Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

The rest of the day went well, or at least as well as a university student could do in an A-level course which he had never studied for or had any experience in before. Noah seemed to enjoy himself enough , watching Crow study and interact was incredibly interesting. Art class was definitely the favourite for Noah. Crow was a little bit tired as it was one of the only days that he had that many classes.

"So you've experienced it all in a day." Crow said as the two of them sat in the common area, they were waiting for the bell to ring so they could go up to the library. They knew that they had to wait until after the library closed. Somehow Aldrich got access to the library. Crow preferred not to think about it. "What do you think?"

"I thought it was pretty cool." Noah shrugged as he twirled a bottle cap with his finger. "I've not been in any of these classes before, or anything like this." He didn't really know what to say about it. It was something so unusual for him, which fit right in with the rest of that week. "I loved the little art room though."

Crow looked up to see the stars and happiness in Noah's eyes. He wished that he knew what Noah's college and university experiences were like. He treasured the look in Noah's eyes as he hoped to see it more in the future. Noah seemed to be right at home in the art room. "Yeah I go there all the time, I don't usually spend a lot of time out here. Unless Haven is with me."

"Ah well-" Noah was interrupted by the bell, students were called to attention and speed-walked towards the exit where only they could exit from. The two boys watched longingly at the doors in dread. They didn't really know what they should be expecting from the meeting. Perhaps it would be a simple five minute session where Aldrich would reassure them that everything was going to be alright. "I don't miss that part of school" Noah chuckled as he watched the crowd.

"I've been told that you miss it a lot more when you've left it." Crow nodded as he too watched the people running by, slight jealousy in his bones. "What undereducated humans they are." Crow smiled sweetly as Noah reached over to nudge him.

"Hey you don't know that."Noah had a smile on his face yet there was slight scolding in his voice. "You thought that Sawyer simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time...Though i'm not sure how I feel about the entire thing. Humans can surprise you." He disliked the fact that he was talking about humans as though he wasn't one of them. He still wasn't used to the idea of not being one of them anymore.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way, I swear." Crow raised his hands with a chuckle. "I meant it in a way...which means kind of like ignorance is bliss. I don't really have the opportunity to have that ignorance now." Crow seemed to Noah as though he had gotten over the idea he was a vampire quite a while ago. Crow didn't give off any indication that he hadn't gotten over it until today. Until this moment. Noah was able to see the sadness in his eyes and hear the longing in his voice.

"I know you didn't mean it in a bad way." Noah smiled and tried to reassure him by reaching under the table and grabbing Crow's hand. Nobody would be able to see it as under the table was hidden from view. "But we can try to make the best out of this...i got to pet an animal for the first time undisturbed! I think that's pretty awesome." He chuckled with a slight nod of his head. He had grown attached to Raven as soon as he began to pet him.

"Yeah i guess that's pretty cool..." Crow trailed off and gave Noah's hand a squeeze. "We'll hopefully get some answers and figure some things out. I won't rest until you're safe again" Determination shone in his eyes as he stared at Noah, tracing his face with his eyes as he took in each and every feature.

Noah didn't respond verbally, instead he gave a smile and nodded, running his thumb over the back of Crow's hand as they continued to wait until half-past four. They didn't really do anything for that hour and fifteen minutes, they sat and enjoyed each other's company. As well as the company of various pencils and A4 sheets of paper. Their hands did not unlock as they drew the time away.

Time flew by until Sawyer had come down to get them. He had poked his head around the corner to the sixth form street and it took him a few moments to take in the view of his surroundings. He hadn't actually been there before, other students were not allowed to visit the sixth form area so it was pretty new for him. He also watched the two boys draw for a little bit, he couldn't quite see what they were drawing but he really wasn't fond of interrupting vampires when they were busy.

"H-hey." Crow and Noah turned their head to see Sawyer without his usual bag and books, he also wasn't wearing a blazer. Seems he was taking advantage of his father being there with him after school, Crow didn't blame him at all , it was like a greenhouse in there with their blazers on. "D-dad sent me here to look for you two. I'ts about quarter to five." He still had nervousness in his voice but it was a lot less apparent then it ahd been earlier.

"Thank you Sawyer." Noah said politely as he started to pack up his drawing and pencils. "Time does fly when you're having some fun" He smiled as he stood and watched Crow who was also putting his stuff back into his bag.

"Or when your'e in very deep concentration with very good company." Crow winked at Noah who looked at him with wide eyes. Crow had a smirk on his face as he saw Sawyer's face flush red. "Shall we head off? Don't want to keep Alucard-i mean Aldrich waiting." Sawyer burst out laughing at the joke about his father's name, alucard being dracula backwards. Noah snorted after a while, he didn't understand the full reference, yet he could tell from the pronunciation how it was spelt.

"Yes, let's not make him burst a blood vessel with frustration" Sawyer chuckled and started to lead the way to the library, Crow staying a little further behind the boy so that he could walk next to Noah.

It took them a little longer than necessary to get to where they had to be. Crow didn't point out the shortcuts that they could have taken. He had wanted the meeting to be done and over with but now it came so close , he wasn't sure if he wanted to have the meeting.

"Ahh hello boys!" Aldrich said as he spun in a computer chair. The library was rather small considering how many students when to that school. The walls were a basic cream colour with green accents and carpeting. The chairs were gray and the furniture was a light wooden colour. "So what do you want to know? We can make it as quick as possible and be as open as possible because to be frank i wish to leave this place as soon as possible."

"How are you Sawyer's father?" Crow asked instantly. He made no move to sit down, he just leant against the bookshelf and watched the man spin around in the chair . A smirk started to grow on Aldrich's face so Crow quickly continued. "I thought vampires couldn't reproduce?"

"Oh well then yes ruin the fun." Aldrich stopped spinning and leant forward. "Vampirism is just like any other gene, it's recessive so that means that the child only becomes a vampire if two vampires know. And that's highly frowned upon because vampiric children are slightly difficult to take care of." He clasped his hands together and then gestured to the air. "Of course these children can be turned...and that's where you come in." To everyone's surprise he turned to Noah who pointed at himself in shock.


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