chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Saying Crow was worried would be the understatement of the entire era. He struggled to run straight as he headed towards Noah's home. He didn't stop to check and see if the door was unlocked before he headed inside. He could sense other people , scents which he didn't recognise from the last time he was there. As he entered the house he heard nothing. Nothing was unusual, it was a normal but empty house.

He couldn't think of where Noah could be, he had followed him to the field . He doubted he would go back there. It just didn't feel right, nothing about the situation did. He looked around the house, looking for anything which was out of place or unusual. He couldn't find anything other than right at the doorway. The carpet was rather discoloured at the stairs. The discoloration smelt like metal , it was blood. He punched the banister, which caused it to crack and break in the process. Though he didn't care at the moment . He exited the door as soon as he could. He went straight to his next door neighbours.

He knocked three times after trying to compose himself. It wasn't long before it was opened but each second was agony. He was bouncing up and down on his heels and he was sure that the fear was evident. "Hello?" Came a rather frail sounding voice. Stood in the doorway was a rather kind looking old lady. She seemed to be in her seventies and she had gray hair which was held back in a ponytail. She had brown eyes and even though they looked kind they stared right into Crow's soul. "Can i help you dear?"

Crow put a small and polite smile on his face, panic was clear in his eyes. "Hello yes if you could i -uh" He stuttered over his words, he had a few options he could take. He could compel her straight to tell him, or he could just ask politely and see where it goes. "I was - i'm a friend of your neighbour-" he quickly pointed in the direction of Noahs' home "-i was wondering if you knew where he was? Or if anything had happened? He didn't show up to work."

The lady could see the distress and hear it within the rambling boy. "Oh dear , that's unfortunate." There seemed to be a little worry in her own tone. "I saw a car pull up a little while ago, a nice looking gentleman stepped out and started talking to Noah, i didn't catch any of the conversation as i was in the living room and looking out the window here."

She gestured to where the window was where she had witnessed the encounter.

"A gentleman? Did you recognize him? Did anything else happen? Did Noah go with them?" Crow had to take a breath to calm himself down, for a moment he closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing. "I'm sorry i'm just incredibly worried."

The woman had some sympathy for the boy. "I do think that he went with them...there was..."There was a lot of hesitance in her voice. She was debating whether or not to say something and it was obvious, she stood in the doorway going from foot to foot Crow was tempted once again to compel her, though he didn't want to harm the poor lady , it wouldn't' be harmful exactly, though the older you are the less likely you are to recover completely from compulsion, from what he figured. It made sense that those who have a worse memory to begin with would react worse to having their memories changed or erased.

"Did something happen which was concerning?" Crow's voice was sweet and calm, he wasn't compelling her but he had decided to change his tone . Despite the fact he was incredibly panicked on the inside and he felt like hsi skeleton was going to escape his body from the buzzing nervousness, he thought a different approach would help. "Please you can tell me."

Something changed in the lady's eyes. Crow had passed. "The man was accompanied by men...with guns." The horror at the last word shot through Crow, who would have been able to get their hands on guns? He now knew that he was dealing with something extremely dangerous, to humans at least. The worry intensified as he realized that Noah was still a little bit vulnerable. "I think they took Noah with them..."

"And i'm sorry for inquiring but-" Crow held a hand out, as though it was obvious. "Why weren't the police informed? If you saw someone with a gun and....a possible kidnapping?" he was curious at this point, he knew how he would be able to find Noah rather quickly now. He just had to try to follow the scent which was all over the entrance to Noah's house, along with Noah's scent.

"I know the law, honey, nothing will be done and nobody would trust an old woman such as myself." The woman crossed her arms with a serious expression on her face. "And I knew you would be here, Noah may not have noticed you coming but I did. I always keep an eye out." Although there was some intention to make it seem a little bit threatening, all she meant was that her desk was in front of her window and so she was able to see out of it the majority of the day,

Crow was shocked that he had been seen. "I-" he stepped back a few steps , contemplating his words. "I mean no harm to Noah." The woman couldn't deny the truth and honesty that she heard in the young man's voice. Though she couldn't deny the love that she saw in his eyes.

"I know that." She reassured him with a nod. "Look after him. Find him and look after him. He cares deeply for you and is counting on you right now." Crow wanted to question what she meant and how she knew this stuff. "Do not worry, just go and find Noah, the trail may run cold if you leave it long enough and I must go. My tea will be strong. All the best."

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