Chapter 8

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Jaydens pov

I took a run around my neighborhood because I needed it because I'm making a new album and it's stressing me out. Billie has been really helpful, she's been giving me a bunch of help and I plan on giving her most of the credits. I turn the corner and that girl kacy or Kayla I don't know her name. "Oh hey Jayden was it?" Kayla stops me.

"Oh heyy girl." I got nervous. I DON'T REMEMBER HER NAME. "It's Kayla. Did you already forget? She teased.

"Whaaat how could I forget your name?" I felt myself getting more nervous. "You're cute." She smiles and playfully touched my arm.

"Really I always thought I was kinda beautiful." I flipped my hair playfully. "Yea that too. Where are you headed?"

"My house. I'm having someone over today." I replied. "Your girlfriend?" She asked.

"Kinda like that." I smiled just thinking about billie. "Oh wait you're seeing somebody?"

"Yuh we have been talking for a little bit." I smile. "Thats nice. Well I gotta go make food for my little cousin." She frowned.

"Okay yea you do that." I smiled and walked away. Once I got home I saw Billie's car outside my house, she was sitting on my porch patiently waiting. "Oh there you are, I've been waiting here for 10 minutes." She said frustrated.

"Yea sorry I was talking to this girl I saw like a week ago." "Whats her name?" She hugged me.

"I can't remember her name. Honestly I don't remember if I gave her my number." I said, getting a bit angry. "How do you keep forgetting things baby?" She was a bit concerned.

"I don't know but don't worry." I rubbed the back of her head. We pull apart and walk into my house. We love to play video games and prank people and more fun things. Billie whines for an unknown reason. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I had the weirdest dream about you yesterday." She whines some more. "What was it about?" I sit next to her on the couch. "You're probably gonna laugh at me." She looks away from me. "Yeah you're probably right. I am going to laugh but just say it." I laughed.

Billies pov

"Fine you died in a car accident." I said. "That's weird because I had something similar like that last night." He said.

"Wait really?" I'm starting to get freaked out. "Yea I woke all weird. Strange but anyway let's play fortnite!" He jumped. "You're so cute." I smiled forgetting about the coincidence that just occurred.

1 hour later

"SHE BROKE UP WITH MEEE!!!!" Ariya exclaimed. "Take her off of speakerphone."

"She's not." Jayden said wide eyed. Jayden stands up and goes into the other room to talk Ariya down. Until then I continue playing fortnite without Jayden so we can WIN. There were only 15 people left including myself so if I play it safe we have a chance of winning.

5 minutes later there's one other person, and I saw them and I've never sniped someone before and I wanted to this time. I took out my sniper and aimed then shot them in the head and took 230 health away from them giving me the win. "I did it!" I've never played this game before until today and I think I'm addicted.

Jayden walks out of the room he was in and said he would be back in 20 minutes. I'm guessing that he's picking up Ariya because she comes over a lot. I'm pretty sure they have been friends since highschool. Jayden and Ariya walk into the house laughing about something. I get up and greet Aryia. She hugs me and we make small talk. Jayden invites us to his room. Me and Ariya look at each other and laugh.

I laugh super loud. When we reach his room he guides us to his bed and he walks out to go use the bathroom. His house is really big and that's cool because nobody can hear anything. Me and Ariya talk until Jayden walks in.

"Wanna play minecraft?" "YES!" We said unison.

We play minecraft for a little bit until we get bored of it. Ariya had to go home because her mom said it was an emergency. So that left me and Jayden alone in his huge house. He looks at me and smiles. His green eyes are so pretty there like a shade of really light green and a bit of orange. They constantly change colors like when he's happy there light green, and when he's mad there dark green. His eyes are unique.

We cuddled for a bit and I reminisced about our relationship in highschool.

5 years ago

"I will marry you when we get older." Jayden holds my hands. "You better because I love you." I smiled like an idiot.

We share a passionate kiss under the bleachers.

Jayden kinda rules this school, I love him but he is mean to everyone except me obviously. Every kid is scared of him because of the amount of fights he's been in. The teachers are scared of him because he got a teacher fired on purpose. I mean the teacher was being racist. He sent a kid to the hospital once or twice. Nobody talks to him unless he talks to them first.

And because i'm dating Jay the teachers treat me like a queen kinda I have more privileges than most students. I don't get detention unless it's because I did something terrible. And if I get in really bad trouble Jay takes the blame. I love him so much. He was mean to me before we started hanging out but I forgive him.

Present day

"You remember our relationship in highschool...? I miss that." He pulls my back side to his front. It made me blush. "Yeah I do. And I miss that also." He softly kisses my neck.

"I wonder if anyone remembers us..." I said. "They probably thought we broke up or something." He wraps his arm around my waist.

"We did though..." I stated. "Oh right I forgot." He laughed.

"I wish you were mine again." He casually said. "I wish I was yours again." I blushed so much.

He kisses my cheek and I turn to face him. He looked at me with love in his eyes.

I'm probably gonna give song suggestions. I saw somebody do this.

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