Chapter 14

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Jayden's pov

Billie and I have gotten closer because of last week's activities. Billie and I went on a road trip together for a few days with my parents. I'm always at her house and she's always at mine. Not one day that we aren't together, except for tour and stuff, but we can make it work. I want her to move in with me but I feel like it's too early in our relationship for that.

Me and Billie are cuddling each other watching the office and she moves weirdly. "My stomach kinda hurts." She said.

"Why?" I asked. "I don't know." She holds her stomach.

"Let's wait for a bit to see if it passes." She held me tighter. "Okay." I said.

A couple minutes later Finneas busts into my room. "Am I interrupting anything?" Finneas asks with a skeptical expression.

"Nope." I cuddle into Jaydens more. "Okay good because Claudia's in the car still she was scared you were with somebody, because of the fancy car outside." Finneas said.

"Oh oops." Jayden laughs. "I told you." I rolled my eyes.

"Jayden I don't feel good." I hold my stomach in pain. "Why what did you eat?" Jayden pats my stomach.

"I don't know." I whined. "You wanna lay down or is that gonna make it worse?" Jay seems concerned it's kinda hot.

"Can you hold me?" I give him puppy eyes. "Yeah of course but I have to leave at 30 baby." He tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Why?" She asked. "Interviews and photoshoot." He frowned.

"Okay fine just hold me. And if I fall asleep wake me up and tell me you're leaving." I crawled to my spot on the bed facing the wall. "Fo sho Billie." Jayden wrapped his arm around my waist.

Jayden had this nickname for me when we were younger he called me mi amor for no reason at all. He said it in the song he made me. When he calls me that it gives me butterflies. I turned to face him. He had his eyes closed, I think he's sleeping. Our faces are 2 inches apart.

Before I know it Jayden is peppering my face in kisses until I wake up. "Wake up I'm leaving I love you." In between words he kissed me.

"Okay I'm up." I frowned. "Don't be sad my love I'll see you soon." He kissed me and I wished he didn't want him to stop.

"I know." I frowned. He grabs my face and kisses me.

"Bye bill." He opens and closes my door. I suddenly feel the urge to puke, I run to the bathroom and bend over into the toilet. I sat with my back against the bathtub when I was done. That's when I remember I ate the nastiest food at a food truck Jayden dared me to eat, their cheapest food. I would call him and tell him off but he's busy.

Jaydens pov

When I got to the interview the interviewer asked me if I was dating anyone and I obviously said no. Then they pulled up a picture of Billie in my lap and I was against the tree. "You and Billie?" The interviewer said.

"Um no we are JUST friends, nothing more than we knew each other years ago." I said. "You guys seem close." He smiled.

"Um yea she's like a sister to me." I fake laugh. "How did you guys meet?" He asked.

"Um, we went to highschool together." "Yea we know. There are pictures floating around." He laughed.

"Wait really? Can I see?" I haven't really seen any pictures of us in highschool in forever. He shows me pictures of me and Billie being very close.

"Did you guys like each other?" He pointed to the picture of Billie kissing my cheek. "Yea we dated in highschool but it didn't work out. We liked being friends better." I smiled at the thought.

"Billie tweeted 4 years ago that she met this hot boy. Was she talking about you?" He is asking some weird questions. I laugh "um maybe what other guy would she be talking about." I smirk.

The interviewer keeps asking about me and Billy's relationship and stuff. It's kinda weird why he's so curious. After the interview I went to Starbucks on my way there I got a call from Billie.

"Jayden this is all your fault." Billie whined.

"Huh what's my fault." I asked confused.

"That food messed me up. I can't stop throwing up. It's coming out of both ends." She whispered the last part.

I laugh out loud. "The food truck?" "First of all don't laugh at me, this is your problem so come over and second it was the food truck." She demanded.

"Okay here I come, Love you." I laughed a little. "Okay love you too. And when I feel better you have to give me taco bell because you made me sick." I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Deal but seriously I have to go baby." "Okay bye Jay."

I hung up the phone laughing. I don't really have to go. I'm gonna surprise her with some really good food this time. It's expensive but worth it she's gonna love it. When I order the food this lady comes up to me. She is pretty with green eyes like me and she's light skinned. "Me and my friends think you're really cute." The girl said, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Thanks I get that a lot." I smile showing off my braces. "You wanna eat with us?" She smirked.

"Naw my girlfriend wouldn't like that." I move my hair out of my face. "She doesn't have to know." She touches my arm.

"I really like my girlfriend but thanks for the offer." I move her hand. "You sure?" She looks annoyed.

"It's kinda messed up for me to cheat on my girlfriend. And I love her so that makes it worse." I'm getting angry. At the perfect time Billie facetimes me.

"Hey baby." Billie blows a kiss at me. "Hey bil. You wouldn't believe what just happened." I rolled my eyes.

"What?" She tilts her head. "Some girl was hitting on me and I told her that I have a girlfriend and she said that you didn't have to know. And then you called at the right time." I said.

"I mean I dont blame her. Was she pretty?" This is a trap. "She was alright I guess but not as pretty as you."

"Hmm alright. Come over or pick me up, is anybody at your house?" She got under her blankets. "Nope but I got a surprise for you." I said. "Really I love you." She sounds too excited. "Babe it's nothing really I'm taking you to the park. So we can have a picnic." I grinned.

"You're the best dude." She jumped out of her bed. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes I threw up a lot but I'm much better." She smiled. "You know I have a phobia of throwing up." I get nauseous thinking about it. "I know. It's cute though you remember when we were younger and you were really sick. You were crying and pouting because you couldn't stop throwing up." She smiles.

"Not funny, it's so bad it just sucks." I whined. She smiled. Finneas comes into her room.

"Zoe is here and she wants to talk about Jayden. Cause you couldn't stop talking about him." I laugh. Billie's face is all red.

"So you talk about me." I laugh. "No. Anyway I'm leaving cause your being mean."

"Whatever I'll be there in 10." I hang up the phone. Then I remembered that I didn't say I love you. 'I gotta text her.' I thought.

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