Chapter 28

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A Lot of months later

Billies pov

I have a baby bump and Jayden kisses it in the morning and at night. He loves them. Oh did I mention that we're having twins. Apparently I have the weird genes where I'm more than likely to have twins. The babies look just alike I'm so happy. I'm getting so huge and I can barely walk.

A little to familiar🤷🏻‍♀️

Whatever I need Jayden gets it for me. Forever grateful for him. Our whole family knows about the pregnancy and are so excited for us. The whole Corona thing is under control and we can do things now. Me and Jayden take walks around the neighborhood every morning and at night, it's healthy for the babies and me. We both have lunch, second lunch and early dinner. I started craving bacon and I'm vegan. These babies are already reminding me of Jay.

I sleep from 8pm to 3pm. My schedule is messed up. I was walking to the mailbox and saw that it was stuffed. I grab all the mail and go through it. It's just a bunch of money and baby clothes, toys for the girls. I'm so grateful for my friends and family.

Jaydens pov

Billie looks even better than I thought. I never thought a pregnant woman would be so sexy. She's also so cute. I love her. Everything is moving so fast and we promised that we would get married after she gives birth. I think Billie is scared of giving birth. I don't blame her giving birth is the most painful thing a person can go through. I will be there the entire time.

Me and billie are just chilling watching a movie and all of a sudden billie grabs her stomach. "What's wrong?" I panic.

"They're kicking." She squeezes her eyes shut. I try not to laugh. I'm not laughing at her pain but how the twins do this every night.

She sighs of relief. "It just means they're a little aware." I kissed her.

"I love youuu." She takes her pants off. "Goodnight." I turned the TV down.

2 months later

Billie has been having contractions and they are intense. The first time she had them she almost cried. Billie is a tough woman and she doesn't cry but seeing her in so much pain hurts. "When's my next doctor's appointment?" Billie asked. "Um tomorrow actually." I smiled.

"Oh good it's been a while since I've been." She looked down. "Baby what's wrong." I asked.

"I'm just a bit emotional right now." She pouted. "Aw baby. What are you emotional about?" I held her. "We are going to be amazing parents." She sobbed. 'She's crazy.' I thought.

"I know we are." I laughed. She looked up at me with red teary eyes and said "I love you." She's just so adorable I love her. "I love you more."

"No you don't." She mumbled. "Huh what was that?" I asked. "The kids are gonna be calling you daddy." She smiled. "Nuh uh it's gonna be dad." I laughed.

"Only rich kids call their dads, daddy." I smiled. "Right look at the house we live in." She looked around this big house. "You're not wrong." I laughed.

"Never wrong." She bounced. The alarm for our daily walk went off. "I don't wanna gooo." Billie whined. "You always say that and enjoy it at the end." I grabbed her hands. "No I'm not going." She looks up at me with puppy eyes.

"You're going, I don't care." I smiled. "No." Tears cloud her eyes. "Dont cry." I freak out. "I can't help it. I don't wanna go." She pouted.

"Come on, I'll give you 5 cookies." I laughed. "Ooo really let's go." She stood up.

"Wait, my back hurts." She mumbled. "Come onnnn you can do it." I pulled her. "Fine I'm coming." When we get outside paparazzi come out of nowhere and take pictures of her. She said she's pregnant but nobody believed her. She covered her eyes with her hands. I feel bad because she doesn't want people to see her this huge. I take her back inside.

"I'm sorry that happened." I held her. "It's fine. But I wanna know how they got behind the gate." She mumbled into my shirt. "Yeah I'll call security and then we can go on the walk." I smiled. "Okay baby." She kisses my nose.

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