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Scarlett's POV

"Chug! Chug ! Chug!.." people cheering us.

"Done" I smirked as I chugged my last drink.

" Fuck you, I lost by just few seconds " Jacob shook his head.

"You were competing with the champion, Jacob" Linda patted on his shoulder.

I burst into laughter.

"Try your luck next time" I said booping his nose and made my way to kitchen.

Kara was there with a guy.

They were busy in talking. He's cute,dark brown hair wearing glasses. He looks nerdy, but the way he smirks tells he's not.

"Karaaa" I put my arm around her shoulder.

"Where were you? I was missing you.babe." I batted my eyelashes and pouted to kiss her.

She instantly put her palm on my lips.

"Um...Never mind, she's my best friend who is drunk."she said to that guy.

"Tipsy " I corrected.

He chuckled and fixes the frame of his glasses.

"Scarlett"I brought my hand forward for handshake.


" Are you Jacob's cousin Ben?" I asked.

"Umm..Yes "

"Then come join us ." I said and we walked toward living room.

"hey! Ben.."Jacob got up from couch "he's my cousin." and introduced Ben to everyone.

"Hey guys.."

He fist bumped others and sat next to Kara.

" Hey, what I was thinking... let's do something this vacation.." Linda exclaimed.

"Oh yes. My Uncle has beach house. We can go there." Jacob said.

"Yeah...we should go." I turned my head to Kara.

"So when are we leaving? how long we are going to stay there?"

"There are other places as well to travel, it will take two weeks plus,it's not that far from here, I mean 4-5 hours Road trip."Jacob said sipping his drink.

"Okay, I am in."Kara grinned.

"Cool,Ben you should come too" Linda added.

Kara blushed.
I smiled.

"Okay" He glanced at Kara and smiled.

"So, it's final guys. To upcoming trip" Jacob excitedly brought his beer bottle forward for cheers we all did the same.


Everyone was leaving for dance floor. I wanted to pee, I made my way to washroom of guest room, other rooms were filled with people making out.

I did my business.
I was about to unlock the door. I heard giggles.

" Did you see Scarlett? She's such a attention whore." Someone said.

I stepped forward to hear properly.

"Yeah..and don't get me started with Kara."

"Such a pathetic bitch of Scarlett."

"Her friendship for Kara is bad news."

They chuckled.

That's it.

I clenched my fist.

"Yeah Scarlett is just good for nothing but-"

"Any problem girls" I folded my arms.

the color drained from their faces.

"Um- Scarlett, you're we didn't knew you were here."one of them said.

"Yeah..umm..We should..probably go" other one pulled the arm of her friend and turned around.

"You didn't finished your sentence honey."


They turned around. They exchanged looks with each other.

I raised an eyebrow.

"I said you didn't finished your fucking sentence."

"Hey girls " Linda entered."everything alright? "

I couldn't shift my eyes from them.
Their words were echoing in my mind.

Their hesitation providing me the upper hand, call it 'drunk as hell' trait or whatever, I kind of enjoying it.

"Scarlett?"Linda shook my arm."come on let's go."

I stepped backward and ran my hands through my hair.

"Don't you ever mess with me or Kara."I glared them and stormed out of the room.

pathetic bitch of Scarlett..
Her friendship for Kara is bad news..

Room was filled with music but my mind kept reminding me those shitty things.

When someone says you're a bad news for your own loved ones, people you care,you start questioning yourself.Why you kept running in circles on the same road? because you found your escape from reality.

Am I seriously good for nothing?
Does mom dad thinks the same way?

I saw Kara dancing with Ben.

I made my way to parking.
Music was getting low in background.


I lowered my head.Trying to fought back tears, trying to fought back my anger.

"what happened,Rose?"she asked softly, holding my arms.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I sniffed and keep gazing the ground.

"Rose, tell me what happened? Why are you trying to push it away?You know I am here for you" there was tightness in her voice.

She sighed.

" I don't know,Kara." I shook my head still eyes on the ground.

" People keep saying shit about us and-and when you defend those things- you hurt yourself in return."I tucked my hair strands behind my ear.

"Then who says to defend them if those words are shits. Ignore them. If defending such things affect you more than those words.. Ignore them." Emphasising on her last couple of words.

"IGNORE THEM....Defending those words means taking stand against those fuckers. I can't let them talk shit." My voice came out harsh. I stepped backward.


"You know what? forget about it."I turned around and walked out.

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