Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Crow managed to get up the stairs rather quickly. He strolled happily into his room and placed Raven on his chair where she curled up happily. Naoh was watching him curiously . He had heard the entire conversation. It was strange for him still to be able to hear those things. It came in useful this time around though.

"Don't forget to leave the door open." Noah teased as Crow scowled. He knew Noah was listening. He noticed that Noah seemed to be feeling better, he could get out complete sentences without it seeming as much of a struggle. He couldn't imagine what it would be like if Noah was a human, he wouldn't have stood a chance with a normal healing rate.

"Well you're doing better." Crow teased as he made a point of keeping the door open. He then picked up his bloody shirt and wrinkled his nose at it. "Nevermind..." He huffed and put the shirt in a plastic bag so he could throw it out.

"I'm not sure if i'm feeling better actually," Noah frowned to himself. "I don't feel any pain anymore , more annoyed. Everything seems...brighter, louder. Everything is more intense" Crow looked at him curiously before he sat on the edge of the bed, Raven jumping over to meet him.

"And you didn't feel that way before?" Crow's hand reached to stroke Raven's head automatically. "Vampires do have more intense senses and such in comparison to humans. I told you that a little while ago"

"I remember that." Noah nodded and winced "extremely vividly actually." He spent a few moments thinking over what happened. He didn't want to worry Crow any more than he had done already. It was his stupid fault for not shutting the door ont he vampire int he first place. It was hsi stupid fault for nto defendign himself and it was his fault Crow was in the middle of everything. He had put so much blame on Crow in the past, when in reality he felt as thought it was his fault. He was out late at night and followed his hat into the alley.

"Noah." Crow's voice was extremely serious as he looked to the injured vampire who lay in his bed. "You are practically an open book to me now. What are you hiding?" To Noah, Crow looked like a villain in a superhero book or comic or film. Any sort of media you chose to represent Crow right now , he looked like he was plotting something evil as he stroked the black cat in his lap.

Noah sighed, he honestly believed that he should be concerned about how much Crow knew about him. "I just feel odd. I don't exactly know what happened at the hospital..." He looked around the room, attempting to think of another subject in order to distract Crow. "anyway how did you know where i live? You didn't stalk me did you?" his tone was teasing but he knew full well that Crow was capable of it.

"I wouldn't' call it stalking...not in the traditional way at least." Crow tried to defend himself and make it seem less weird and creepy. "I just followed your scent, and if that's considered stalking then yes i've done nothing but stalk you from the moment your scent first hit my nose." He teased weakly.

"It still sounds like stalking" Noah pointed out. "Though the second one was helpful stalking so i suppose i'll let it go." He froze in thought for a moment before groaning. "Oh that means you've seen my house." He was rather embarrassed. Especially after seeing Crow's house.

"Well yes if i was in the house then i saw it." Crow didn't make much of a big fuss about seeing the house which was barely still standing. "Though if it's alright i would ask you not to go there for a while for...obvious reasons." He wanted to forget what happened and put it behind them. He knew he wasn't going to escape the situation anytime soon.

"Yeah..." Noah mumbled as he sunk down more into Crow's bed. It was much more comfortable than his bed was. "I'm a little hesitant to go home..." He didn't want to sound as vulnerable as he thought he did. It was difficult to admit that he didn't feel safe there.

"Trust me, there's no issue with you staying here or at the hotel." Crow tried to assure him. Though he knew it wouldn't' be the same. It wouldn't' be the same for Noah , Crow knew that Noah was used to being independent. It would be odd to be in someone else's house for too long if he couldn't do what he wanted.

"Thank you." Noah said quickly. "I really appreciate how kind you are." He was staring deeply at Crow, memorising his face. He could see many more details that he hadn't before. He could now see the dark circles under his eyes and the extremely light freckles on his face."I don't blame you you know."

"What are you talking about?" Crow was taken back by the sudden statement. He thought that he had covered his expression enough. He put effort into making sure that Noah didn't see his emotions. It seemed Noah could read Crow like a book as well.

"I know you blame yourself." Noah moved so that he was sat on the edge of the bed. His legs were happy to have some blood in them . For a moment he was dizzy but he brushed it off. "I don't blame you. After what i've been through I know how hard it was for you. You wouldn't' have known anything about the latest situation."

The two of them were getting closer and closer to each other as the words continued to echo in Crow's head. "I know but it's hard not to worry or fret. I've felt horrible for everything i've done over the past few years and with each ..murder i feel aweful I-" Crow had started to break down at this point. He hadn't been able to say anything like this to anyone he knew.

His ramblings were interrupted as Noah's and Crow's lips met . The kiss was soft and gentle though they could taste metal and salt. The metallic taste was what remained front the blood and the salt was Crow's tears which had managed to drip down his face.

It was a moment of understanding. It was a moment of expression. The emotions they felt were like sparks radiating off them and bouncing off the other. They didn't notice the camera which Ruby was holding as she stood with Violet in the doorway. They were oblivious to the world.

Violet had pulled Ruby away from the door as a sign to not interrupt the moment between the two men. It was so overwhelming that Noha had fell backwards onto the bed and Crow leaned over him. They didn't have to pull back for air but they had to break it off at some point. When they did they stared at each other with so many emotions on their faces they were hard to place.

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