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Scarlett's POV.

So the days passed by real quick, and here I am with Jackson in school library, researching for project assigned to us.All this heavy textbooks are making me all exhausted. I am fond of readings but textbooks are exceptions. Never I had to worry about my projects before and now I am sure, I have to think about this idiot's too. He was busy going through pages.

I rested my head in my hands.

"Did you find any topic?" I sighed and hopefully looked at him.

"I think... " He turned few more pages and tapped on a heading.

I leaned forward to see it. He rotate the book in my direction and grinned.

"This? " My eyes widen.

"Yes. This. " He grinned and leaned back on his chair.

"Dude! I have no freaking Idea about Radiation !" I snapped and tucked my hair back of my ear.

"I do! And plus I have some reference books at my home." He said as stating the most common fact.

This guy? Has books on physics?

"You. Know physics?" I raised an eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes."Yes, Sweetheart."

"Great! It's look like I am the only one unprepared here. So,I am gonna need this. "I pulled the book and closed it.

"Cool! I'll text you my address. We'll checkout some books at home. This Saturday sounds good." He said and got up from his seat.

"Saturday it is."

"And one more thing." He looked around. "This.stays between us." He said gesturing all this books.

"What? That we got a nerdy boy here? " I leaned back and a playful smile came across my face.

"Whatever."He rolled his eyes and left. I shook my head and smiled to myself. This guy is seriously insane.


Ethan's POV.

"So you have some rare collection of music, Impressive." Katherine said going through wooden shelf in front of my bed. It has some games collection, movies, music and some books as well.

I met her in a restaurant this noon and no ones gonna be home for few hours. So,I brought her here.

I sat back on the edge of my bed.
"Yeah" I smirked.

She turned around and checked me out and I did the same. She was wearing a peach colour mid thigh dress,perfectly showcasing her figure.She walked towards me and leaned down and pressed her lips against mine. I kissed her back.She sat on my lap.As the kiss deepened,she wrapped my hands around her waist. I lay on the bed. She started kissing my neck and unbuttoned my shirt.


Something wasn't feeling right in my head.Something was—, I don't know,My body was here but my mind wasn't. I try to feel her, the presence of girl in my arm right now. But,my mind keep going back in the woods, that lake,Scarlett.
Our very first kiss on that beach and all other moments with her.

"Stop!" I stopped Katie or whatever her name is. I got her off.

"Hey.. What happened? " She looked at me.

"Nothing! J—Just leave." I got up and avoided making any eye contact with her. I dropped my head in my hands.

"Just GO! I am sorry! OK!GO!" I yelled when she didn't listened.

"Fuck off " She hurried and stormed out of room.

I sighed heavily.

After all this time, all this year. Why can't I erase her from my mind. It wasn't meant to be like this. I wasn't meant to be like this, she was not even my girlfriend. Then why?

I need some fresh air. I took my keys and went out for a drive. It was about to get dark outside.


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