Chapter 10

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Billie’s pov
3 weeks ago I left Jayden's house. I haven't been able to sleep at night for 3 days. I guess I wasn't good enough for him. He wants to get back with me then says he doesn't want to date me.

I'm mad at him but I love him too much to actually leave him. I'll just ignore him for a week just to show him I'm pissed. Unless I'm actually not good enough for him. He said that he's not good enough for me, but he is. He doesn't decide that I do.

He's been trying to text me but I don't respond to his text. I just leave him to read. He hasn't posted on his Instagram in 3 weeks, which isn't like him at all he usually posts almost every day. And he stopped trying to call and text me. I think he's just giving me space.

I need to call him I just need to make sure he's okay, so I'll call his friend.

Ring ring ring

She picks up the phone. "Hello?" I asked.

"Billie is that you?" Ariya asked. "Yeah have you heard from Jay?" I asked.

"Yes I have, he's at my house right now. Why?" Ariya asked.
"Um just wanted to check on him."

"Why don't you just call him?" She asked "I'm mad at him..." I nervously laugh.

"Of course...oh that's why he's sad." "Wait he's sad? Why?." I get kinda sad. "I guess he misses you."

"Aw tell him I miss him also. And I Love him please." I pout.

"Yea for sure. Bye billie." She hangs up.
I love Ariya. She's so chill and she's just great in general.

3 hours later

I got a text from Jayden.

Jayden😇🥰😍: hey look I'm sorry. There isn't anything wrong with you. I just got super insecure that I wouldn't be good enough for you. Please forgive me.


It felt good to know that I wasn't the reason but it sucks because he thinks he's not good enough. I love him so much I just want him to be my boyfriend. If he doesn't ask me out I will.

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