chapter 13

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Jayden's pov

It's been a few months since I asked Bill to be my girlfriend again and it's been fun. She's the same Billie I know and she's so much more mature. She is just amazing and beautiful. I love her so much. Billie comes over whenever she can but our tour schedules don't align so we go days without seeing each other. It sucks but we make the most of it. Billie and I go on as many dates as possible so we can really get to know each other. Billie has been amazing like I said but I don't fully trust her yet. Although she's proven herself to be a decent person I just don't know.

I love Bill because she is very caring and puts me first with everything else last . That's not good in some cases but it's cute when she tries to impress me. I hope we grow old together. I miss her already. I can't get her off my mind. She's at home and I'm in England. She calls me at night everyday at 9pm. We talk for hours and I fall asleep with her. My mom knows about Billie already from highschool but she doesn't like her. I mean she doesn't trust her, after what she did. I don't have to be talking with her, her presence is what makes me happy, she's fun to be around. She has me thinking all the time with her unanswerable questions. I really miss her.

Billie's pov

I hope Jayden's okay without me. I am not okay without him so I can only imagine how he must feel, he calls me before and after shows. He sends me pictures of really cool things that he finds and shows me his outfit of the day, he calls it. I miss his hugs and warm cuddles. Luckily he's coming soon, I'm gonna give him the biggest hug.

I only have good intentions with Jay, I want to prove to him that I do love him and that I will never hurt him intentionally again... not that cheating on him was intentional but I don't want to hurt him. He still seems skeptical when I go on tour and when I'm texting somebody. I totally get it, he doesn't ask me who I'm texting, he just has this face that asks me so I say who it is.

"It's Laura."

He always smiles when I say out loud who it is. He sometimes sighs out of relief. I really messed up and I'm really happy that he loves me again. When we broke up I didn't sleep at all I just wrote songs about him. I still write songs about him but they're less sad now. I am a bit clingy and Jayden not being here is really messing with me. I want him to be here all the time but that's not gonna happen so I have to adapt. He wasn't this big when we we're dating and now he's huge and he has less free time.

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