Chapter 9

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^ Jayden btw with tattoos
Confident (feat. Chance the rapper) by Justin Beiber
This is the song that Jayden wrote for Billie in this story.

Jaydens pov

Billie has been at my house for a few days and it's been great. It's like we are living together, she has also been super fun. We played board games and prank calls with my mom and dad. We also went to the mall. And totally got mobbed, a lot happened. But she's still here. I slowly open my eyes because the bright sun is blinding me. I stretch and roll over to see a beautiful Billie laying next to me. Her hair is beautifully displayed on the pillow. Her calm breathing, her arm wrapped around my stomach.

I slowly put a peice of hair behind her ear, and hold my hand at her cheek. I can stay like this forever. She makes me so happy. I wanna ask her to be my girlfriend but I'm nervous that I won't make her happy or meet her boyfriend standards. I love her. I will do everything I can. Her eyes flutter open, she cuddles into me more. And she falls back asleep. I wake up to Billie laughing at her phone. I rub my eyes because it's so bright, and look at billie.

"Oh I'm sorry did I wake you up?" She grabs my hand. "Naw it's cool I actually needed to wake up." I mumble.

I kiss her and get out of my bed and head straight for the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I changed into some clothes and walked out. "Mmm you smell good. Did you take a shower in 10 minutes?" Billie asked.

"No I didn't take a shower. I'll take one later though." I muttered. "Are you okay?" Billie looks a bit more concerned.

I nodded and walked into the kitchen, to eat something because it's like 2pm. I made myself something to eat and made billie some food. Billie limps into the kitchen after I called for her. Poor girl. Billie thanks me and eats. I cut on the tv and we watch something so stupid.

"You didn't need to make me food by the way." Billie shoves the food in her mouth. I smiled and said "Of course I did."

"This may be a weird question but I was curious about what we are." She looks down. I almost choked on my food. The one question I didn't want her to ask. She asked if I'm being targeted by the universe. "I don't know. Whatever you want it to be." I looked at her waiting for an answer.

"Oh. I really wanna be your girlfriend and I think you know that." I almost choked on my food again. I think I'm gonna stop eating for a while. "Oh bill." I frowned.

"What is too soon? I'm sorry." She looked back down. "I don't think I can be your boyfriend." I said softly.

She looked at me with anger I think and sadness. "Why not? Am I not good enough?" Her eyes start to water.

"No no that's not it. Like at all you're literally perfect. But the problem is me. I love you but I don't know if I would ever be good enough for you." My eyes start to water also. "But you are perfect for me. And I want you." A single tear drops.

"I feel like you deserve so much and I don't think I can give that to you." I wiped the tears from her face. "Then why did you agree to restart our relationship if you're just gonna reject me."

I sigh and try to think of an honest answer but can't think of anything in time. "Exactly." She stands up and opens my front door.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could get out. I really messed up. If I knew I wasn't good enough for her why would I lead her on?

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