chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Soo?" Haven asked from Crow's television. "What was he like?" After Ruby had driven them home Haven had spent around an hour at Crow's house before she had to leave. Crow was now studying whilst talking to Haven on skype, he had his laptop connected to his television and was reading a text book.

"I didn't get to talk to him much." The mumble was enough to tell Haven that he didn't want to talk about the subject any further but she wasn't going to have any of it. Crow was the one always telling her to make the first move and now it was her turn to be his wingman.

"But you gave him your number right?" Haven asked eagerly. "That has got to eman something to you."She fiddled with the pencil which was in her hand . She was also supposed to be studying but she was getting rather distracted due to the conversation.

"If i gave him my number yes, but i didn't so..." Crow tried his best to focus on the textbook in his hands but he couldn't help wonder how Noah was getting on. He hadn't heard anything from the hotel but he doubted it would be very long before one of his mother's came stomping into his room and asking about it.

"Wait you didn't give him your number?" Haven made a sound from the back of her throat and put her head down, almost faceplanting her book. "Well what did you hand to him then?" At that moment Crow regretted that he had said anything contrary to what Haven had previously believed.

"A letter."

"A letter saying what?" Crow's rather vague replies were rather common for Haven to deal with. Crow didn't really have the best social skills , though then again Haven wasn't very charismatic to their generation either.

"An address.." Those two words were exactly what Haven needed to hear in order to know what Crow had done. A big grime was starting to form on her face and she clapped her hands. These actions caused Crow to goan before rolling over onto his back. "You let him stay in the hotel?"

Crow's sigh was enough confirmation for Havent o get up off ehr bed and start doing a happy dance. This action made a grin start to creep up on Crow's face though he made sure to hide it before she stopped with her dancing. It was an adorable and wonderful sight to see his friend so happy. Even if it was over something so small as him allowing NOah to stay int he hotel, '

"Well i'd rather him sleep there then on the streets, it's a little bit comfier."

"A little? A little?! Crow that place is a paradise . "Haven reminded her friend . Crow tried his best to forget the fact his family was wealthy, but it came in handy at times. To him the hotel was somewhat like a holiday home, a place where he'd go on special occasions. It didn't feel like it belonged to his family and he preferred it that way .

"Yeah but still...hey haven i gotta go...See you tomorrow?" With a swift glance at the clock next to the tv he was told that it had gotten rather late . It would be about time for Haven to turn in for the night soon. By turn in for the night Crow knew that she would be up until around three int he morning reading, though he'd rather not get her in trouble.

"Of course! Then you can tell em every single retail about what you two talked about." With an exchange of both fake and real smiles the two of them pressed 'end call' . Crow put the top down on his laptop and snuggled up in his bed sheets. He hadn't turned the light off and he couldn't be bothered to get up , even if it would take him a quarter of a second.

It was about midnight when Violet peaked her head in through Crow's door and saw him peacefully lying on the bed. She quickly turned the light off and quietly shut the door. Even if it was rather quiet to human ears, it sounded like someone had clapped directly next to Crow's head.

The next morning was the same as every other, Crow met up with Haven after he ate breakfast and then they headed to school. It was boring until break time. Usually Crow would stay in the sixth form black but today he needed to return a book to the library. If he hadn't had the interaction with sawyer yesterday then the trip tot he library would have gone rather smoothly.

Crow was talking to the librarian about the book when he heard some loud talking over his shoulder, it was rather distracting for his sensitive ears. "What'cha readin nerd?" None saw Crow cross hs fingers in hopes that it wasn't Sawyer being talked to. Though as he had been learning a lot recently, fate doesn't seem to favour him very much. +.

Sawyer was sat by himself in one of the small circles of chairs. He had a book in his hands which just so happened to have a very comical looking dracula on the caver. Sawyer hand't noticed Crow front he looks of it and he was rather tempted to sneak otu of the other door. Though Crow wasn't one to go back on his words.

After saying a swift goodbye to the librarian he walked over to the younger students. The group were just standing and throwing insults at Sawyer who was cowering away behind hsi book as though Dracula was going to repel them. Which wasn't too far from the truth.

"Well hello there." Crow's deep voice startled the group of bullies. Crow wasn't surprised to see it was the same group that was bothering Haven the other day. "So you go from bullying my friend to bullying...anyone? Is that really such a fantastic hobby that you can't help yourself?"

The leader of the group rolled his eyes though there was still a speck of fear in them. "What are you now? The school's hero?"The humourless laugh left his lips before he could stop it. Luckily for the bullies, Crow was used to people acting this way and it didn't bother him much.

"You see the issue with that is..." Crow started before stepping closer to the group , staring the talker right in the eyes. "That assume that i'm lawful good, i consider myself more of a ...chaotic neutral." The bullies had little to no clue what he was talking about but the way he said it told them all they needed to know.

"fine ." The talker huffed before pointing to sawyer. "You're safe for now nerd. Though i doubt your hero will be there every time i see you." Crow watched the bullies walk away before turning his gazeto Sawyer who was still avoiding eye contact.

"So...what are you going to do?" Crow asked curiously. "I'm not going to be there all the time, it's rare i come up here and spend time out of sixth form" There was almost a sense of pity in Crow's eyes as he looked to the boy in front of him.

"I don't' know...i can't really blackmail anyone else to protect me." Sawyer closed the book he was holding before pointing to it. "Dunno many of these people. I guess i'll jsut have to cherish the time i have when you're around." The tone that Sawyer used was rather concerning for Crow .

"Look." Crow put a cold hand on Sawyer's shoulder. "You have to learn to stand up for yourself. If you need me, call me." He handed over a piece of paper with his phone number on it. "Or text me, i don't go back on my word." He looked around at the other students who were starting to stare at him . " careful." 

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