Chapter 6

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Billies pov

Jayden said he was fine with starting over and that's what we did. We're having our first date today and I'm picking an outfit for him. I can't choose between fishnets or regular stocking. I'm picking something totally out of my comfort zone but that's okay.

After an hour of arguing with myself I picked a black skirt and a matching cropped shirt with some retros I'm never doing this again. He pulls up to my house at exactly 8pm. I run towards the door until someone stops me.

"Where are you going wearing that?" Finneas asked. "A date." I smiled like an idiot.

"With who?" He asked excitedly. "Jayden." I looked down at my shoes.

"Your ex?" He made this face that I couldn't read. "Yeah but seriously I have to go, he's outside." "Okay, have fun but not too much fun." He smirked.

"I'm 20 Finneas." I rolled my eyes. I walk out and lock the door. Then I walk up to his car door.

When I get in he just looks at me. "Woah you look different." He starts the car. "How?" I ask. "You look pretty." He took another glance at me. "So I never look pretty? And today I just got lucky" I asked, clearly joking. "That's not what I said." He sighed.

"I'm joking I always look pretty." I smiled. "Yea I know." He smiled.

20 minutes later

We get to the restaurant and he gets out of the car to open my door. And held his hand out for me to hold. "We better not get seen out here." I said.

"We probably will." He smirked. I'm holding his hand, we made it outside of the restaurant and he already had reservations so we sat in the back of the place.

"I want the vegan macaroni." We said unison. We both laughed.

His smile was so cute because he had braces. They were so attractive. We talk and eat and talk some more until he has the brilliant idea for me to go to his house. Not to sleepover but just hangout for a little bit. I wonder what he wants to do...

We make it to his house and we're hand in hand. He unlocked the door and this cute puppy ran up to him. He named her after his Best Friend... They are always together.

We sit in his room and cuddle, watch movies. We get carried away watching movies cause we watched movie after movie and that led to hours of just chilling in his room. I grab my phone and look at the time it's 3am.

"Jayden it's 3am." "You can spend the night." He mumbled into my neck.

"I have no toothbrush or clothes." I started to get nervous. "I have a toothbrush and clothes for you." He wrapped his arm around my stomach.

I blush so hard I'm probably a tomato. "Can you move so I can get out of this outfit?" "No." I can almost hear the smirk in his voice.

I push him off me and he groans. "I was comfortable." He sounded annoyed.

"Too bad." I smiled. I put a huge shirt and shorts on.

I lay down next to him. I go to Instagram and post a video of us at the restaurant on my story. Not saying it's a date. People would go crazy. Thinking we're together but we aren't yet. Nothings official sadly.

My back is against Jaydens front and his arm is around me, I could just lay like this forever. I'm so warm and comfortable. When I wake up I feel something wet against my face and I open my eyes a little to see a small dog licking my face. I would be mad but Ariya is so cute. I grab her and give her small kisses.

Jayden walks in the room looking at his phone smiling, not knowing I'm awake. He then mumbles "woah she's hot." I don't know how to react but to be jealous. He then puts his phone on the bed and goes to the bathroom. My immediate reaction is to grab his phone and that's what I do. I unlock his phone and go see what he was looking at and it's a picture of...

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