Chapter 11

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I walked into my history class and opened my sketchbook. I don't know anyone in this class so I'm going to be invisible again. I continued to sketch for a while then I saw him. Stephen. Let me clarify something, he was abusive yes, but not like James was to Maria. It was all mental. And as a kid who already had a low self esteem, it worked, really well. Oh look he's sitting next to me now. Someone kill me please.

"That's not yours is it" Stephen pointed at John's sweatshirt. Yes I'm wearing John's sweatshirt, he doesn't know that though.

"Why does it matter" I snarled not looking up from my sketchbook.

"Well it's not that ugly yellow color you're always wearing so I figured you didn't get a better style and just stole someone else's sweatshirt." He replied. Did he just insult yellow? You know what I don't even care.

"Whatever" I just kept sketching. I was drawing a picture of me and John because I knew how much he loved that other picture. I thought it would be nice to make him another.

Stephen quickly grabbed the sketchbook and laughed at it. "Wow, drawing the boy that'll never get with you"

"Hey give that back!" I screamed. Stephen's about John's height so he's tall enough to keep me from grabbing things.

"No, let me teach you a lesson first." He leaned closer to me and talked quieter. He kept his hand with the sketchbook up in the air so I couldn't grab it. I glared at him waiting for him to keep talking. He finally continued. "You're fat, stupid, forgotten, and pitied. You're only in this school because your family's rich, and you're just a shadow of your sisters. You don't belong anywhere and you're not good at anything." He threw my sketchbook on the desk and spoke again. "And if you tell anyone about this meeting, there will be consequences. And if you don't believe me, well that won't end well for you. You are worthless, and don't you forget it." He walked away.

Class started and I tried to focus but I couldn't. Stephen's words rang in my head. Shadow of your sisters. Only here because your family is rich. Fat, stupid, worthless, forgotten. It was all true. I've never gotten something that my sisters didn't, I've never stuck out in anyway, I'm just... nothing. The boy that'll never get with you. John's perfect. Handsome, smart, has the most beautiful voice, and is just all around amazing. And I'm... worthless, a shadow of my sisters, forgotten. I mean I could at least prove that I'm supposed to be in this school. Yeah. I can work really hard and get to the top of my classes and prove that I didn't just get into this school because my dad's rich.

And with that thought in my mind I was able to pay attention to class.


History finished and I started to pack up my stuff. I noticed a folded up note on my desk. It just said, 'Don't forget it'. I shuttered and made my way to art. It's my only other class today and Maria's in it so it'll be better than history was. Although, I can't tell her about anything. Stephen's surprisingly good at ruining people's lives.


I sat next to Peggy in art. She doesn't quite seem like herself. "Hey Pegs" I smiled at her.

"Hi Maria" She looked up at me and weakly smiled before going back to writing. That's weird, first off she's writing not drawing. What is she Alex? Second, she called me Maria. She almost always calls me Mari.

"Are you ok?" I looked over at her knowing she wouldn't tell me.

She bit her lip then looked up at me and weakly smiled again. "Yeah I'm fine, don't worry!"

Blooming (Jeggy, Modern College AU)Where stories live. Discover now