Chapter 25

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Billies pov

I can't even process what happened last week. If I'm being completely honest I didn't think Jayden wanted to propose to me at first. It took him so long to even consider it. But I'm happy he changed his decision. He better have changed it because I would change it for him. I'm wifey material.

Today is the day we tell our families and friends that we are getting married. I don't want to, I just want them to know, we don't want the attention. He told his Bestfriend but that's it.

Jayden is calling his mom right now.

"Can you get leia also?" Jayden asked. "Yeah what did you do?" His mom smiled.

"Wait till Leia gets here." He brushed her off. "She's here." His mom shifted the phone to face his amazing sister.

"Okay well me and Bill are engaged." He nervously laughed. His mom and sister squeals.

"Geez." He looked at me. "Your turn." He smiled evilly.

"No way you tell them." I shook my head no. "Your parents." He rolled his eyes. "Our parents now." I kissed his neck. "When did this happen?" His mom wiped tears from her eyes.

"5 days ago." He smiled. "And you're just telling us? That's mean." Leia faked crying. "Sorry." He laughed. "We gotta go but I love you guys." He hugged them.

It broke my heart because he does love them and is always worried about their safety. His mom was diagnosed with curable cancer last year and she doesn't seem to look good. And if she dies he would get full custody over his sister. The cancer is spreading and that was unexpected because it's supposed to be curable and if it spreads to the brain not much can be done. Before this quarantine he visited her on the weekends and sometimes on Wednesdays. It would be totally devastating if she died. I don't know what he would do. I've never lost a parent before so I wouldn't know what to say.

"Hello earth to my Billie." Jayden waved his hand in my face. "Oh sorry." I turned my phone on. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. "Yeah I'm fine." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"You sure because you seem weird today." He played with my hair. "I'm a good baby." I kissed him. "If anything is wrong you'll talk to me? Right?" He pulled me closer. "Yes of course." I gave him puppy eyes. "Cutie." He messed up my hair.

I love him and I feel bad because what if I pressured him into proposing to me? He does love me so if I'm happy he's happy. He seems happy with me and he wouldn't do anything he doesn't want to so no need to over think. I tend to overthink when really good things happen. I totally forgot I might be pregnant. I gotta go to the store and get a pregnancy test. When I go up to the counter to pay a bunch of paparazzi comes out of nowhere.

"Are you pregnant?" "Are you cheating on Jayden?" "Are the rumors true?" Questions flooded as I got surrounded. I totally forgot I'm famous and I came into the store carelessly. I can't even see the cameras flashing in my eyes. "This is it." I passed the 2 boxes to the cashier.

"Sorry you have to go through that." The lady said. "It's fine it was my fault I totally forgot who I am." I nervously laughed.

"I get that." She laughed. I ran to my car and drove home. "Babe you won't believe what happened." I locked the door behind me. "What happened?" He turned his attention towards me.

I told him everything that happened and his reaction was funny. "Really that happened?" He asked. "Yes and I'm gonna take the test now." I got up. "You gonna show me?" He asked. "Nope, it's gonna be a surprise." I smiled.

"Ookayy." He blew a kiss at me. "Wow my fiance is so hot." He simped under his breath. "I can hear you." I blushed. "No you can't." He blushed. I walked away and into the bathroom. I peed on the stick and waited.

It came back...........

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