Extra Chapter 31

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Billie's pov

It was dark for awhile... I heard his voice.

He was near me I just had to keep walking.

Is this real...?

"Billie?" I heard his voice echo.

"Jayden?" I looked around frantically in this dark abise.

"I saw you jump." He whispered.

"I wanted to see you." I followed his voice.

"I wanted you to continue your life." He said sadly.

"Not without you. We were supposed to get married and raise kids together." I started running.

There's water on the floor it's not deep but it's getting my feet wet.

"When you get to me... your gonna look the way you died.." He said.

"Wait really? Whyy?!?" I stop In my tracks.

"Its the rules." He mumbled.

"How can I hear you if I can't see you?" I asked.

"I chose to be you guardian when you were alive. So you could be safe. When you die your supposed to hear me here." I hear the sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry." I wisper.

"It's not your fault my love." He said.

I saw a really bright light that I was gravitating to.

"Whats happening?" I try to fight it.

"Just let it happen baby." He said.

"Okay." I trust him enough to give up my body to this bright light.

I get sucked into the light. So that's what people meant when they said "don't go into the light." I'm going into it right now to see Jay and the twins. We get to live like this forever.

I watched as my whole life pasted. From being born in the hospital to jumping off the roof. It made me sad. I saw Jaydens ghost crying when he watched as I jumped.

He couldn't help me.

I see Jayden and... 3 babies waiting for me at the end.

I was having twins not triplets.

"I know your wondering why there's another baby... I'm wondering the same thing." He laughed.

"I missed you sooo much." I sobbed.

He looks awful. There's a hole in his stomach and his leg is broken, Poor baby.

"Don't make that face." He smiled.

"I can't help it, you look awful." I'm going to cry.

"You don't look any better." He laughed.

"Wait I don't?" I asked.

"No baby you have blood all over." He pushed the hair that was I my face.

"I missed you." I sobbed into his shoulder.

"I missed you more." He held me tightly.

"Not true I killed myself for you." I looked up at him.

"Your so precious." He kissed my forehead.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"This is where we ghost. We can watch people we love here. We can do it anytime and that's our house." He pointed to our beautiful home.

"We can go home?" I asked.

"Yeah and we can add people so it won't be so lonely." He smiled.

"I like it here better." I smiled.

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