Chapter 16

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Jayden's pov

I wake up with the strange feeling that something is wrong. This feeling started when Bill came over 3 days ago and ever since then I haven't been able to put my finger on it. Maybe she isn't telling me something. Either way I want her to tell me. "Billie, is there something you're hiding from me?" I look in her wide eyes.

"No." She looks away from me. "Just tell me I won't be mad." I reach for her hand.

"I know you won't but I'm not sure I wanna tell you yet." She mumbled. "Okay that's fair." I lay down on my bed and play with my phone.

"Get off your phone let's go out somewhere." Billie pushes my phone away. "Okay where do you wanna hangout?" I ask.

"The movie theater there's a new horror movie." She gave me puppy eyes. "Okay when does the movie start?" I sit up.

"In 30 minutes." Billie smiles. "Okay imma get ready." I left the room.

We get into my car and start to drive. Billie started to take pictures of me and her in the car and posted them I think. I look at her when there's a red light.

"What are you doing?" I smile. "Recording my baby." She puts the phone down.

"Lemme see." I reach for her phone. "No they're mine." She puts her phone under her thighs.

I smile and put my hands on the wheel. "Wait give me your hand." She steals my hand. She puts my hand on her thigh. She puts her hand on top of my hand. We walk to the theater hand in hand talking. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Billie asked, which made me choke.

"Um no?" I asked. "Why?" She looked at me innocently.

"I'm not into guys." I shrugged. "Hmm.." She moved the hair out of her face. "What?" I squeezed her hand. She looks up at me smiling.

"I love you." Billie smiled.

"I love you too." I smiled back.

We're next in line so I let go of her hand. After I get the tickets billie pulls on my arm. "Let's take a picture." Billie pulls out her phone. I do the ✌🏽😚 pose. I don't know why it's just something I do when I feel awkward. I hate pictures. "You look adorable." Billie pouts. "Yea whatever let's go." I pull her arm. I get a notification from Instagram saying Billie eilish posted a picture

Billie eilish tagged you.

Then my phone starts to blow up. I looked at Billie annoyed and she started laughing. "This isn't funny, why did you tag me?" I asked playfully. "Because I love you." She shrugged. "That doesn't answer my question." I rolled my eyes playfully. Billie walks in front of me so I take this opportunity to push her towards the theater. She blushes and keeps walking, and doesn't say anything. We find our seats and eat the Candy before the movie even starts.

Time skip after the movie

When we get out of the theater Billie grabs my hand and stops walking. "Are you okay?" I hold her. "Yea just really dizzy." She continues walking. "You sure because I can carry you." I grab her waist. "I'm sure and I don't want people to see that." She laughs.

When she opens the door she collapses to the ground. I immediately run to her side and check her pulse. I grab my phone to call 911. I start to panic when they say that they won't be here until 20 minutes cause we are so far. I've watched enough Grey's anatomy to know that she fainted. Her pulse is steady and her breathing is even. She slowly opens her eyes and tries to get up.

"No dont get up baby. Be still, you definitely hit your head." I rubbed her head. 25 minutes later the paramedics aren't here so I pick Billie up in bridal style and carry her into my car and drive to the hospital. I go slow but fast. Billie groans in pain and holds her stomach. We make it to the hospital and I carry her inside.

Billie's pov

I wake up in a room and I can't move. Almost like I have sleep paralysis. Until I have the ability to slightly move my head to look around the room. I see Jayden biting his nails, his face covered in panic. I don't even know where I am, I can't make out what I'm looking at. I think I see a chair with my mother and Jayden's mom. Jayden is definitely panicking. I don't know what happened. He lays his head on my chest and rests there. I reach to touch his hair and he jumps. "You're awake?" He kissed me. I nod unable to speak. "You're in the hospital. If you couldn't tell." He brushed hair out of my face.

"You fainted...and your doctor said that you're pregnant... well had a miscarriage." He frowned. My eyes grew with panic instantly. "I did?" I sat up. "Yeah?" He played with his hair. "I was gonna tell you but not right now." Tears welled up in my eyes. "You could have told me sooner. You were 2 months pregnant." He held my hand. "I know I should have but even though I know you wouldn't be mad or anything it's just I didn't want to keep it." I looked down. "What do you mean?" He squeezed my hand. "I wanted to get an abortion." My eyes got all teary. "That's fine but you still should've told me." He held me. "I'm sorry." I said disappointed.

"No don't be. It's a scary thing to talk about. Your good." He smiled at me reassuringly. He put his hand on my cheek and I leaned into it. I was discharged from the hospital 2 hours later and I have been at Jayden's house.

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