Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

It was a dark and cloudy day. It was starting to rain once again even though it had done nothing but rain for the past week. It was in the middle of autumn. The leaves on the trees were turning burnt orange and scarlet before they fell to the ground in beautiful and wonderful piles, just waiting for a child to come and jump in them.

A black-haired man stood by a very old building. He checked his phone several times to check the time and to see if he had any new messages. Each time he was disappointed to see that not a lot of time had passed and that the one he was supposed to meet had not yet messaged him. It was an extremely important thing that they were doing and it had to be just right.

It was a surprise for a five-year anniversary. It was important and. The man sighed as their thoughts were interrupted by another car driving past. With each car he looked up in hopes to see brown hair and brown eyes Yet he was always disappointed when the cards continued to drive by.

"Is he coming?" A man said from inside the building. His hair reached his shoulders and he wore a rather flashy red suit. His shoes looked gold and he wore a golden bow-tie to match. The raven-haired man shook his head with a sigh, turning to face the door.

"He's supposed to be. I'm not sure how far away he is." Worry laced the man's voice. It was more like a nervousness or anxiety that they were feeling as opposed to worry. He was nervous that this surprise wouldn't be good enough to celebrate their five-year anniversary. It wasn't that evening, it was tomorrow but the only time the venue was open was on weekdays."is everything sorted?"

The man nodded his head as he leant on the doorframe. "Everything is ready. We're just waiting for Noah to arrive." Crow nodded to Aldrich with a smile on his face. "It will all work out. He will be ecstatic." Aldrich continued to say rather dramatically. Sawyer creeped up behind him.

"Yes, dad is right!" They said excitedly with a grin. Sawyer took to the vampire lifestyle rather well. They had been surrounded by vampires since he was born, it wasn't that unusual for him. It was a lot different from what he had expected , but he managed to get through the first few years with few hiccups. "I'm sure he would adore the surprise."

The more reassurance he got, the more confident Crow became. It was something that he had been working on for months now. He had to be very careful about what he said and where he went. Noah was still extremely good at telling what Crow was thinking. He also had the advantage of his super-senses. Crow had to be careful what he said and who he talked to. "Thanks guys."

It seemed that everyone was going to huddle around the door as Haven joined not too long after. "Is he here yet?" She asked curiously. She wore a vintage-looking light coloured dress and her hair was in her signature curls. She was accompanied by her partner, Maple was a kind person who was perfect for Haven, they were wearing a dress-shirt and waistcoat. The couple were two of the most fashionable people in the town and they worked so well together.

Maple had red hair and blue eyes, They had a kind smile but they didn't talk a lot. It worked well with Haven since she preferred to talk a million miles an hour. Haven didn't take the existence of vampires too well, honestly she was a little hurt that Crow didn't tell her sooner. Eventually, after a few months of moping and being mad, she decided that enough was enough. She wasn't about to lose her best friend. Crow shook his head but his attention was caught as a noise caught his ears. He gestured quickly for them to go back into the building and sun around.

He could hear Noah talking to a taxi driver. Noah was usually one for small talk, he didn't like awkward silences. It wasn't long until the taxi pulled up and Noah stepped out. He wore what Crow had left for him, it was an emerald green dress shirt with a black blazer and tie. Crow hoped that Noah got the message that it was smart attire. Noah's hair was about as neat as it could get, due to his state, the hair couldn't really grow back again. An ever-lasting annoyance for vampires.

"What is this about?" Noah asked quickly as he rubbed his hands together. He was quickly engulfed in a hug from Crow, who had put a wide grin on his face. Noah had a suspicious look on his face, especially now that Crow hadn't moved his hand from his shoulder. "Seriously, it's as though you like to scare me."

Crow gave a chuckle before turning the two of them around to face the building. "I do enjoy it quite a bit, you should know that by now." Crow started to walk towards the door and entered before Noah. "but let's not focus on that. This is something special, something I've been hiding for quite a while."

Crow's words did not help Noah's anxious nerves at all. It was something he had gotten used to over the years, Crow hardly gave a straight answer to any questions. It was a little annoying sometimes, especially when Crow didn't want to answer. It was a good way of getting out of doing things.

Noah recognised where they were immediately. He had just been told to get into the taxi, yet the animals and other statues outside told him where he was. He was at the gallery, the same one where he and Crow had their date. It was long ago, yet Noah remembered it as though it was yesterday.

"Seriously though, what are we doing-" Crow opened the door and allowed Noah to step in, surrounding something which was covered with a sheet was all their loved ones. All Their family and friends were standing facing the door. Noah's eyes widened as he raised an eyebrow. "-here" he trailed off in question as he looked over the faces of those in the room. Looking for any sort of hint which would tell him what was happening.

"Today, mister Trison." Crow started to say in a rather posh accent as he walked further into the room. He turned to Noah with his arms spread wide. "Is the day that your dreams come true." Noah had no clue what Crow was on about. He didn't have to wait for long before he got his answer. As the curtain was taken off the object, Noah stepped back in shock.

In front of him was an extremely familiar sight. He had honestly thought that he had seen the last of it. He had looked at it for days on end. It was a gorgeous painting of an eerie and mysterious forest. It looked like the shadows were cloaks floating in the moonlight. The trees were so detailed it looked as though you could touch the painting and feel bark. The stars above were stunning dots of light in the sky. The ombre blue, black, purple and pink replicated the night sky so wonderfully.

"The museum is glad to announce the latest addition. The Triumphant Night!" The owner of the museum announced happily and he started to clap. He was soon joined by the rest of the crowd. Noah had a cheesy grin on his face as Crow bounced over to him.

"Happy?" Crow asked with a smirk on his face. It was clear on Noah's face that this was one of the most magnificent things that had ever happened to him. Noah gave him a silent nod as he watched his painting in a wonderful bronze frame be hung on the wall. Crow gave him a peck on the lips, catching his attention. "And the Triumphant night was the beginning of it all." He whispered before Noah caught his lips again. 

The End -

Thank you guys so much for reading! your support means the world to me and I appreciate it so much! there may be some additional chapters now and again  so it won't be the end of Crow and Noah!

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