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Scarlett's POV

"Yeah!you guys were great " Jacob gave high five to Ethan and Ethan smirked.

So the day was great. Ethan and I decided to bring our friends together for hangout on beach.We played Volleyball and that was quite a match.

His friends were great. Jackson is his best bud. He is nice, got that goofy dimple smile. He was so hitting on Linda and Linda was enjoying the attention.Linda being Linda. Although, He first went for Kara but when he saw her with Ben, he didn't make a move. Noice!

Then there was Jace, who was probably busy in game and busy in minding his own business. And then was Jenna and her friend. They both were constantly staring at us, as if she has seen a ghost or something. But she was quite a show like faking a fall down.

But, it was nice having other people around otherwise my friends would bury me into boredom.

My phone rang. I took it out from my pocket and checked it was dad calling.
I sighed.

"Wait I'll just come" I told them and checked my phone.I went other way toward shore, there wasn't much of crowd.

"Hey...Dad. " I rocked back and forth.

" WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU SCARLETT? DIDN'T YOU CARED TO LET US KNOW BEFORE YOU WANDER? " Dad yelled. I shut my eyes and clenched my fist.

"Oh so you finally noticed that I was gone!"I rolled my eyes. "And why you have to yell all the time?" I ran my hands through my hair and paced back and forth. I heard mom Interrupting Dad to soften his tone.

He didn't utter a word.

"Before leaving,I left a note on refrigerator. I know you don't care but mom does. All you care is to yell,Dad.I needed some time alone. I came with my friends. You can shout when I am back." I sighed. "And tell mom no need to worry, I am fine.I'll be home soon."

"You better be." Dad snarled and end the call.

I ran my hands through my hair.
He does that every time. Why he is like this? Why he has to be like this? Am I that hateable?

Tears started forming in my eyes. Why they have to come first.I wiped those stupid tears. I shifted my attention towards the beautiful setting sun.

"Everyone is going back.. They're all just tired—"

I wiped my tears and turned around. Ethan's concerned eyes met my miserable ones.

"Hey... You okay? " He hold my arms. There was some weird comfort,a genuineness in his touch.

"Yeah..I am okay." I managed to smile,that wasn't full. I turned toward the sun, avoiding his eyes.His eyes were still on me,worried.

"Come on, let's sit here." He said, knowing that I don't want to leave now.

We both sat down, I hugged my knees. He sat back,resting. The silence was not deafening, it was comforting. My mind was a mess. I was a mess.

"Did you ever feel like not being enough?" I didn't realized that I asked him.

He took few seconds before replying. "Yeah " He nodded. "Do you?" He turned his head towards me.

"Yeah.. " I chuckled nervously. "Every damn time." I took some sand in my hands, slowing letting it go from my fist.

"But I got used to live up with this fact." He continued. " I accept the fact that I can't be perfect or the person someone else wants me to be. I am just me."

I nodded.
"I—I try to ignore those thoughts."I continued.
My mind was feeling like,I don't know, why I was letting those words out which never left my mind.

"I feel like I am not enough for my family, my friends, my life." I released the breathe I didn't knew I was holding.

"I don't know... I am like a person who keep avoiding things—pretending everything is fine, until it will affect me badly.But—you know, sometimes there comes a time when you can't avoid certain stuff people says about you and in return you end up hurting people who are there to help you..But then—they tell you to avoid those things people says." I chuckled nervously. "And then—you're stuck in the circle of that shit." I shook my head.

"It's not always easy to pretend that things will be okay everytime.Life is a mess."He said. " Whenever I feel something like, I am not enough, I stop thinking about that. And why do we have to think about being enough or not for someone else. Who the fuck cares?" He rolled his eyes. "Scarlett, it's better to avoid those thought of being enough or not. Trust me,I know how it feels likes when things cross their limits. So, it's okay to let out those words. Everyone has a limit to let in. Don't make it hard on yourself."

"I don't know, I—" I sighed.that's all I managed to say. But it feels better to tell someone else that how void you feel sometimes. I took a deep breath.

We sat in silence. The only sound around us was of the waves. It does have a calming sound. I glanced at Ethan who was in his own thoughts. I closed my eyes and let the gentle breeze touch my face.

I started humming 'Just you and I'.. I don't know how this song came up in my mind but it just did.

"I know
I can tell you anything" He started singing the song with my humming. We both smile and that wasn't a weak smile.

"You won't judge..
You're just listening, yeah
'Cause you're the best thing that ever happened to me" He continued.

"Cause my darling, you and I" I joined him.
"Could take over the world
One step at a time
Just you and I (Just you and I)
Cause you're the only one
Who brings light just like the sun
One step at a time
Just you and I,Just you and I, just you and I."

He looked at me, I caught his eyes wandering between my eyes and my lips,in same way,my eyes wandered on his. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. He start kissing me back. His lips were soft, gentle.He hold my waist,I put my hand around his shoulder. The kiss Deepened with the intimacy.

His presence was something different, something good, something calm.


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