Chapter 7

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I unlock his phone and go see what he was looking at and it's a picture of...


He was looking at my account, he called me hot. I can't believe I doubted him. I should have known that he wouldn't do that to me. I will say it again we aren't dating but we are dating, he can't just do that. I put his phone back where it was and 2 minutes later he walked out of the bathroom.

"What time do you want me to take you back home?" He walks up to me. "I don't want to go back." I pouted.

"You don't have to, I'm not doing anything today. " He sat down in front me. "Finneas and I are going shopping for fancy things today." I frowned.

"That's fine so do you wanna go now?" "I guess." I pout.

"I had fun though." I perked up a bit. "Yea me too." He smiled.

He made me breakfast. He dropped me off at my house 2 hours ago. I still can't believe he's talking to me again and it's not because Arya is making him. I think. Wait cause what if she has something to do with this. Well if she was I'm grateful I guess. I just hope it's because he misses me. Finneas won't stop asking me what we did yesterday and it's annoying me. Don't get me wrong I tell him everything but I want him to guess and he won't. So I'm not gonna tell him what we did. And why I spent the night.

But an hour later I caved in and told him everything. He thought I was joking because he went from hating me to being super clingy. I showed him videos and photos of us just chilling in his room. Believe me I am all for being in the moment and being present but yesterday was the first date. And I plan on showing people in the future. He texted me all day and I responded immediately but not too fast. I don't wanna seem desperate. Even though I'm very desperate. I don't even know how to express the feelings I feel when I see him.

Jayden's Pov

Out of all the people I'm talking to, it's Billie. Don't get me wrong she's amazing but I even promised I would stay away from people who have cheated on me and others. But she gets a second chance, and if she messes up again I'm never talking to her. It would hurt me more than it would hurt her.

Last night when Billie was at my house I almost kissed her...I would be fighting myself if it was a first date with a girl I just met but it's Billie. I didn't have anything to do today because after I got shot the police have ordered me to not leave my house. So I'm basically on probation, I literally got on my knees and begged my P.O to let me go out last night.

It feels weird to be able to talk to her. But I don't know how to explain it. She still gives me butterflies. And if I'm being honest I miss dating her. Dating other girls isn't the same and it never will. I've had a lot on my mind lately so I decided to go on a run. I think it should be fun.

I put my running shoes on and put Ari on her leash, I lock my door and start off at a good pace. But I got tired so I stopped to catch my breath. I hear somebody approaching me so I move to the side. "I like your puppy." some girl says softly.

"Thanks." I said breathless. "You guys seem tired." She giggled.

"Yeah this is our 3rd lap." I stand up straight so I'm towering over her. "Wow you're tall, what's your name?" "Jay or Jayden I don't really care." I move my hair out of my face. "I like it. It's cute, my name is Kayla." "It was nice to meet you Kayla but I gotta get home or my P.O might kill me." I waved.

Kayla's Pov

He has to be the cutest guy I've ever seen. I wonder if he's dating anybody. Maybe I'll see him again.

He was just *chief kiss*

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