Chapter 33

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Thank you JeggyShipper for voting and commenting!!


Also guys please go to Dolphingrl21 's page, they made an Alex fangirling book based off of Alex fangirling in this book and it's amazing

Me, a few chapters ago: I'm going to focus a LOT more on John
Me: *focuses on Maria instead*
Sry I had just realized that while writing this and I had to point it out.

Third person POV

Peggy was walking back to her dorm with Maria's work when Hercules stopped her. "Peggy" He called.

Peggy turned around to face him. "Hey Herc"

"Look, there's no way Maria actually has a stomach bug, tell me the truth" He said, in a stern yet calm voice. In a way that showed he wasn't mad but he cared about Maria.

Peggy bit the inside of her lip and sighed. "Come with me"

Hercules and Peggy walked up to Peggy and Maria's dorm. Maria was sitting on her bed, typing something on her computer. She glanced up when she heard the door open. "Hey Pegs!" She noticed Hercules standing there and was slightly confused. "And Herc"

"He knows" Peggy blurted out.

"He knows, like you told him, he knows?" Maria questioned.

"No, I mean he knows, like he knows that you're not sick, but I was going to let you tell him, he knows, but he probably knows what it is because he's not dumb, you know?"

Maria and Hercules looked at each other, wondering if either of them understood Peggy.

"Ok...?" Maria said.

Peggy realized that the previous sentence made no sense. "Yeah, you just need to tell him"

"Oh." Maria looked at Herc. "I'm pregnant"

Hercules's eyes widened. He had suspected that answer, but he didn't expect that answer. "Wait, really? Pregnant, like pregnant pregnant?" Maria put a hand on her stomach and nodded. Herc laughed, in shock. "There's gonna be a tiny Ria"

"And I'm going to be their aunt!" Peggy cheered.

"Their? Is there two?" Hercules asked.

"I mean there could be. We wouldn't know though because Maria hasn't gotten an ultrasound yet." Peggy shrugged.

Maria scoffed. "I hope not"

"What would you do if there was two?"

"I would say John and Peggy have a kid now" Maria laughed.

"What if there was three?"

"I would die" Maria said. "Nah, I'm just kidding, if there was two or three I'd keep all of them. I would just need a whole lot of help."

They all stood there smiling. Hercules had a question stuck in his mind that he didn't known if he should ask or not. "Hey Ria?" Maria turned around to face Herc "What am I to the baby? Or babies? Am I like a cool uncle?"

Maria laughed lightly. To be honest she hadn't thought about that. Peggy grabbed Maria's arm and started walking towards their bedroom. She stopped walking and turned to face Hercules. "We'll be right back"

"Pegs what are we doing locked in out bedroom?" Maria asked as Peggy closed the door.

"Ask him to be their dad!" Peggy whispered.

"What?!" Maria hissed.

"Come on, he'd be a great dad and you two clearly like each other"

"Says you" Maria muttered. "But what if he doesn't want to be a dad?"

Peggy shook her head. "Mari, he's a giant teddy bear, I doubt he'd say no (to this)"

Maria sighed. "Fine."

"Yay! Ok let's go"

The girls walked out of the room. Maria looked at Peggy with an, 'are you sure about this?' face.

Peggy gave Maria a 'go on' motion with her hands.

Maria sighed and looked at Hercules. "Do you maybe... possibly.... wannabetheirfatherfigure?"

Hercules stood there in shook. "Really?" He whispered.

Maria nodded. "I mean, i-if you want to"

Hercules picked up Maria and twirled her around before hugging her. "Of course"

Maria giggled and kissed his cheek. "Thank god"


Peggy groaned as she sat down in history. Yeah, it was the only class she wasn't failing, but it was also the only class that Stephen was in. It was better now because Samuel was in it, but that didn't keep Peggy from worrying.

"Hi Pegs" Samuel said quietly while sliding into the seat next to her.

Peggy turned to face him. "Hey, are you ok?"

Samuel nodded. "Yeah" he paused, yawning, "I stayed up all night practicing, so I'm really tired" He collapsed onto the desk and immediately started softly snoring.

Peggy laughed lightly, still looking at Samuel. 'He really needs to stop doing that' she thought.

Peggy glanced at the door as someone walked in. Well I'm sure you can guess who it was. (Waits like Dora. Correct!) 
Peggy saw Stephen walk in. "Shit" she muttered. She slid off her chair and hid under the desk. Surprisingly, it worked.

Peggy felt a figure get on the ground beside her desk. She was too scared to look at who it was so she just sat there.

"Any particular reason you're under your desk?" Mr. Washington whispered. "Or is this just a thing that we're doing?"

Peggy look up hearing his voice. She was glad it was him and not anyone else. "Uh, I'm just, um, here, and uh, things, and uh yeah"

Washington cocked an eyebrow. "Ok...? Peggy just remember that I'm always here if you need to talk or something"

Washington stood up and walked up to the board. Peggy slowly moved into her chair, hoping Stephen wouldn't notice her.

Hi, so I have a lot of thing to talk about so please read this A/N even though it's a little long.

First, (this one's most important) At the beginning of the chapter I mentioned twins and triplets. I'm sure you guys thought it was foreshadowing. But I had actually just randomly thought of it. But I'm letting you guys decide how many babies Maria has. And I'm not telling you the outcome. So yeah, please comment here how many babies you want Maria to have a majority vote rules.

Second, I'm so so so sorry for taking so long to update. But I'm probably going to have slower updates because it's getting to competition season at dance, and I'm going to be focusing on getting into a special high school so I'm gonna be busy.

Third, I wrote the end of this at 3am so sorry if it's crap. I should try to sleep now.

Remember that you are loved and you can always talk to me if needed!

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night!

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