Chapter 21

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Hi! Thank you ThatOneJeggyShipper for voting and commenting! You're so sweet!!

Could you maybe do me a favor and read Nala_13 's books if you haven't? Cause they deserve wayyyy more love.

I also wanted to thank all of you again for reading, voting and commenting cause seriously I never thought this would be as big as it is and you all are so sweet.

Sorry again for not updating-

Third person POV

The trio ran around for hours, building an epic blanket fort in the middle of John and Alexander's dorm room. They ran up to all of their friends dorms and asked them for extra blankets, confusing most of them. All the kids in the halls were very confused as to why 3 people we running around the whole building, getting blankets, but no one said anything.

After 3 and a half hours, they were trying to pick a movie to watch in the blanket fort.

"Not another horror!!" John screamed. "Pleaseeee. I've watched more horrors since I met you than I'd like to have watched in my whole life"

Peggy glared at him a moment. "...Fine...."

"Alright, enough from you toddlers" Alex intervenes,

"Says you" John mumbles.

"Hey!" Alex yells. John and Peggy snicker. "Anyway, I vote we watch a musical"

"Bet" Peggy said grinning "What musical?"

"Ohhh what about Dear Even Hansen? It's my favorite" John asked.

(Definitely didn't write this while listening to DEH...)

"Sure.... Sincerely Me!" Peggy excitedly yelled.

"Your sister's hot" Alex shrugged, laughing.

"What the hell?" John asked, going along with the song.

"My bad" Alex muttered.

The trio laughed loudly, anyone in the room would probably have been very annoyed with them laughing and giggling and yelling all the time. Luckily, no one could hear them, seeing as this was a surprisingly nice college, or else the Schuylers and John wouldn't've been aloud to go there. It was nice for all of them to just relax a bit.


Peggy and John fell asleep when the musical was over, Alex sat awake, writing something, in the fort next to them. Peggy sat quietly, watching Alex. From what she could see it looked like Alex was writing in some sort of journal. She was only able to read the last few sentences on the page but she read them.

'Honestly I'm really worried about Peggy. She's been so closed off lately and I want to help her but I don't know how. John's super worried too.'

They're worried about me? I don't want anyone to worry about me, that causes problems. I don't want to cause problems.

"Alex" Peggy said quietly.

Alex looked up and closed his notebook. "Oh, hey Pegs, I didn't know you were up"

"Um why are you worried about me?" She asked, like a small child asking their mother why their dad isn't home yet.

"I don't know.." Alex paused, not wanting to seem rude or scare her. "You've just haven't been much of yourself lately." Peggy's eyes wondered as she looked at everything but Alex. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.

Peggy sat for a moment, looking at the ground. "No" she answered after a moment. "I don't"

"That's fine" The two sat in a comfortable silence.

John stirred from behind Peggy. He wrapped his arms around Peggy, pulling her into his chest. Peggy let out a small yelp in surprise. John held her so tight that she couldn't move. Peggy gave Alexander and 'Help me' look. Alex just quietly laughed.


After a little while all three of them were asleep. They slept for hours, worrying everyone because they couldn't find them.

"Maria said that they're not at her dorm so they must be a Alex and John's" Angelica said to Eliza, Hercules, and Lafayette.

"I have a key" Eliza interjected.

"There's no need" Hercules said. "Alex never locks his dorm, no matter how much John gets on him for it."

"John's not much better about it" Lafayette points out.

"Stop whatever it is you two are doing. I want to make sure my sister is still alive" Angelica interrupts.

They all head up to John and Alexander's dorm. As Hercules and Lafayette had said, the door was unlocked and they just had to open it.

"Is that a blanket fort?" Eliza asked as she walked in.

"Dude no way! They built a blanket fort without us" Herc pouted.

"This is a very nice fort" Laf complimented.

"God they're such children" Angelica muttered.

Eliza poked her head into the fort to see Peggy asleep on a sleeping John and Alexander asleep next to them. "Aww guys this is so cute!" She quickly took a picture of them, before they woke up. "It's nice to see Alex actually sleeping"

John stirred awake from inside the fort. He heard mumbles from outside, but he couldn't figure out what was going on without disturbing Peggy. And he wasn't going to do that. Angelica popped her head into the fort. "Oh, John's up" She quietly announced.

John yawned, being very careful not to move too much. "Hey Angie"

"What are you guys doing?" Angelica asked.

"What does it look like?"

"Um.. sleeping in a blanket fort?" Angelica said.. well it came out more like a question.

"Exactly" John answered sassily.

Alexander slowly sat up upon hearing the noises. "Hey guys"

Lafayette put his head in the fort next to Angelica's. "You built a fort without us. I thought we were copains" He pouted.

"Sorry?" Alex and John said/questioned at the same time.

Suddenly John felt Peggy's breathing quicken on his chest as she started sobbing.

Hey y'all!! Thank you guys so so so so so much for making this book #2 in jeggy!!!!! I'll try to update more I'm seriously so sorry. Hehehe cliffhanger. Thanks for reading and have a good day/night!

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