Chapter 54

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Chapter 54


For Haven, the next few moments were like flashes of memories, it was like a montage of moments which she couldn't understand. She was thrown to the ground roughly. She was sure that she had hit her head as black dots clouded her vision. Her glasses had fallen off her face long ago. So things were now blurry and she couldn't distinguish much.

Haven had been thrown away as Bertrand made a grab for Crow. It was a rather unexpected move for everybody except for Crow himself. Crow tried to side step him whilst simultaneously pushing him away. Fortunately, Bertrand was rather weak in comparison to Crow. Now that everybody knew that Bertrand was a son of two vampires, it made a lot of sense why he preferred not to get his hands dirty, why he made others do things. He was weaker than them.

More and more vampires came to the grave yard. Vampires who were friends with the aristocrats all teamed up in an attempt to control the chaos which was Bertrand's men. The two slaves of Bertrand fought rather well. Rosaline was one of the best fighters some had ever seen. She had gone straight for the woman in the burgundy suit.

Noah didn't know what to do, if anyone touched him he lashed out. He didn't know who were the good guys and who were the bad guys at the moment. There was no way of knowing who had negative intentions towards them and who were trying to help them. He stuck by Crow and watched his movements.

Crow also found it difficult to tell who was who. He didn't know who these people were, he just knew that if they tried to hurt him or Noah in any way, shape or form then they were the bad guys.This philosophy worked rather well. He was up against people who were about as strong as he was. He was too concentrated on defending themselves that he didn't notice where Bertrand was.

Bertrand took the opportunity of the diversion to try and sneak out of the graveyard. He didn't care about those who served him. He didn't care that he would lose popularity or servants or loyalty. He knew the secret, he knew the secret to ultimate power and he had to share it with the rest of the vampire world. He knew that the nobles and aristocrats would keep the secret to themselves, they would deny the world the knowledge which could make vampires supreme.

There was something which he wasn't expecting though. There were two ways out of the graveyard, One was on the other side of what is quickly turning out to be a battleground, it was easy for him to decide the quickest way to flee. It was also easy for someone else to notice it too.

As Bertrand tried to run around the corner, he was stopped. He wasn't stopped by a person or object. He was stopped by a sudden pain in his chest. A pain where his heart was. He looked down, and to his surprise, he noticed blood seeping through his coat and shirt. A short piece of wood stuck out of his chest.


He didn't have enough time to be in shock before he looked for the culprit. He didn't have a lot of time left. He turned to see Sawyer, staring at him with a proud look in his eyes. He still looked incredibly scared, it was a look most believed to be ever-present on his face. He didn't have enough time to react as Bertrand took something out of his pocket and shot it at him.

Sawyer didn't see the action, he didn't feel the pain at first. He didn't get to see the man who he staked turn to dust on the pavement. The next thing he knew, he was staring up at the sky, screaming in agony.

Everything had stopped in the graveyard. The vampires who were fighting for Bertrand knew that they were on the losing side and they started to surrender. THey clouds ense the fact that their leader was dead. The sound of a gun had caught everyone's attention and they all rushed to the exit. Mister Brody had busied himself with making sure that the offenders were all taken care of. The woman in the burgundy suit was more than happy to make sure Rosaline got what she deserved.

Aldrich, Noah and Crow were some of the first ones out of the graveyard. When they saw who was on the floor they immediately ran over. Aldrich was the quickest and he did not hesitate to take his screaming son into his lap. He looked at the bullet wound worriedly. "Sawyer...what went on in that mind of yours?" He wasn't expecting an answer as tears started to come to his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Was all Sawyer managed to say. The sight of his father calmed him so much. He was in his father's arms and he had probably destroyed a man who caused an immense amount of pain. His father didn't know exactly how much Sawyer knew of the vampire world. Aldrich didn't know that Sawyer had browsed the red web for hours in his spare time. Sawyer knew that coming would do him no harm if everything turned out well, unfortunately it did not go as planned.

Aldrich shushed Sawyer as he placed his hand on his son's cheek. "No, no please don't say that." Aldrich begged. Crow and Noah could hear the emotions dn tears in Aldrich's voice. They had backed away slightly. Crow had silent tears streaming down his face whilst Noah had covered his mouth. He could see the pile of dust not too far away with a gun lying not too far away from it. Bertrands clothing was in a pile on the floor as though he had vanished into thin air. "What do you want me to do?"

Aldrich sounded broken, he sounded lost and desperate. His eyes stayed on his son as he watched Sawyer's face contrast in pain. He wished he could take that away. He wished more then anything that he could take on the pain his son was feeling. He didn't want his child to die. He knew that it was a possibility that he would outlive Sawyer, but he didn't want it to be like this. He wanted Sawyer to live a full and happy life. He wanted to see Sawyer graduate, he wanted to see Sawyer fall in love and get married if they wanted to. He wanted to watch his boy live. He didn't want it to be cut short by anything.

"Daddy..." Sawyer trailed off slightly, his voice becoming weaker and weaker as blood trailed from his mouth. "I don't want to die."

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