Chapter 26

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Thank you Bisexual-Hufflepuff for voting and commenting!!

TW: some vomiting at the end

There's going to be a LOT of time skips in this.

Third person POV

Peggy and Samuel got to Lafayette and Hercules dorm as soon as they could. "Mari what happened, it's not like you to just disappear" Samuel said

"I don't want to talk about it right now" Maria said giving her friends a pleading look.

They nodded. "You don't have to" Peggy said sitting down next to her on the floor.

"Thank you" Maria whispered.

About 2 weeks later (ooohh y'all better get ready)

Maria and Peggy were sitting on their couch together. Neither of them had classes (which was rare) so they decided to binge watch The Clone Wars.

"Ashoka deserves justice." Peggy said.

"I mean she's getting a show soon" Maria pointed out.

"I know, I'm so excited!" (I'm sorry I really needed to include this. You have no idea how excited I am for that show)

Maria started to feel slightly nauseated. Her face paled slightly.

"Are you ok?" Peggy asked, pausing the episode and turning to face Maria.

"Y-Yeah" Maria gave Peggy a quick smile. "I'm just tired" That wasn't a completely a lie. She had been kept up by nightmares from what James did since it happened. Plus even if she slept she was insanely fatigued.

"Alright. Do you wanna go lay down?" Peggy put her hand against Maria's forehead. "You're not warm"

"Um yeah I'm going to go lay down" Maria stood up.

Peggy gave her a sympathetic look. "Ok, I'll give you some quiet"

Maria went to go lay down and Peggy left the dorm to let her rest.

The next day

Maria woke up with a headache, stomachache and just feeling awful.

"Hey" Peggy said sitting on Maria's bed next to her. "How are you feeling? You slept longer than usual"

"I feel like shit" Maria muttered.

"Do you want to talk to your teacher's about not going to classes the next few days?" Peggy asked.

"No" Maria said in a slightly mean tone that took Peggy by surprise.

"Too bad. You need to rest" Peggy said sternly.

"Ok sorry" Maria apologized.

"Well that was a strange mood change." Peggy thought. "It's alright" Peggy look at Maria funny. "I'm going to the store to get you some meds. Do you want anything else?"


Peggy slid her sweatshirt on and put on some shoes. "I won't be gone long but if you need something Angie doesn't have classes today. Text me if you think of something you need"

"Alright" Maria watch Peggy leave the dorm. She laid back onto her bed. "What is wrong with me?" She whispered to herself.


Peggy was walking back from the store with plastic bags in her hands. Hercules caught sight of her while heading back to his dorm. "Pegs!" He called.

Peggy turned around and saw him. She walked over to where he was standing. "Hey Herc" She smiled.

"Where's Maria? She wasn't in design class today" He asked.

"She wasn't feeling good. She wanted to go to class but I told her no"

"Oh ok. I would much rather her rest then overwork herself more than she already has"

Peggy nodded in agreement. "I'm worried about her. It's been two weeks and she still hasn't told any what happened that day"

"She'll come around" Herc reassured Peggy.

"I know" Peggy sighed. "I should probably go check on her. I'll text you updates"

"Ok thanks"

Peggy got up to her dorm and found Maria making food. It was around 1 o'clock so it wasn't surprising. "How ya feeling?"

"I feel fine" Maria answer looking back at Peggy.

Peggy raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Earlier she couldn't move from pain and now she's shrugging it off like it's nothing? And she actually looks fine? This is so strange. Wait. Angie! She's in med school, I'll ask her about it"

"I'll be back in a few minutes" Peggy said to Maria.


Peggy walked to Angelica's dorm pretty quickly.

"Angie?" She called opening her door.

"Yeah?!" Angelica called for the other room.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Peggy asked going into Angelica's bedroom where she was.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Well yesterday me and Maria were binging Clone Wars and she suddenly looked... sick. She went to go rest and was ok the rest of the day. Today she woke up and felt like shit so I told her to take the day off. I went to go get her some meds and when I came back she was fine. It's strange." Peggy explained.

Angelica bit the inside of her lip and she smirked slightly. "Was she moody at all?"

"Kinda" Peggy shrugged. "I mean when I asked her if she wanted to skip classes today she snapped at me then suddenly was apologetic. She's not usually like that."

Angelica clicked her tongue. "She'll be alright. Tell me anything else that happens ok?"

Peggy looked at her sister confused. "Ok...? Thanks I guess"


Maria lied awake in her bed. She couldn't sleep. She heard Peggy snoring and laughed. She couldn't help but think about how weird the last two days were. How she felt like shit all morning then was suddenly fine. She still felt bad about snapping at Peggy, she didn't know what came over her.

Maria sat up and went to go get a drink of water. She suddenly felt nauseous again. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. She cleaned herself up and checked to see is Peggy was still sleeping.

Maria was almost asleep when a realization hit her like a brick.

She had missed her period this month.

Hehehe now do you see why I tortured Maria? How long did it take you to realize it?
I don't have much to say so thanks for reading and have a good day/night!

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