Chapter 31

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Thank you SeaJayTired for voting!!

So the decided vote is that Peggy is ace.

Third person POV

Maria, Peggy, and Samuel were sitting in the girls' dorm. Samuel had found out about Maria's pregnancy because, they were very smart, and left the test sitting in their room. Sam was over one day and saw it. Maria's morning sickness had gotten a little better but for now they were still saying it was a stomach flu.

Out of nowhere Peggy squealed. This was a normal occurrence but they still asked, "what happened Pegs?"

Her hands flew over her mouth and tears pricked her eyes. Maria and Samuel were now concerned and waiting for an answer. "I'm not failing a class" She muttered into her hands.

"Pegs that's amazing!" Maria yelled. She quickly got up and hugged her best friend.

"It's a mid to high C in history. I don't even know what to think right now" Peggy said, overwhelmed by emotion. She had worked so hard to bring her grades up and the fact that after months it was working... meant so much.

Sam grinned and sat next to Peggy and Maria on Peggy's bed. "I'm so proud of you"

They sat there for a moment before Samuel spoke. "Pegs, what is your major? I just realized I don't know."

Peggy started playing with her hands. "I actually don't have a major. I just took whatever classes sounded interesting because I never knew what I wanted to do in life."

"Well do you want us to help you find one? And you can start with it next semester" Maria asked.

"Um. Yeah, that'd be nice" Peggy smiled.

Sam thought for a moment. "Well you take most of the classes I do, and I'm going into musical theater. Would you be interested in that?"

"Not really. I'm not great at singing." Peggy responded.

"Well you like art and take a few art classes, what about that?" Maria asked.

"I don't think I'm good enough at it to pursue a career. It's more of a small hobby" Peggy shrugged.

The three sat there in thought. They were interrupted by Peggy's phone. She answered it immediately.

"Hey babe" John said from the other end of the line. Even if Peggy couldn't see it, he was grinning.

Peggy blushed. Although they had acted like a couple before, the thought made Peggy blush constantly. It was amazing to her that John actually asked her out. "Hi baby"

"Ask him if he has any ideas" Samuel whispered to Peggy.

Peggy nodded. "Hey Jackie?"


"So you know how I don't have a major yet?"

John was at the coffee shop and made a confused face. "No...?" James looked at him. John gave him the, 'I'll tell you later' face.

Peggy laughed. "Oh. Well I don't. And we're trying to figure it out. We ruled out like drawing and art. And musical theater. Do you have any ideas?"

John didn't answer. Peggy figured he was think. But after a minute she gave Maria and Sam a weird look. "John?"

He still didn't answer. It had been like 3 minutes and Peggy was getting worried.

They suddenly heard the door open. "Who's that?" Maria whispered as all three of them turned their heads.

"Hey sunflower" They heard.

Peggy jumped off her bed. "Aren't you super to be at work?"

John leaned on the doorframe. "Maybe. But I came to help" Peggy laughed. "Well you're a good actress but I know you have stage fright, but you're ok on camera"

Peggy gave him a weird look. "Wait how do you know that?"

"Well I know that you're a good actress because you act everyday" John shrugged.

Peggy's eyes widened as she nervously laughed. "What?"

"Aw cmon Pegs. We all know you're not ok. You had me fooled for a good while though"

Peggy looked back at Maria and Samuel. They nodded. "He's right" Maria said quietly.

"Yeah, you have to really know you well but you can tell" Samuel said.

Peggy groaned slightly. She turned back to John. "Well how do you know I can act on camera?"

John rubbed the back of his neck. "Eliza might have shown me a video of you rehearsing for a play. She then told me that you made the understudy go on because you got stage fright."

"Oh my god" Peggy muttered. "Well I don't hate the idea of being an Actor..."

"Eh, it's just a suggestion"


John and Peggy were sitting in John's dorm watching 'Avengers: Infinity War' when Alexander burst through the door yelling. Well, yelling more than usual.

"FUCK MY LIFE RIGHT NOW" Alex screamed, slamming the door.

John sighed and paused the movie. "What Alex"

Alex took a deep breath. John and Peggy knew this meant he was about to rant and got prepared. "So Thomas FUCKING Jeffershit is back from France and he thinks he's SOO cool and SOO smart just because he was at a different country for the semester. Then. WASHINGTON MAKES ME WORK WITH HIM"

Peggy just blinked repeatedly. John tapped her hand in a 'you're not supposed to understand' way. "Wow. Don't you have another class to get to?" John asked Alex.

"Shit, You're right. Already bye lovebirds, see ya later" Alex ran out of the dorm as fast as he came.

"Thomas Jefferson, isn't that Maddy's best friend?" Peggy asked after a moment.

"Maddy?" John questioned.

Peggy laughed. "James. Maddison. It's what I call him"

John nodded. "Yeah. Thomas and James are really close. Thomas is like Alex's worst enemy... besides himself. He's actually not a horrible guys, just irritating. As long as you don't ask Alex. Thomas and Laf are also distant cousins. And they look a LOT alike."

Peggy laughed slightly. "If Laf and Thomas are distantly related, and hypothetically, Angie marries Laf. Me, 'Liza, and Angie are sisters. When Alex marries 'Liza, then they're very distantly related."

John busted out laughing. "Then I'm related to him too" Peggy looked at him confused. "Well I would assume in this hypothetical situation you and I are married" John leaned forward and kissed Peggy's hand.

Peggy blushed and smiled, "of course Love"


Anyway, how are you guys? How's life been?
If you ever need to talk I'm here :)
That's all, thanks for reading and have a good day/night!
(Also idk if you guys actually read my  A/Ns at the bottom of the chapter but if you do thanks)

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