Chapter 3

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Time skip 7 months later

Jayden's Pov

I got invited to this stupid party that I didn't even wanna go to because my friend thinks I'm lonely and sad. I'm not, I just can't find anybody better. These other bitches ain't got good pussy on em like my ex.

When I get done getting ready I go into my car and start driving to the house. Once I get there it smells like straight up shit and I even see some fine ass females. As soon as I walk in my friends drag me into this room without saying hi so I'm kinda freaking out. They throw me onto the bed and tell me that my ex is here and I don't mind it because I haven't had any messy breakups recently so I'm not worried.

Then he says it's Billie now that changes everything. She's my first love. I loved her and don't anymore so it shouldn't be that bad.


I head to the kitchen and get something to drink and I turn my head to see that familiar blue hair. And she turns around and it confirms my suspension is Billie. Her face has a shocked expression and it's kinda funny to see her look like trash. She starts to walk towards me and I freak out and run away. I hide in a room that's super small and I sit on the bed to collect my thoughts.

Billie opens the door slowly and peeks her head in. "Why do you run so fast?" She asked between pants. "I was trying to get away from you." I said bluntly. "But I wanted to tell you something please." She said weakly I almost caved in.

"No I don't care I forgot you existed for a year." I said. "I- it's important I'll make it fast." Her voice cracked. "Stop crying, people will think I hurt you or something."

"Make it fast." I said sitting back on the bed. "Well I first wanted to say that I'm really sorry I cheated on you and being inconsiderate about your feelings."

"You're speaking too fast, I can't understand you." I said clearly, getting annoyed. "Sorry I'll speak slower." She said looking at her shoes. "I was in a relationship where he cheated on me and I didn't realize how you felt. I'm sorry." She got all teary.

"It's fine I just wish you could drop it." I rolled my eyes annoyed. "O-Oh I'm just sorry I feel like I haven't said it enough." She looked at her shoes.

"Yeah I get it..." I get a notification on my phone. "I miss you." She sat next to me.

"I can tell." I sighed. "Do you... miss me?" She asked.

"I mean I guess but what happened has made me realize how awful you are. You were in another relationship and I didn't know about it." I said. Her bottom lip quivered and she broke down crying.

I messed up. 2 wrongs don't make a right. I take 2 fingers and put them under her chin and turn her towards me. "I'm horny as fuck right now and need some pussy." I said low while looking at her lips. I know she'll fold. "Jayden." She said just as low. I raised my eyebrow waiting for a response. She leans in and kisses me. As we kiss it gets more sloppy. She opens her legs a little and I take that opportunity to put my hand between them. I take a whole handful of coochie and she moans into my mouth. I push her onto the bed and take her pants off. "Will you forgive me if we do this?" She asked. "Yeah." No I'm not. She smiles and puts her knees to her chest and watches as I put a rubber on.

"Jayden! Slow down." She yelled in between moans. I pretended to not hear her whiny ass and kept drilling her.

"Do you forgive me?" She asked while tracing my tattoos. "Sure." I said and got up to put my pants on. "Where are you going?" She asked. "The party." I said. "Wait let me come with you." She said and sat up. "Naw I don't wanna get caught with you." "Why not." She frowned. "That shits embarrassing. I'm single now I don't need no female on my dick all the time." I said and left the room. All she could get out was "Oh." I used her, I know but do I give a fuck? No.

Billie's Pov

Jayden left me in the dark after he promised to forgive me. Why? I was just trying to be nice, why do guys do this to me? I know I cheated but I never used him. I can't help myself but cry. I sobbed and sobbed until he came barging into the room. "I left my-" He stopped and realized I'm crying. "You used me." I said in between sobs. "I don't know what you expected." He said and grabbed his phone from beside me. "Fuck you." I said and grabbed my clothes to get out. "You are just like every guy." I said and ran out of the room. My vision blurry and my heart aching. Thus past year all I did was cry. "Come on Billie stop being a bitch." He said and got in front of me. "Move you were right when you said nobody was ever gonna love me, and just use me. Because you are everybody." I said and pushed him. "Do you know what I've been through? I made one mistake and now everything is over for me." I said. He just hugged me. Finneas doesn't look at me the same neither do my parents.  This was needed. I desperately needed a hug from Jayden. He started to pull away but I hold him tighter. Make this last forever. "I love you." I said and started to cry again. "I'm so sorry." I hold in his scent. He holds me tighter and lifts me up. Now he's holding me like a baby. "Where are you taking me?" I asked quietly. "My house." He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled to myself but if he tries to get in my pants again I'm gonna cry.

Once we get to his house he lays me in the bed and shortly gets in after me. He lays down and pulls me into his chest and all I could do is cry. I was so scared I would never be able to do this again. I missed him so much. "Billie..." He said sympatheticly. "I so so so sorry." I held he closer. "I wasn't thinking. I need you and I won't ever do it again. I love you JJ." "Shh I know. I love you too Billie. Life's been miserable without you here by me. I love you more than you'll ever know." "Everything I said wasn't true. You will always be in my heart." He said quietly while combing his fingers through my hair. "I wanna start over with you so bad. I want you to trust me again." I said and looked at him with puppy eyes. "I want you to be my home again." I said and he kissed me. He kissed me and it felt amazing.

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