Chapter 11

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January 14, 2021
How was your day?

Billie's pov

I told myself that I'm not gonna get back with Jayden unless he shows me that he wants me. And I will stick to that decision.

Jayden's pov

Billie isn't mad at me anymore. And I'm kinda happy about it. She gave me a second chance and I'm gonna take that as a sign to ask her to be my girlfriend. I want to ask her about new years and new years in a week. It's gonna be great she's obviously gonna say yes.

I get ready for new years. Like I'm asking people if they can come over and decorate my huge house. Ariya is a part of this little plan. I'm gonna take her to my balcony during the countdown and ask her. I've been planning this for 2 months.

I get a call while I'm decorating. Billie: "Hey baby. What are you doing?"

Me: "Nothing just decorating my house for the party." I smile even though she can't see me. Billie: "And you didn't invite me?" She giggled.

Me: "I forgot to. So will you come since you know?" Billie: "I guess only if you kiss me during the whole countdown."I can hear the smirk in her voice.

Me: "Bet. But I have to go, I lo- I mean I miss you having a good day." I almost said the L word. Billie: "Bye Jay." I can hear the smile. I think she knew I was finna saying it. I hung up the phone embarrassed. I know we say I love you alot but that's different.

I do love her.

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