chapter 17

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a few quick shout outs to @SianaghGallagher  and @krissaffron ! thank you guys so much for reading my story and interacting with it the way that you do! -and please go check out these guys and support them! honestly if you like this book you would ADORE their profiles! 

Chapter 17

It was happening earlier than Crow had expected, Noah's veins were starting to glow a rather dim red but you could see it if you looked close enough. It was something incredibly disturbing for Noah to see, it was as though someone drew on his face with a red lip liner.

"Thats...that's extremely disturbing." Noah pointed to himself in the mirror, he noticed Crow nodding behind the mirror but he couldn't take his eyes off his own face. "Does it go away?" He flinched back when Crow closed the mirror and placed it back in his bag.

"No." Crow said simply, much to the panic of Noah. "It only goes away after ...well you know." The awkwardness was growing whilst Noah placed the pieces together "i-i'll go and get your stuff front he cafe, stay here." Crow felt like he was talking to a child as he rushed off, making sure to keep his ears open for any sign of distress from Noah.

Though Noah didn't make any vocal sounds of distress. He leant against the wall as though his knees had given up on him. He wanted to cry, something which was unusual for him as he never cried. He felt all of his emotions crashing down on him and he felt like it had finally become too much.

In a flurry of emotions he punched the wall, he heard one or two cracks but at that moment he couldn't tell if it was from his hand or the wall. He didn't care. He just wanted all of the emotions to stop flowing through him, he wanted to be able to think straight and not need to do this. They didn't even get a chance to look for a possible cure. Everything was rushing at him at a thousand miles an hour and he was just being pushed backwards.

When Crow returned to Noah he was sitting on the food with his head between his knees. Crow had stood awkwardly before sighing and sitting down next to him, allowing his own emotions to run wild for a little while. Crow clenched his jaw a little bit as he focused on his emotions. This was one of the reasons he liked to meditate, it allowed him to keep his emotions under control.

"How did you do this?" Noah asked quietly. He felt like a child who couldn't do something that an adult could do. The broken tone of his voice was heartbreaking to Crow, he almost shed a tear at the sound. He was reminded of what he used to be like when he first turned. He was also lost and looking for someone to offer him hope. He wanted to be that glimpse of hope for Noah, he wanted to offer something that he didn't have at that time.

"You mean how do i do this." The air was thick with the realization from Noah that this wasn't going to be easier , this wasn't going to change. "I...struggled at first, like you are. I struggle every now and again with it too. The times where your emotions are so out of control you can't even breathe." Crow sighed as he placed a hand on his cold chest. "I meditate, i journal, i distract myself. that sounds stupid." He finished the sentence with a smile as he laughed at himself.

The curiosity was prodding at Noah, or more like slapping him in the face. "What?" He chuckled, in shock that Crow had managed to change his mood with only a few sentences and a small smile.

"I think about what i enjoyed when i was human. I pay attention to everything else except my emotions. It can become much more overwhelming if you don't take time to focus on your emotions at some point, though you don't' have to all the time." Crow placed a hand on Noah's knee in comfort. That sent shivers all throughout their bodies from the source of contact. Crow's hand was cold and Noah's body was warm though it wasn't only because of the temperature differences that they shivered. "I guess you need to find out what works for you, and i don't mind helping you do that." Crow's amused smile turned to one of a comforting nature, he wasn't used to this. The only person who he has had to comfort was Haven ,even that was rare.

"Now." Crow said as he stood up and brushed down his clothes. "I have an idea ,a surprise if you wish." Noah rolled his eyes at how posh the man in front of him sounded but he grasped Crow's outstretched hand and pulled himself up. He found it strange, the sensation between their hands was something he had never felt before. He assumed it was because his senses were starting to increase, therefore his sense of touch was much more sensitive.

"You have done nothing but fill me with curiosity this afternoon." Noah stated as they walked down the street, Noah had pulled his hood over his head so that there was no way anybody would notice his face. "Though don't we have more pressing issues to deal with right now?" The worry which laced his tone reminded Crow of the reason they were in the alleyway to begin with.

"I'm not going to take you to my castle where there will be humans to sacrifice to your hunger do not worry one bit." Crow turned away from him so that there was no way his grin would be showing."That is reserved for next week." The horrified expression was enough to make Crow laugh so hard that they got quite a few stares, though since this was England the public quickly moved on.

"Not funny." Noah punched Crow's arm playfully, even though he also had a small smile on his face. He knew that they wouldn't be going anywhere public, having seen Crow's reaction to people seeing his glowing veins. Crow having a castle was not out of the question either since his family was rather wealthy. "So what is this surprise?"

"If i wanted you to know then i would have told you." Came the snarky reply. "Though if i had told you you probably would have ran in the other direction ." Scaring Noah was fun, Crow had concluded. "Dude i'm joking, you would know when I was serious. It'll just take some time."

"Yeah...and we have all the time in the world. Which seems to be not enough for me to get used to that." 

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