chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"sooo..."Haven asked as the two of them were sat in Crow's living room. Violet and Ruby were upstairs in their office which left the two nearly the whole house to themselves. "I was thinking..."Haven hedged nervously to Crow as she fiddled with the wrapper of her snack bar.

"Oh wow you were thinking? I thought i smelt smoke." Crow smirked as Haven slapped his arm. Both of them burst out laughing with smiles on their faces. Crow's sarcastic and teasing side hardly ever shows now-a-days in public, he had grown to love that people didn't really like that side of him. Though when it was just him and Haven, he could be the sarcastic and loving person he tries to hide from the world.

"'ey!"Haven exclaimed as they were just settling down from the laughter. "Who was the one who was payed to do other's homework for them?" It was a true rhetorical question. Haven had been payed by a few people in their year to do their homework. Crow was usually just threatened to do so and he was too scared to fight back.

"Aye ,aye i remember." Crow said as he still held a smile on his face. "What were ya going to ask?" The return to the conversation had somewhat startled Haven. She had the hopes that he had forgotten that she had said anything but she also knew that nothing slipped by Crow.

"I was just wondering fi you wanted to head into town? Go shop around a little bit?" Haven said sheepishly whilst pulling her famous puppy dog eyes. Crow knew the real reason why she was asking,Haven enjoyed his company but she was also rather scared of going into town by herself. It was a rather dangerous place where anyone could be , even bullies from school.

"Sure, what do you want to get?" Crow asked simply and intrigued. Haven's style was a rather unique one, she enjoyed vintage dresses paired with a leather jacket. It was rather intriguing to strangers at the town and it never failed for someone to stop them and ask where she got her clothes and how her life was different based on the style of her clothes.

"There's a sale on at, well the one shop I go to over there." Haven waved her hand dismissively but the grin on her face showed the excitement she felt. At those words Ruby came through the door with an intrigued look on her face.

"You're going to control , Alt, save?!" Ruby exclaimed as she jumped into the room. "I'll drive you guys there , we leave in half an hour!" The teenagers in the room facepalm. That was why Haven didn't actually say the name of the store that she wanted to go to, Ruby was slightly obsessed with the shop and would take any opportunity to go there.

Violet followed after Ruby and shook her head before pointing to the two on the settee. "As long as you've done all your homework that you need to do. " Her stern look turned into one of pride as the two teens nodded their heads . "Good."

That half an hour was spent on mindless chatter between the four whilst Raven sat snuggly in Crow's lap. The three had always teased him when his happened, a crow and a ravens sitting together. Crow didn't' find it that amusing, Ruby and Violet had chosen his name and they had chosen raven's. He assumed it was just a small joke but it was one that was brought up way too often.

It was a rather quick trip to the town, other than stopping Raven from following them out of the house. Therefore they were there by about five -six in the afternoon. The town was rather busy and Crow had to part the crowd for his mother and friend to pass through safely, he didn't mind this as it made him feel rather proud of his height for a few moments.

Once they got to the rather large store Ruby split off from the two teens, giving the instructions to meet up in thirty minutes. Control Alt Save was massive. It had three floors and it had pretty loud music throughout the store.

As you walked through the automatic doors you were immediately met with the strange and unusual. Objects from crystals and tarot cards to hour glasses and oil diffusers lined the walls. The walls of the ground floor were plain off-whtite but there were many decorations upon the walls and glass display cases were so frequent that you could hardly see the walls.

The ground floor fascinated Crow as he was able to delve into the world of the unusual and find the deeper meanings of all the objects. Though the basement was Haven's favourite. The basement was full of vintage clothing and antique objects. There was a running joke that the basement was haunted due to the different strange occurrences that happened such as clothing being knocked off the hangers and the antiquest ending up in places they aren't supposed to be. Crow would have loved to take all of the basement and live out the ultimate vampire stereotype as a joke , finances was the only thing which was holding him back.

The second floor is the reason Rub was so excited. It was full of alternative fashion and hair accessories. It went from all black clothing with studs to frilly pink lolita dresses . It was where Ruby got all of her hair accessories and a fair amount of her wardrobe. Violet liked to reign her in now and again but other than the few business suits that she owned, Control Alt save was where she got most of her everyday attire.

After a while of Haven trying on dresses in the basement of the shop, coming out to show Crow, getting his verdict and deciding on the dress eh wanted to purchase they still had about five minutes left and so they decided to head outside of the shop. Haven was still rather ecstatic about the new baby-blue vintage dress she purchased whilst Crow was looking around at the people who were passing.

"I can't believe i got it at such a price!" Haven said happily as she rocked back and forth on her shiny black mary-jane heels. "I still think you should have gotten that jumper." Crow scoffed and turned his eyes to her with a 'really' expression. It was true the jumper would have looked rather good with a dress shirt but it wasn't really his style. "Oh come on, you have a great sense of style. Why don't you show it?"

Crow was in the middle of thinking up a response when something caught his eye. Or rather someone. Crow wouldn't have expected to see this person at the town at all, nevermind around all of these people. The person was sat just opposite him and Haven though they didn't seem to notice Crow, if they had Crow doubted they'd still be there.

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