Chapter 29

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Jayden's pov

I woke up this morning feeling like something was off. I spent my whole morning checking on my whole family and friends. I asked Billie if the baby has been kicking and everything seemed fine. Maybe it's just my imagination...

I try to take my mind off of it and go into the family room to play my games when I hear. "Fuck! Jayden come here please.

My initial thought was that she fell or her water broke. She is nearing her due date so it wasn't so far off. I run upstairs to check on my girl and she's sitting on the floor painting her nails.

"Hi." She said. "Why did you call me?" I asked out of breath and concerned. "I missed you. And I might have spilt something on the floor." She pushed put her lips for a kiss but this kinda aggravated me. "So you're not hurt or dying?" I curvered her kiss with a question. "No... I mean she's kicking really bad so it kinda hurts." She rubbed her swolen belly. I sighed and attempted to walk away. As I make my way to the stairs Billie calls me again. Sigh.

"Jayden, come here please." I hear Billie say. I turn around and walk towards her.

"Yes baby?" I'm totally out of it. "Well I wanted to say I love you." She smiled. "I love you more." I smiled. Billie groans and closes her eyes shut. "When was the last one?" I asked.

"7 minutes ago." She groans. "Um Billie, you were supposed to tell me when it got to 8 minutes." I open the door all the way. "I know but I wasn't done doing my hair." She showed off her bouncy curled hair. "Very pretty but we should go to the doctor." I said.

Billie groans again. "You okay?" I asked taking a step closer to her. "Yeah." She exhales.

"Come on, I gotta take you." I said. "No, I'm not ready yet." Billie looked up at me with teary eyes.

"Baby I know you're not ready, you have a few more months. Let's go get checked out and we will be back home in 3 hours." I kissed her nose for reassurance. "You sure?" She asked on the verge of tears.

"Yes baby." Another contraction happens. She grabs onto me and cries.

"Come on get up." I reach my hand out. "Okay." I can see the pain in her eyes. We drove to the hospital. I know I promised that she isn't giving birth right now but it's the only way she's gonna go. "Um baby." I see panic in her eyes. "Wha-." I look at her lap and it's all wet.

"I-I think my water broke." She sobs. "It's okay we're almost there." I grab her hand. "How aren't you panicking?" She asked with tears streaming down her face.

"I don't know, I feel like I've done this before." I smiled. "I'm scared." She mumbled.

"Don't be. It's only the worst pain a person can go through." I said. Her face dropped. "Why would you say that?" She eyed me down. I laughed nervously, "I was just kidding."

Billie stayed silent and laid her head on my resting arm. "Will you be with me the entire time?" She gave me puppy eyes. "Of course every second." I smiled.

"Oh my god!" She groaned. She holds her stomach tightly. I hear her sobbing quietly. "You okay?" I take my eyes off the road for a second. I swear for only a second. "Yea-" Billie was cut off.

I look at her panicked eyes. I looked ahead at what she was looking at. A giant animal was in the road.

We hit it. No, we slammed into it. Full speed going 65mph. The car flips over. I am in pain and can't move. I take all of my energy and look to my right to make sure Billie's okay. Her eyes are closed and she's crying. I couldn't speak or move but I can see. "Oh my god baby are you okay?" She asked after a while.

I tried to say something but I felt something inside of me. I'm injured badly. I was impaled by something sharp. I groan in pain and I start to feel tired. Almost like I took a ton of melatonin. I hear Billie's faint screams. I don't know why it's so faint she's right next to me. I close my eyes cause I'm so tired.

"No, no baby, don't sleep, it's okay." She repeated 3 times. "The ambulance is coming now, just wait." Her voice faded. I close my eyes and drift to sleep in so much pain.

Billie's pov

I can hear the sirens behind my loud sobs. The twins aren't moving anymore. When we first hit the cow they were moving like crazy.

I look in Jaydens direction and he's asleep.

"Jayden?" I shake him.

He isn't moving.

My baby isn't moving. I don't think he's even breathing. I looked down and he was impaled with a metal piece that went through him. "Wake up don't die on me. We need you." I panic. "Are you okay, miss?" The paramedics asked while they tried to get Jayden out of the car. "I'm fine but I don't think my babies are." I sobbed.

"Jayden isn't waking up." I sobbed louder. "Please make him wake up." I get light headed worried about him but im bleeding out. "We will do whatever we can." The lady said sympathetically. I get pulled out and into the back of the ambulance. I'm getting an ultrasound right now and there's no heartbeat from either of the girls. "Your Fiance is going straight to surgery." The lady held my hand. "Are you getting a heartbeat?" I asked but she ignores me.

"What if he dies?" I hold my stomach. "If he does just know he's a fighter. But I'll try to make sure he doesn't." She looked around. I start crying. I want Jayden with me right now. I can't lose him, we're getting married soon, and we're gonna have beautiful baby girls. He better be okay. When I get there I see Jayden on the stretcher with a tube down his throat.

I can't believe this is happening. I can't take it anymore. It's killing me. I don't wanna see him like this. What am I gonna do without him? "Your babies are coming now." The doctor said.

"No, I have to wait for Jayden. He said he'll be here." I sobbed. "He's still in surgery." She said, "Okay I can do this." I take a deep breath. It took hours for me to push those babies out. It hurt so bad and all I could think about was Jay. When I wake up I see 2 doctors talking. "He's not gonna make it." The doctor whispered. "What why?" Another asked.

"I mean have you looked at his injuries? He literally has a pole in his stomach. It impaled him. He's gonna have to poop in a bag. If he ever survives which is rare." The doctor whispered. I try so hard not to cry. I don't care if he has to poop in a bag. I want him with me.

"She's awake." The doctor ran to my side. "I'm sorry for your loss." The doctor looked at her shoes. "Wait what happened to Jayden...?" I can't breathe. "No no I mean your twins... they didn't make it." She wiped tears from her eyes. Words can't describe how it makes me feel. I have no kids and my baby is probably gonna die. I have no tears left to cry anymore. "What about Jayden?" I asked.

"He isn't looking so good." She said honestly. "Oh." I don't know how to take news like that. The love of my life is dying. A surgeon walks into my room. "I'm so sorry to miss your Fiance...didn't make it." He said. "You're joking." I feel faint. "I'm sorry." He said again.

I start crying non stop. I can't take it. "Can.. I see him?" I asked. "Yeah you can. The doctors are pulling the tubes out now." He said sadly.

"I didn't want to know that." I miss him already. This isn't fair, it could have been anyone else. I can't possibly live without him. I get pushed in the wheelchair towards his room. I see his lifeless body laying there. He looks sad and helpless. My baby is dead.

He's dead.

He was fine 7 hours ago. His hand twitched.

"His hand moved!" I grab his hand. "That happens when sombeody dies recently." The doctor said sadly. "Oh." I hold his hand to my cheek. "I love you." I whispered. "The love I have for you will always be here when I see you again... In another life my love."

I swear I feel like he said it back.

I have nobody.

Nobody else is gonna love me like he loved me. It hurts to know that but it's the truth. Will I ever feel true love again?

He was my everything.

He is my everything.

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