chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Well I know how vampires are turned." Naoh muttered as he drew in a book which Crow offered him. Turns out Crow had snuck out a few sketch books from the school. They were dusty and several years old. After he had taken them he had gone to his art teacher and asked if he could keep them. She didn't argue and therefore he knew it was okay. The school was full of unused art supplies. "I'm not sure if i should ask about vampires or if i should ask about you...we are going to spend a lot of time together after all."

"Ah well." Crow said as he attempted to pay attention to both Noah and the art he was doing. "We could discuss a mixture of both, we have all night."The casualness of his tone seemed to help Noah a little bit as he distracted himself. "We'll start there, yes not being able to sleep is a vampire thing. One of my top three most irritating things actually. "

Noah had to laugh at the annoyance in Crow's tone, even though he also felt the same frustration. "That is extremely annoying." Noah took a sip of the tea which Crow had made for him, this time the tea seemed to also help calm him down. "So since i'm learning about both you and do you find it? I've asked something like that before in a much less...approachable manner i guess."

Crow could tell that Noah still felt extremely awkward around him, even though the fiddling had stopped for a little bit. Noah's worries seemed to also show through rambling as he asked question after question. "Well...handling is a strange word." Crow muttered . "I wouldn't' say i was handling it, nor have I handled it at all. I'm just...going with it i suppose. I hate the fact that i need to kill people , yes i've wondered about death myself several times but...I just don't want to die." The lines on Crow's painting became harsher. "I don't think i see anything wrong with wanting to live."

Noah had to admit that he could see where Crow was coming from. Especially at his age. Usually he would argue that killing many different people was not worth it for the life of just one person to continue living .Now he was a vampire...he assumed that his thoughts would change if he ever had to kill people.

"Wait..." A thought suddenly appeared in Noah's head. "Are you actually , you know? Your age?" He hadn't considered the fact that Crow could be older than he looked, it's not a common thought for people to have. Though people do look older and younger than they seem from appearance. Now he knew more, he was beginning to think about everyone that he had ever met.

Yet another chuckle came from Crow. "Yes I am actually eighteen." The answer was rather surprising .Crow looked much younger than eighteen. It shouldn't have surprised him as much as it did. They had already talked about Crow being a sixth form student and the subjects that he took. Therefore he would need to be around 16-19. "How old are you? if you don't mind me asking"

"I am 21" A somewhat cheeky smile appeared on Noahs' face as he said this. "So respect your seniors." This caused Crow to laugh. He was happy that he could get NOah calm enough and comfortable enough to joke. He liked the light topics rather than the heavy pens, but he knew that they would return to the heavy topics very soon. "Do you know much about ...this life?"

There were many thinking noises which came from Crow's mouth. Noah wasn't quite sure if he was thinking about the painting or if he was thinking of an answer to the question he was asked. "Well...does anybody actually know much about the life that they live? Seriously? Is there a reason for living like we do as humans? "

Noah had to roll his eyes at the philosophical talk which came from Crow. "You knew exactly what I least now I know why you took religious studies. You are quite the philosopher." A small blush would have appeared on Crow's face if i could, though in its place was a sheepish smile. "Now , could you please answer the question as it was supposed to be answered?"

"Well...i do try to spread my philosophical mind ..."Crow teased and Noah was rather tempted to flick paint at him. "Do i know much about vampirism? Not really, i know about as much as many other people would.I know how a vampire is turned, i know vampires don't' sleep. I know that vampires are irritated by the sun. I know that 0our veins glow red when they are hungry.I'm not sure if we can enter other people's houses that we don't know but i'm assuming we can. It's a learning as you go process i suppose."

The list of facts was starting to weigh on Noah,now that the fun atmosphere was leaving the room he could feel the anxiety rising again. "Oh that's wonderful."The sarcasm dripped from every word just like the paint which dripped from the brush Crow was holding. "We are supernatural beings, who kill people for food. With no clue of a cure and we are learning as we go. Fantastic."

Though the humour which stemmed front he sarcasm in Noah's words was attempting to persuade a smile onto Crow's face , he still felt somewhat insulted. It wasn't his fault that he didn't know much about the vampire world, he hadn't been in it for very long . "Vampirism didn't come with a brochure Noah." He sighed as he put his paint palette away. Crow didn't really feel like actively doing things anymore, he wanted to just sit down and do nothing. Noah had the opposite feeling though, his brush strokes started to become more frequent across the paper, the annoying driving his arm. "I try my best to understand it but i just, it's difficult."

Tiredness laced Crow's voice, something which Noah picked up on rather quickly. Noah abruptly put the paintbrush down on his own palette before standing up. He quickly strode over to where Crow was sitting and gave him a rather quick embrace .

If you had asked Noah why he did this he would blame the vampirism causing his emotions to be heightened. He felt the need to comfort Crow, in whatever way he could possibly do that. Noah smelt like an odd combination of coffee and paint, something that Crow found rather addicting.

After the two broke apart Noah stood there rather awkwardly. Crow was looking at him with a slight smile , wondering what he was going to do next. There was a few stuttered sounds coming from Noah as he looked everywhere but at Crow. "I-I'll be back." Noah picked up his jacket from the arm of the settee and raced out the door. This left Crow with a big grin on his face and his hands on his cheeks. 

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