chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"V-vampire 101?" Was only the beginning of Noahs' rather terrible night. They talked a lot about what it means to be a vampire that night, they talked about the fact they had increased, speed , strength , senses and persuasion. Though they also talked about their light sensitivity, facial differences and the worst part of all. Blood drinking.

"And why can't we drink animal blood? Or go to the blood bank?" This wasn't the first time that night Noah had asked that. It had came up quite a few times in the conversation. Out of everything being a vampire included, Noah was most concerned about hunting , retrieving food.

"I would love for you to figure that out by yourself." Crow was almost sarcastic at this point. It was starting to work on his nerves and it took a lot to do that. "I've told you that it just doesn't work the same. Believe whatever media has taught you. I would have loved to be able to survive on animal blood or donated blood, if i could i would but we can't."

Naoh sighed with frustration, he seemed like he would throw something if there was something in his hand. "I-" He couldn't get any more words out. Crow just silently watched him . Crow wanted to reassure him that he had also went through all Noah had, he had these questions and disliked the idea of hurting people . "What about drinking and then persuading them to forget?" The faded glimpse of hope was in Noah's eyes.

"When's the last time you tore your neck open and forgot why?" Crow raised an eyebrow seriously. He really admired Noah at that moment, he was coming up with some pretty good ideas , ideas to avoid doing something immoral. Those thoughts crossed him a few times but that was after a while. He was surprised Noah was figuring them out so quickly. "Look...I know what it's like , to be in this situation. This was me about a year ago when i was so confused and had nobody to turn to ." Crow stood in front of Noah now, though Noah wasn't watching him. "I'll be here if you want me, i've already given you more then i had."

Though he didn't want to guilt trip Noah , Crow had to say things as they were. Noah had things which Crow didn't have when he was in transition. Crow didn't have guidance or warnings. He just had to learn to deal with things as they came. He had to use trial and error, which most times gave him terrible results.

Though he could hear the sincerity in Crow's voice. Noah couldn't think as he jumped up "No!" Crow was about to roll his eyes and sit back down, this was the second time they had been in this situation . "You don't know! Or how would i know if you did?" Noah walked up towards Crow, their chests were nearly touching. "I know nothing abut you! You attacked me and left me for dead .I-'' Realization came to his eyes as he ran his hand through his hair, knocking his hat off. "It's your fault i'm in this situation!"

Crow didn't know what to do, he could deny it. He could straight up say no it wasn't his fault that Noah Was here. Though then he would be lying, he would be going against all the thoughts that had swirled in his head the past few days. He knew it was his fault. He knew for a fact that if Crow hadn't attacked Noah that night , the human would ,well he would be human. Noah would be living his life , ignorant of the supernatural.

So he made no move. He didn't want to lie to Noah and so he kept silent. He watched the man pull at his hair , the veins glowing brighter than ever . He watched Noah open the door to the treehouse and leap out. Crow rushed to the door as quick as he cood, expecting to see Noah sprawled out on the forest floor. Injured but ultimately okay.

It seemed as though Noah had forgotten the fact they were even in a treehouse in the first place. So when Crow saw Noah standing at the bottom of the ladder he was shocked. Noah looked back up at him, anger masking the shock he felt himself before he ran off. He ran in a random direction and didn't stop running. Though, what he didn't know was that he was being followed.

Crow sighed before picking up Noah's gray hat. It smelt strongly of coffee and Noah's shampoo which smelt of apples. Crow sighed once again and moved backwards. He grabbed his black hoodie and put the hood up. Slipping the gray hat into his pocket after sniffing it once more, so that he could track Noah and revel in the sweet scent.

Crow wasn't far behind Noah as they ran through the forest. It wasn't long before Noah opened his phone and started to use Google maps to find his way home. Though this time he had booked a taxi instead of going on the bus, it wasn't too far away from his house so the cost wouldn't be that large.

When he got home, Noah sunk into his settee and weeped. He hadn't cried this much in a while and it was starting to give him a headache. 'Why can't things just stop?' Repeated in his head time and time again. His emotions were swallowing him whole and it wasn't pleasant.

His phone hadn't rang since they left the cafe and it was starting to get extremely late. He decided to head upstairs. After a rather long bath he lay in his bed, he was too hot but he snuggled up anyway. He didn't put the television on or the radio like he usually would. Instead he just stayed there in silence,

Though it didn't stay very silent for long, he could hear vibrations, talking ,footsteps, birds and all sorts of other noises that he wasn't able to hear before. It was rather annoying, he wanted to turn all the sounds off, though it also felt somewhat comforting. He knew that there were other creatures nearby . Just nearer than he thought they were.

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