Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

"Are you sure you're alright?" Crow asked Noah for about the fifth time that evening. Noah hadn't said much, he mainly just stared at the ground in front of him. He was slouched over on the side of the bed with his hands clasped together. Crow Didn't mind comforting him, he would stay there and hug him forever if Noah needed it. But he could tell that Noah was still being irritated by something. He knows that Noah wasn't alright. He just had to hear the words come from his mouth.

"Yes." Noah said hurriedly, it was as though he just wanted Crow to stop asking. He wanted himself to stop asking the same question but he knew it wasn't going to happen. "No." He sighed. He wanted to crawl into bed and fall asleep, escape from the world for a few hours and wake up with the issue still looming over his head, at least then he would be able to look at it in a different light.

"It must be difficult, I can't imagine what thoughts are going through your head." Crow muttered as he rested his chin on Noah's shoulder. Crow was looking at him intensely, as though if he stared long and hard enough he would be able to hear his thoughts. The closeness was comforting for Noah yet he must admit he was a little bit creeped out.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Noah didn't want to move his head, he would be extremely close to Crow and he wasn't sure if he was ready to make a move like that yet. He was still somewhat in denial about the last time they kissed. "It's creepy."

"Because you're beautiful." Crow gave a big grin. The comment caused Noah's eyes to widen and for him to stiffen up a little bit. He wasn't used to that, he wasn't' used to anything of the sort. "I also want to have a look at the beautiful mind of yours. Perhaps then I would have a chance of figuring you out."

Noah gave a chuckle and Crow smiled slightly. Crow had succeeded in his mission to make Noah smile, that's what he wanted to concentrate on. "It's just..." Noah startled to fiddle with his fingers, running a finger up one side of his hand and in between his fingers. It was a breathing exercise that Crow had seen many people use before to help them calm down. Ruby often had to help Violet calm down when something was wrong with the business or something unexpected happened. "I thought I wouldn't have to think about them again."

Crow's expression became softer. He had noticed that Noah didn't particularly talk about his parents a lot. He didn't really know much about them . He knew that they had died not too long ago and they left him some rent to help pay for the house. They had died before Noah really got to understand and experience being an adult. He had been told that Noah's parents.

"Noah, I guess that this is a rather difficult topic for you. But, perhaps they're the reason you're doing alright. " Crow started to rub Noah's arm comfortingly. "This could answer so many of our questions. There might be more to them then we might know.After all Aldrich said the family was well-known in the vampire community."

"I know." Noah sighed and rubbed his temple. " I'm just not sure if I want to know these answers. After all these years I thought that it was the past. Now it's just came to bite me." Crow couldn't help but let a rather large smirk come onto his face. "You know what i mean!" Noah tilted his head back with a slight laugh.

"I do know what you mean but that doesn't mean i can't joke about it." Crow said happily. He was trying to distract Noah front eh topic or at least to try and stop him from overthinking about the issue. "For tonight we can rest. We have school tomorrow again and I am certain that Aldrich will probably want to meet us again. You have plenty of time to think.." Crow leant over and gave Noah a quick kiss on the cheek.

Noah smiled in response. He was grateful for Crow's words but he was even more so thankful for his company. He knew that he didn't want to be alone tonight, he had been alone for so long he didn't really want to be alone like that again. The mention of his parents reminded him of the many years he had spent alone, in his room or in the kitchen. He tried to avoid the living room, his parents were usually in there when he was younger and now it just became a habit. He was full of memories about the place.

"Come on." Crow shuffled backwards and patted the place next to him. He had slipped off his shoes and took his blazer off. He had texted his mothers and Haven, he knew that he would have to meet up with her at some point. She was rather happy that he was busy with Noah. She didn't mind missing a few calls so that the two boys could spend time together.

Noah huffed slightly but he joined Crow lying down on the bed. Crow had his arm across the pillow where Noah's head would usually lie, Noah made no notice of this and lay down so that Crow was hugging him.

After a few hours of silence, in the early morning, a thought came to Noah. "Crow?" He looked up to the boy. From here he could see each and every detail of Crow's features, every freckle on his face and every colour in his eyes. Crow stared right back at Noah, making a sound of inquiry. "What are we?" Noah asked nervously.

Crow had a soft expression, he was nervous. He was wondering the same thing himself but he didn't have the courage to ask it. "We are whatever you are ready for."He reached over with his other hand and grabbed Noah's hand once again. "I know that you are special...not just because of recent events but you are special to me. I know that I have very strong feelings for you and I know i will protect you no matter the moment I can't see myself without you."

Noah was already overwhelmed and this information and pressure was adding more to the mountain but he didn't mind. This pressure and information felt nice. It warmed his heart and made his soul happy, if he still had one of those. It didn't take him long at all to realize he felt the same way, he didn't want to be without Crow in his life. He was nervous but he had no time to be nervous as Crow lay there with him.

Silently, Noah leant forward and gently placed his lips onto Crow's , it was a sweet, nervous and gentle kiss. He pulled back to see Crow's smile had widened and the twinkle was brighter in his eyes. "Crow...will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my boyfriend?"

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