Chapter 20

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Jayden's pov

I got Billie a list of things today because it's valentines day! We love celebrating it because it's just an excuse to be super mushy. But today is different. I just wanna make her breakfast and dinner, then later give her this bag full of things that I know she will enjoy. "You made me breakfast?" Billie said half awake.

"Yeah." I set the breakfast next to her. "Eat when you're ready." I kissed her. "Hold me for a bit." She grabbed my shirt. "Okay one sec." I grab the TV remote and turn on the office. "We have 2 more seasons left." I said sadly. "We can just watch it again." Billie giggled. "True." I laughed. I give her the bag and she freaks out. "What is itttt." She whined.

"Open it." I smiled. She opens the bag and reveals a tiny box. She looks at me with a shocked face. She slowly opens the box to reveal a diamond ring. "It's a promise ring." I state the obvious.

Billie gasps "You promise that you're gonna marry me." Billie squeals."I promise baby... read the letter." I passed her the letter.

I love you more than you could ever know, I would die for you a billion times. This is a confession. As dark as I am, I will always find enough light to adore you to pieces.

Love, Jayden

Billie looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "I loved it." She sobs. "Aw baby." I hugged her.

I grab the ring and put it on her finger. "Next one." I grab the bag.

"Is it gonna make me cry?" Billie wipes the tears away. "I hope not." I smile.

She grabs another box. "Jayden. I haven't even looked at it and it seems expensive." She whines.

"Open itttt." I whine back. "Finnnee-" she cuts herself off.

"Woah." She grabs the necklace and opens it. "Is that us?" She shows me the picture in the necklace.

I nod. She pouts with tears clouding her eyes. "Stop crying." I kiss her nose. "I can't help it." She leans her head into my lap. I stroke her head while she crys. Happy tears of course.

"I love you." She mumbles.

"I love you too."

She sits up and pushes me onto a pillow. "We are going to cuddle right now." Billie demands. I open my arms and she lays her head under my chin. We fall asleep talking about everything that's on our minds.

Poem by: Johnny Nguyen

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