chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Blue sparks burst and danced in front of the black background. The sound of drums met with the sound of rigning met with the sound of tapping met with the sound of breathing. The floor rocked and rolled like a boat . Blood, tears, chocolate, incense, coffee, paint, lavender and many many things were in the air.

Whiteness started to become clearer, shapes began to make sense. It felt like each moment lasted an eternity as Noah tried to comprehend what was happening. He couldn't' move at all, his limbs were too sore but his eyes were open wide. It took him a while to realize what he was looking at, which was nothing but a dirty and disgusting wall.

"Noah." Though it was a whisper it still caused his ears to ring as though it had been shouted directly into his ear. Noah winced and tried to raise his hand to rub his temples, it felt like someone was hammering at his temples.

Crow was hesitant to move, Noah was still practically on his lap, sitting sideways with his back to the wall. Crow didn't want to startle him. Noah seemed like an animal re-introduced to the world, seeing a whole new side of life. He looked l9ike any loud noise would spook him and make him run away.

So he didn't move, he didn't speak, he didn't do anything whilst he watched Noah. Noah eventually turned his head, he could feel his fingers twitching and he managed to stop them. He could feel the coolness from what he was sitting on and he could see the darkness which was Crow's hair.

"Oh" Was all that Crow heard. He wasn't sure if Noah had said his name or if he just made a noise though he wanted to reassure the man in front of him. He wanted to say that everything was okay but he wasn't sure. He didn't know if he could ptu truth into his statements. He knew a few things though, they should get out of there and Noah needed to be checked over.

"I'm here..." Crow whispered so that Noah could just hear him if he had regular hearing. Noah was still having trouble with figuring out where he was, there wasn't on stable or solid ground which was rather disorientating for him, Crow seemed to realize this then. He put Noah on the floor so that he could feel steadier. The quick movement seemed to shock Noah who whined a little bit as his head hung slightly .

Crow didn't know if he should go and find out what happened to him or if he should stay with Noah, he knew which one he preferred to do. He knew that he should look after Noah and that was exactly what he was going to do. "Noah are you with me?"

He knew better than to expect an answer, Noah's hazel eyes had more specs of emerald and gold in them then they had the last time they had seen each other. Crow was surprised there wasn't a lot of red in his veins. Noah seemed powerless and strengthless which was why Crow was so surprised when he heard a "Yes". It was a very quiet and weak vocalisation but it was enough for Crow.

Hope filled hsi stomach and light filled his eyes. "O-okay.." Crow's voice was one of happiness and surprise. "You gotta work with me here Noah. I have to take you somewhere, somewhere safe. " Noah we have to go, I am going to carry you and I'm going to run with you. Tell me if i need to stop." He waited for a sound of confirmation to arise before he got to hsi feet and scooped up Noah.

Despite the height difference Noah was easy to carry for Crow with his vampire strength. He couldn't think of where to take him for too long. He knew he definitely wasn't going to take him back to Noahs' house. He would have taken him back to the hotel but there would be too many people there to see what was happening. It was too risky for them . So with a sigh Crow left the abandoned hospital and went to his house. At least there'd be less questions with his mothers then with a stranger seeing a smaller man carrying an barely conscious man, both of which were covered in blood and other suspicious liquids.

They had to stop a few times, only for a couple of sentences so that Noah was able to catch his bearings before continuing . The two of them managed to get to Crow's house with little to no notice from strangers on the streets. Though if there were any other supernatural beings nearby then Crow was sure they'd notice something was peculiar about them.

Crow tried to be as quiet as he possibly could entering the house, he couldn't' hear any noise coming from any of the rooms so he assumed his mother's weren't' home. He managed to get Noah to hsi room with little issue, careful on the stairs which even as a vampire he struggled. He lay Noah down and stood thinking for a few moments.

He knew that it would probably be more comfortable for him if he were in clean clothes. He was unsure if he should actually change his clothes. He felt like he was somewhat overstepping his boundaries but in this situation, he felt like it was somewhat necessary. After a few minutes of debating he decided to ask Noah, they had been talking pretty constantly since they left the hospital. Well crow had been talking and fooling himself into thinking that Noah was listening.

"Noah..." Crow trailed off nervously as he fidgeted with his hands. "I-I should change your shirt...if you don't' mind?" His voice was small and he honestly wanted Noah to deny the action, he wanted Noah to tell him not to do an action such as that. Though Noah felt disgusting. He wanted and needed to change out of the shirt which stunk of blood and bleach. It was thick with dried liquid and stiff.

"Please , i-I can do it." Noah tried to sit up but the furthest he got was lifting his head up off the pillow. With a sigh he closed his eyes and let his head drop back onto the pillow. "Please." Noah's voice was weak, hoarse and croaky. Crow's heart screamed and cried for him. Now that they were out of the scene where Noah was hurt, he could dwell much more on the sight in front of him.

"A-alright..." Crow muttered as he rolled up his sleeves. "Lets see how far we get."

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