Chapter 15

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Billie's pov

For about a week I've been throwing up every morning and even at night time. And my stomach has been super sensitive. I can't eat what I used to.. I don't know why but I have an idea. I don't wanna do this behind Jay's back but I'm gonna do it anyway. I go to the store and buy a pregnancy test. I drive back home and go straight to the bathroom, I'm pacing around in the bathroom anxious.

"Im ready." I try to hype myself. I throw the box away and walk back into the bathroom. I turned the test face up and it came back....

Jaydens pov

I woke up panicked because I slept in at 3pm. I was supposed to meet up with Billie hours ago. I look at my phone and see 3 calls from Billie from 1pm to 2pm, and 3pm. I just missed her call, my alarm didn't go off. I grab my phone and call her.

"Hello?" Billie said clearly annoyed. "Sorry my alarm didn't go off. I'll make it up to you." I'm annoyed at myself.

"You better because I've been at this stupid movie theater since the movie started and ended." She still sounds annoyed. "Im sooo sorry. Baby what do I have to do for you to forgive me?" I'm begging at this point.

"Oooo let me sleep at your house for a week." "Deal. I love you and I'm sorry again." I said.

I can hear Zoe in the background say. "Aww he's sorry forgive him."

"Sush I'm supposed to be angry." I can hear Billie whispering. I laugh "I can still hear you. But pack your bags babe because I'm finna come get you." I smile.

"Okay Zoe is coming with me she'll be there for a day. She got locked out of her house." Billie laughed. "That's okay with me. Okay I'm on my way."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

I hear Billie giggle. And hang up. I clean my room and get ready. When I get there Billie runs up to me and engulfs me in her embrace. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"Hi." She mumbles into my neck. "Hi baby." She kisses my neck.

"I missed you so much." I said. "Me too, it's been like ages." She kissed me on my lips.

"We are outside, what if someone sees us?" I asked. "I don't care. In a few months I have an interview and they're gonna ask me if I have a boyfriend and I'll introduce you." She kisses me again this time much longer.

"Okay okay enough." Zoe rolls her eyes. "Oh right." I said embarrassed.

I put Billie back down and she whines. I pat her head in response. We all get into the car and I start it up. Billie grabs my free hand and puts it on her leg. I smile when she smirks at me. Billie stares at me the entire car ride probably thinking that I don't see her. "You like what you see?" I smile.

"No." She looks down at her lap. I move my hand to her knee and she looks at me with an angry expression. "Put it back." She said annoyed.

"No." I mumble.

"So you don't love me anymore?" She asked. "That's not what I said." I smirked.

"Okay good because I still love you." She looks at me innocently. "I love you too."

"I love you guys too." Zoe laughed. "I forgot you were back there." I said laughing. "It's cool." She looked back at her phone.

Billies pov

We arrived at Jay's house and he went straight into his room playing his game and I've been in his room not doing anything but watch him play. I'm being neglected. He's on the other side of the bed. Why can't he at least sit in my lap? I walk out of his room because he's being mean so I'm going to the guest room where Zoe is.

"Hi." I lay down on her bed. "Hi." She lays down next to me.

"You wanna go eat somewhere or does Jayden have a huge pantry?" Zoe holds her stomach. "Um Jay does have a huge pantry but if he doesn't have what you want we can go somewhere." I mumbled into the bed.

"Ok, we'll go check in a minute. But right now we are gonna talk about your relationship." She smiles. "Okay. Well, Jayden is super nice to me um he makes me food and does a lot for me when I'm lazy." I smile while thinking of him.

"That's cute but the real question here is... does he cook for you?" Zoe pats my head. "Yup he does. Oh, and I have been so sick recently it sucks." I hold my sensitive stomach.

"What do you mean?" She asked, concerned. "Um well every morning I throw up and at night um and I can't eat certain foods. And the smell of eggs makes me wanna projectile vomit on the wall." Zoe's eyes grew wide. "Are you...pregnant?" She asked.

"Huh, what does that have to do with anything?" My heart is beating in my stomach. "I'm going to the store and buying you a pregnancy test." Zoe got up from the bed.

"No...I already took one." I confessed. "What did it say?" She whispered.

"Promise me you won't tell Jay." I held up my pinky. "Promise." She linked our pinkies.

"It came back positive." I whispered.

Zoe squeals in excitement. "No don't be happy it was an accident." I said sadly.

"Oh sorry." She sits back down. "How do you think Jayden will react?" She put her arm around my shoulders.

"He said if this happened that it was completely my decision and he would support me in every way possible." I smile at the thought.

"Aw then tell him." Zoe said. "No I don't wanna get his hopes up." My smile is fading away.

"Just tell him if he loves you he will love you either way." Zoe smiles. "Okay I'll tell him soon but not right now." I fall onto the bed. "Babyyyyyy come hereeee." Jayden whined.

"Welp that's my que um Wanna watch a movie tonight?" I asked. "Yea def a horror movie." Zoe smirks.

"Yea okay." I closed the door. I walk to Jayden's room and knock before I walk in. "Come in." Jayden said softly. "Hey babe you wanted me." I peek my head in the room.

"Yup, come in." He patted a spot next to him. I sit down next to him.

"We have to talk." He said seriously. "Did I do something wrong?" I'm getting nervous. "Kinda." He looked away. "What did I do? If I did something bad tell me I'm sorry." I start panicking.

'Did he hear me and Zoe's conversation about me being pregnant or... I DON'T KNOW I never do anything wrong. I'm being falsely accused.' I thought. "You said that you would allow me to give you a head and you never did." He frowned, which made me relieved. "Oh, yea I forgot." I lay my head on the pillow and wait to feel his heavy body on mine.

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