The Bad Ending

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Billie's pov

It's been a week since Jayden died and I don't know how to cope. I've been laying on our bed for days and I haven't showered since I came from the hospital. It smells like him. I was left with nothing, the twins, and my baby Jay. I need him and I miss him more than ever now that I know that I'll never see him again. It hurts so much.

Our wedding is tomorrow and I wanna go to it. I think if I pretend I'll feel better. I wanna get all dressed up and feel pretty. I wanna hear him say how pretty I am, and how he wants to spend our lives together. The twins would have been here and we all would've spent time together as a family.

I really miss him so much. I want his hugs and kisses, along with his amazing cuddles. It makes me so fucking angry that those people let their animal roam the streets. I sued them and got damn their house. They killed my Fiancé and I will do anything in my power to make them suffer the rest of their miserable lives. I gotta go to court again to continue this but so far I'm winning.

Anyway I have my beautiful dress in my guest room along with my accessories for the wedding. I would have been so pretty and I really wish Jayden was here to see it. I love him and I know he still loves me. I wonder if he's watching me.

The next day

My family and friends, Jayden's family came to the house to help me prep for my fake wedding. I miss him so much more everyday, but I have support from all around the world. His fans and mine are here to love me. Anyway I have makeup and necklaces on. I love him..

This is so hard I don't wanna be here without him. He was my everything. On the way to the reception I decided to tell then to go to the cemetery instead. I wanna go there first.

"Now! I'm not asking you I'm fucking telling you." I yelled at the limo driver. He turned around and Started driving to the cemetery. My mom told me too calm down and it only made me angrier. My friends held me as I pouted. When we got there I told them to stay there.

My dress is right above my knees and it's pretty. I feel pretty but sad. I give the flowers I was supposed to give the flower girls to, and give it to Jayden. "I don't know if you can hear me or not but I just wanna get this off my chest. I can't cope with you gone. You are the glue to my sanity and I just wanna hear your beautiful voice. I wish the twins would have been here with me." I said and a few tears slipped onto his tombstone. "I love you so much. I will visit you all the time. I promise baby." I sobbed.

I sat there crying my eyes out. A heard somebody coming up to me and I turn around to fine Jayden's mom with a sympathetic look. "I know your hurting but you'll never get married if your not at the wedding." She smiled but she had tears in her eyes. "I know." I wiped my tears away and wiped off my butt. She held me and we walked to the limo. "Let's get going." I hate the pity looks I get constantly. I feel Jayden's presence. I never feel that but I feel it now. I feel terrible like it was my fault.

I just wish I could have married him for real. The kiss and the twins with my mom and his mom. He suffered and died on me. Because I went into labor. There are alot of things to blame. I looked so pretty that day and I felt so special. We get to the wedding reception and I see a ton of people but they don't see me. I go to the bathroom to fix my makeup. I see Aria come out of the bathroom with puffy eyes but she still looked pretty. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine it's your wedding."

"It's not a wedding without Jayden. What's wrong?" I asked. "I just miss him. I've known him since we were kids and now he's dead. Like seriously dead." She mumbled. "I know but I feel like he's here. It's weird I know but he's laughing at you." I held her. "Thanks that actually helped." She held me back. The speaker on the intercom said "Billie we are ready for you."

I ran out of the bathroom and took some flowers out of a pot and held them. Now that I think about it this is stupid. He's not here and I look delusional. My dad was with me holding me so tight. Some people were crying and I looked so sad.

We make it to the stand where there was a cardboard cutout of Jayden and it was his exact hight. So this was the suprise. "Oh my god." I said under my breath I touched the board but flinched. My breathing was getting erratic and I started panicking. This is so sad. He's dead what am I doing here!? "It's okay." Aria grabbed my hand. The pastor was saying his usual thing and then he said "Will you promise to visit him?" That's different.

"Of course."

"Will you always watch her? And keep her safe?" He asked the cutout. I swear he said something. I swear. I promise.

"Let's hope he said yes." He laughed. "You may kiss your husband." I like this a little bit better. I stand on my tippy toes and gave the cutout a little kiss. "Congratulations you guys are officially married!" Everybody started clapping and I started sobbing. I can't this is insane. Where is my baby at? Why isn't he here to hold me and be my husband?

All these thoughts rushed to my head and I looked out in the crowd and spot somebody familiar..

It was Jayden!

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