Chapter 19

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Billie's pov

I wake up with my head on Jaydens chest, like always and I see boxes and I hear Ariya and Jays parents and mine talking. I hear somebody knock on the door and open it slowly. I quickly squinted my eyes I can see but not really. It was Jays mom she took a picture of us sleeping. It's not creepy or anything I think it's adorable I hope she shows us the picture.

She drags a box in the room that I think said "billies stuff" in red sharpie. I feel bad because I think I should help but I'm so comfy. Jaydens warm and his heart beat is so calming. I'm so ready to move in with him, he said he's super ready because then we can actually have a kid and plan it, then get married and grow old together.

I'm really clingy and so is Jay. We are perfect for each other, I look up to him... literally. I wanna do everything he's doing I love him and I want the best for my baby. I dont like that this virus is affecting our everyday life's. Billie move I'm hot." He pushes me.

"No." I hug tighter.

"Ughh Billie." He trys to move me.

"No please." I whine.

"Fine whatever." He strokes my head.

"Yaay." I said sleepily.

I cuddled into him more and I realize that he's sweating and his breathing gets heavier. Poor baby I'm making him hot. I roll off of him feeling bad.

"Why did you move?" He asked.

"Your sweating and I felt bad." I grabbed him hand.

"Aw I love you." He sat up.

He yawns then stretches and gets out of bed.

He walks to the bathroom and I hear the shower running.

"Can I come in?" I grabbed the door handle.

"No can't you wait?" He laughed.

"No I wanna brush my teeth." I frowned when I realized the door is locked.

"I'll be out in 5 minutes." He Said.

I slowly walk back to our bed.

I lay face down on the bed. Then I hear the bathroom door open and close.

"I'm done baby." He sat next to me in a towel.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He smiled.

"Um no reason... your just hot." I confessed.

"Thanks." He stares at me.

"Yea.." I lean in to kiss him he leans in to.

"I'm hungry." I stop kissing him.

"Yeah me too." He smiled.

After I finish getting ready I walk downstairs slowly.

"Hey billie. Finally your awake." Jaydens mom hugged me.

"Yeah Jayden was so warm I couldn't get up." I blush.

"I took a picture of you two." She grabs her phone.

"I wanna see." I stand over her shoulder to look.

"Aw we look so cute." I pout.

"Yeah you do. When's the wedding?" She moved her eyebrows up and down.

"I don't know ask Jay." I laugh.

"He won't tell me." She rolls her eyes.

We laugh and talk for 5 minutes until Jayden walks down the stairs with our baby. (Our dog baby)

"Oh my god." I reach for her.

"This is our baby." I give her kisses.

"Shes so curly." My mom 2.0 says.

"Whats her name?" She pats her head.

"Ari or Aria." I smiled.

"Such a pretty name." My mom 2.0 said.

"Is it okay that I call you mom 2.0?" I asked and she laughed.

"Of course." She smiled.

I hug and her and kiss Jayden on the lips.

"Your so loving today." Jayden teased.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Love you too." He giggled.

I walk away from him to go talk to Ariya his Bestfriend. I learned that they knew each other since they were 5 years old. They didn't talk much in highschool so I just assumed that they didn't know each other before.

"Hii." I waved.

"Hey billie Bob. Good morning- or afternoon." She smiled.

"Good afternoon thanks for helping me unpack." I hugged her.

"Dude it's no problem because I didn't have anything to do today." I didn't hear the last part because her mask made her mumble.

We spent the whole day unpacking and putting my stuff where it belongs. I had an good day.

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