Chapter 27

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Good job to everyone who caught on :))

Third person POV

Maria stared at the ceiling panicking. "I'm not ready for the responsibility of a child" she thought.

She got up and thought this through. "Maybe it's just a little late. I should check before making rash decisions" Maria decided to sneak out of the dorms and go get a pregnancy test. 

She snuck back into the dorm and past Peggy, praying that she didn't wake up. She went into the bathroom and took the test.

"No" She whispered. "Ok so I need someone who's adult like but will understand me and is calm and prepared...  Angelica"

Maria picked up her phone and pulled up Angelica's contact.

TheRedOne❤️✨: Hi. Are you up?

ThePinkOne💖🔪: Yeah, are you ok?

TheRedOne❤️✨: I think so. Can I come over there to talk to you

Angelica felt like she knew what this was about.

ThePinkOne💖🔪: Sure, I'll unlock my dorm just come in

TheRedOne❤️✨: thank you. I'll be right there

Maria wrote a quick note to Peggy for when she woke up and walked out of the dorm.

Angelica sat in her couch, reading a textbook while waiting for Maria. Maria came in and sat down next to her.  "I'm sorry if I woke you up" Maria said.

"I'm a med student. I was up" Angelica half joked.

Maria laughed. She nervously played with her hands. "So um what would you do in the HYPOTHETICAL situation that you were a double majoring freshman and were pregnant? Once again this is a hypothetical situation"

Angelica smiled inside. "Well. I would panic"

Maria's face fell. She was hoping for a much better answer.

"But" Angelica continued after seeing Maria's expression. "I would also remember that I have many people who love me no matter what. That I'm not alone and I have help" Angelica squeezed Maria's hand. "And if this weren't a hypothetical situation, you would definitely not be alone."

Maria smiled. She went to say something but then realized it would blow her cover. "Well good thing this is a hypothetical situation" She nervously laughed. "But thank you"

Peggy woke up by falling out of bed. Literally. She jumped back up looking to see if the loud noise woke up Maria. Although Maria wasn't there. Peggy looked around the dorm for her, confused. She found the not Maria left.

Hey pegs,
I went for a walk I'll be back soon
<3 Maria

Peggy shrugged and went to go wash her face. She saw a small stick sitting on the sink. She raised an eyebrow as she picked it up. The stick showed two little lines.

Maria walked into the dorm after talking with Angelica. It had calmed her down immensely. She heard a gasp. "Peggy are you alright?" Maria asked, running to the bathroom where she heard the gasp.

Peggy whipped her head around, grinning. Maria's face paled as she saw the test in her hand. "You're pregnant!?"


John woke up with a text from his sister.

Patsy😐: Did you get a job

Oldest🙃🐢: yeah. At the coffee shop next to my school

Pastsy😐: good. Dad doesn't seem to be kidding so I got a job as a MalMart cashier. Everything I earn I'll give to u

Oldest🙃🐢: you didn't have to do that

Pasty😐: yeah I also don't want you to die

Oldest🙃🐢: that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me

Pasty😐: yeah yeah

Patsy😐: also mary says she misses you

Oldest🙃🐢: tell her I miss her too

Oldest🙃🐢: and that she's my favorite

Patsy😐: rude

Patsy😐: James says to get a pretty girlfriend

Oldest🙃🐢: tell him to shut up

Patsy😐: HJ said that you should shut up and that James is right

Oldest🙃🐢: tell them both to shut up

Patsy😐: they both start screaming nonsense like you could hear them

Oldest🙃🐢: ...

Oldest🙃🐢: oml

Oldest🙃🐢: I gtg. Ttyl

Patsy😐: ttyl loser

John sighed and laid back onto his bed.

"Is there a reason we're sighing?" Alexander asked from his desk.

"I got Martha dragged into my issues." He groaned. "I don't want her to have to worry about it but she won't listen"

Alex stopped working a looked at John. "John you know she's just looking out for you. What did she do anyway?"

"She got a job. Which would be a good thing but she's giving everything to me. I want her to get a job for her, not for me."

"Look if he is serious you need all the help you can get. I know you said you have James's help. You have my help, aka the Washingtons" Alex muttered. "If you would JUST. TELL. PEGGY. You would have the Schuyler's help."

"You're right Lex. I'll tell her later"

Hey. I REALLY need you guys to answer this. Do you guys prefer the slightly shorter chapters (it's only by like 200 or something words) with the almost everyday updates or the slightly longer chapters with a longer wait?

That's all thanks for reading and have a good day/night!

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