Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

He couldn't be serious. It was alright for Noah to not turn up to his lectures, the teachers didn't really take attendance as long as he got the work in on time. That wasn't the same for Crow, in fact, they had managed to get Noah into the sixth form programme, overnight, with the same classes as Crow. They didn't know this was the case until the next morning when Crow had received a text.

?; hello boys, yes i know how to use the phone. Noah's got school tomorrow, no uniform. Stay on guard and look after each other, have fun! ;)

It took Crow thirty seconds to know that it was from Aldrich. It was something which seemed like him. He was a little concerned about what he did to the humans in order to put these things in place. He decided not to question it or ponder it for long. He knew that he could probably do the same, that thought alone scared him.

Crow turned to face Noah, who was lying on his bed. "Hey uh Noah?" Noah had slept for about an hour, it meant that he probably wouldn't' need to sleep again. Noah opened one eye and raised his head with a confused expression. "You...have school today" Noah's expression continued to get more and more confused.

"I what?" He had to think quickly as Crow threw his phone towards Noah's head. Noah didn't catch it at first but he moved it between his hands and eventually caught it correctly. "Oh wow...ugh school." He lay his head back on the pillow and groaned. He couldn't believe that he had to go back to where he faced so much stress and torment.

"Hey at least you don't actually have to do work." Crow walked over and slightly shoved his shoulder. It's surprising that Noah could function the way he was. He felt much stronger then he had the previous day. It was as though nothing had happened to him. Almost.

He didn't know if it was normal to hear what he heard, he didn't know if it was normal to feel what he felt. It was something that he'd never experienced before. He hadn't experienced full vampirism before either. He was unsure if he was experiencing what Crow experienced on the daily or not.

"No, although i'd rather do that then have nothing to do." Noah grumbled . It was difficult to tell ruby and Violet that they were both going to school. Crow had tried to say that Noah would split off at the bus stop but he was never very good at lying to his parents, They shared suspicious glances and sent him a disbelieving stare. They had let them go with the point that they would phone up the school to make sure that he had arrived. They had faith in their son, they really wouldn't' have minded if he had skipped, he was a good student. They would have preferred to be told. "Wait, this means I get to meet Haven right?"

The question was not fully out of his mouth before Crow groaned. He had already had enough embarrassment to last him his lifetime due to his mothers. God knows what Haven was going to be like when she met the one he'd been talking about for quite a while. It would either put an end to the teasing or increase it by tenfold.

They were on the corner of the street when the familiar red hair appeared in their vision. She hadn't quite seen them yet but Crow got slower and slower as they got closer and closer. Noah found this extremely amusing and was going to tease him about it. He had decided to be merciful just this once, Crow would suffer enough that day.

"Crow,hi!" Haven said happily as she looked up from her phone to see the two approaching them. "Oh hi." She waved towards Noah and wiggled her eyebrows at Crow. "I'm Haven, Crow's friend." She tried her best to seem somewhat intimidating but she had to hold in her excitement. She knew exactly who this was and as Crow's best friend it was her duty to make sure that Noah treated Crow with respect.

"Hello, My name's Noah!" He gave a friendly smile and held his hand out, which she took and shook politely. "I have no clue what I am other than a new student at the school...getting some more A-levels." He gave a small shrug of his shoulders with the hope that it wasn't too unbelievable.

"Oh wow that's cool!" Haven had took Noah's arm and had started to walk, leaving Crow a bit behind and rather concerned. He wanted to make sure he knew everything which had been said, he had no reputation yet he was scared it would be ruined. "What classes are you in?"

"Umm...I don't quite know my schedule but I know my options are art, english and religious studies." He had been told this by Crow within the first few nights that they'd met. After doing art with each other they'd had the conversation about what they study at school and university. With Crow wanting to do art, he had found it extremely interesting.

"Oh what a coincidence! Crow takes those classes too, though i'm sure that you knew that." Haven looked behind her to give Crow another strange teasing look. Crow just gave her a tired look, it made Haven's grin widen. "I'm sure that you two will be in the same classes. I know that he's in the smaller class so there's a very high chance."

Nothing too embarrassing was said before school. Much to Crow's annoyance, it meant that he was still on edge through tutor and his first class. Nothing interesting had happened in general. That was until their second class. Noah had contributed well to English class int eh first period, he had a few interesting thoughts which then led him to classroom discussions, he was treated like any other student. When it ended he was a little bit sad, the school was much nicer then the one he'd gone to.

The two of them were sat in the front of the classroom, nobody else sat there as it was usually given a rather terrible reputation. It gave them a rather wonderful view out of the door, where you could see people pass. They were looking out the window and Crow was telling Noah about the people passing. Until he stopped, his eyes wide. Noah's breath hitched in his throat as someone entered the room.

"Hello class, I'm your new RE teacher."

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