Noah was grateful to be there .

"This is the room Crow requested for you to stay in.." The worker said, if he hadn't worked there for as long as he had then he would have spent quite a while catching his breath at the top of the stairs. That was what Noah was doing. His breaths were short as he tried to get the oxygen his lungs desperately wanted.."if there is anything you need then there's a phone included, just ring the front desk."

Noah was left to stare at the closed door which was the saem dark oak as the flooring and all the other doors which seemed to be in the hotel. He hadn't noticed that a key was pushed into his hand until he was about to turn back to the worker and ask how to get in. The worker seemed in a hurry to get out of the corridor , it was quite an unusual action but Noah brushed it off as the worker being busy.

Opening the door took very little effort even though the intricate key did get stuck a few times . It seemed like the door hadn't been used for a while, or the key which had been used to open the door at least. Noah expected matching wooden flooring but he was met with a black carpet.

Noah understood now what the worker meant by 'how did you get onCrow's good side?' . The room that he was in was magnificent. It could almost be compared to an apartment or flat. There were four rooms in total , the rooms were all a moderate size and all had a rather similar theme.

The entire place was dark and gothic . It was a rather grand place but you could tell what kind of person lived there or owned the place. It seemed rather sophisticated with a colour scheme of black, red and silver.

The four rooms were a living room, a bathroom, a bedroom and a kitchen. All of which looked wonderful and very expensive. The living room had a rather grand television with rather lavish looking leather settees . The decorations on the mantle were black and silver. Noah could recognise the Clawdon's in some of the photographs framed upon the shelves and walls.

Noah peaked in the kitchen and bathrooms rather quickly . Noting how there seemed to be food int he kitchen and that there was a very large bath tub in the bathroom. Though tiredness seemed to overwhelm him as he headed to the final room of the small slice of the hotel he was allowed to stay in for the time being.

As Noah stood in the doorway of the bedroom he had to stop and stare. What lay before him was something he thought only existed in magazines or on tumblr and pitnerest. The room was so elegantly put together and coherent. It was fantastic. The blacka dn red bedsheets were pulled over a king sized bed , with red curtains surrounding the bed and at least six pillows piled on top.

The windows were large and offered a lot of sunlight to enter the room. There was a mantle and fireplace in the bedroom which surprised Noah as he had never seen one in a bedroom before.There was also many bookshelves which seemed to be bursting with many books and ornaments. Two leather seats were very close to the fire along with a small coffee table.

"What did i do to deserve this?"

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