Chapter 15

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Thank you frenchfry9999 For loving on this story and my (basically dead) Lams book!! Your comments made my day!

TW: BLOOD AND FIGHTING (it's not much)
Third Person POV (I'm trying something new so bare with me)

Peggy, Samuel, and Maria spent all night at Maria and Peggy's dorm doing their art project. Well more like they were talking and every so often Sam would try to get them back on track.

"Pegs you have barely taken off John's sweatshirt since he gave it to you" Maria laughed.

"Shut up Mari" Peggy mumbled into the sleeves of John's sweatshirt.

"Ohhh that's John's? I thought it wasn't really Peggy's style but I never said anything about it" Sam chuckled lightly, noticing how dumb he was not to have realized that.

"Blue's 'Liza's thing" Peggy shrugged.

"What is with you four and the color schemes?" Samuel asked.

"Four? But there's only three-" Maria cut herself off. "Oh... you meant me and the Schuylers"

Sam nodded, trying not to laugh at his friends slowness.

"Well I don't know about my sisters but yellow is a happy color to me, and I think we need all the happiness we can get" Peggy answered cooly

"I think red is a strong color, it helps me remember that I can be more than what other people think" Maria said, looking at the floor.

"Wow, that's a surprising importance to colors" Samuel knew about most of the stuff that both girls had gone through and it made him happy that they still looked for optimism. Even if it was in something kinda odd like colors.

The trio continued to talk (and occasionally work on their project) until Angelica came bursting through the door, using the key her sister gave her. Sam, Maria, and Peggy all turned to look at Angie.

"Guys, John's fighting Charles Lee" Angelica said, breathing heavy from running.

"What?!" Peggy screamed. It was no secret that John didn't like Charles but it wasn't like John to just fight someone. (Oh my poor innocent Peggy, little do you know-) Peggy bolted out of the room while Angelica, Maria, and Samuel chased after her.

The four of them got to behind their dorm building where the fight was happening.
They were met with the sight of Alex holding John back while Aaron Burr did the same with Charles Lee. Both Laurens and Lee were covered in blood and bruises, and trying to get back to fighting one another.

"Boys!" Washington's voice carried throughout the campus. Eliza stood beside him, as she had been the one to notify him of the fight.

"M-Mr. Washington this-" Alex tried to reason but Washington stopped him.

"Enough Alexander. I don't want to see any of you fighting on school grounds again. Go clean up and I'll decide what to do with you four later." Washington shook his head in disapproval and walked away.

Peggy felt annoyed that John would do something so stupid and reckless. "John!" She called, anger laced in her voice.

"She called you John" Alex whispered to John.

"Shut up Alex" He whispered back.

"Why would you do that?" Peggy asked.

"Look he was saying bad things about you, me, Alex, and Mr. Washington. Besides we all know Charles is thin as a stick and he couldn't have really hurt me" John said with a shrug.

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