Chapter 17

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Thank you TheGrapePotato for voting and commenting on all my stories! It means so much to me!! <3

I don't think y'all are ready for this chapter.... it's a little odd....

Third person POV (I've found I like writing this way better, do you guys like reading it or should I change it back?)

Alex, Hercules, Lafayette and John drank until they couldn't see. You might be wondering what Peggy did. Well she was right, she has a higher alcohol tolerance than the rest of them. She drank as much as them and was just a little tipsy.

She glanced over at the drunk boys on the couch and found Alex on top of John. Literally.

"Fucking kiss me" Alex muttered to John.

"Sure" John slurred.

Alex slammed his lips onto John's, not thinking at all. Peggy ran over to the boys and shoved Alex off of John in a panic.

"You have a girlfriend!" She screamed at Alex. "And normally I wouldn't care but your girlfriend is my sister!"

Alex was too drunk to think straight (haha get it?) and he just pouted on the floor. "But I wanna kiss John"

"No." She scolded.

John wrapped his hands around Peggy's waist, startling her. "It's alright Alex, I wanna kiss her" John purred in Peggy's ear.

Peggy shuttered. "No John, you're drunk"

"And you're not?"


Alex and John woke up, in the same bed, to the smell of food. They quickly looked to see if they were wearing socks. The boys let out a sigh of relief to the fact that they were fully dressed in what they were wearing yesterday.

"Sorry" They heard Peggy say from the doorway. "I couldn't get either of you to change or switch beds"

Alex stood up and felt a wave of dizziness crash over him and he quickly grabbed the wall to steady himself. "What happened?" He groaned.

"A Lot" Peggy laughed.

She gave them the pancakes she had made (which we slightly burnt but they were too hungover to notice) and some water and started to explain. "Basically we all got drunk as fuck, you two tried to fuck, I stopped you because Alex is dating my sister but he he wasn't I'm pretty sure I would ship it. Before you ask, yes and no I was drunk, I was slightly drunk but only because my body is so used to it. Laf and Herc made horrible jokes all night. I finally got the two of them to their own dorm" She stopped and muttered, "and I'm pretty sure they went to their dorm and fucked" She cleared her throat and started talking normally again. "Yeah then you two refused to put on comfortable clothes or go to bed. I got you to go to bed by reading you a random book off of Alex's bookshelf but you wanted to share a bed. I said fine but if I see you kissing I'll kill both of you and you thought I was serious. So yeah... that's pretty much it. A lot more probably happened that I don't remember and that's probably a good thing."

Peggy looked at Alex and John. The boys just stared at her.

"Well" Alex muttered "that's not the worst thing we've done drunk"

John nodded then glanced between Peggy and Alex. "Now is probably a good time to tell you that both me and Alex aren't straight. Alex is Bi and I don't like labels but if I did it would probably be Bi"

Peggy gasped. "Wait does that mean you two?..."

"Yep" Alex confirmed.


John rubbed the back of his neck. "Not for long but yes"

Peggy slowly nodded her head, slightly confusing John and Alex. "So that's why you two are so close"

The boys' eyes widened. "PEGGY!"


Peggy at on her bed and sighed. Being alone with her thoughts was one of her least favorite things. She couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that her sisters just left her out like that. Multiple times. They had been numerous places doing who knows what, weather it was just Angelica and Eliza, Eliza and Theodosia , Angelica and Theodosia or all three of them, they didn't include Peggy or Maria. Theodosia never seemed like the type to intentionally leave someone out so Peggy had nothing against her. However her sisters were very good at leaving Peggy out. It did confuse her that they left out Maria though.

"Pegs are you back?" Maria called while entering their dorm room.

"Yeah! I'm in our room Mari" Peggy yelled to her dorm mate.

Maria came into their room and sat down on her bed beside her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing wrong" Peggy asked, giving Maria a nervous smile.

Maria gave her a knowing look. "You're a terrible liar"

"Tell that to my dad" Peggy muttered laughing.


"Nothing" Peggy shook her head.

"Alright.." Maria said confused. She put her head on Peggy's shoulder. They sat quietly for a moment. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really" Peggy placed her head on top of Maria's.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Maria asked.

"Yep" Peggy said, popping the 'p'. It was a much calmer response then Maria was expecting. "Can we watch Heathers?"

"Movie or bootleg?"

"The musical is better in my opinion"

"Have you even watch the movie?" Maria questioned. "I mean I don't disagree but that seem like something you'd do"

Peggy pulled back in fake offense. "How dare you think I would do such a thing!"

"What about the time we were talking about Five Feet Apart and you said that the book was better but you haven't seen the movie?"

"That is completely different. Because everyone knows that the book is always better than the movie."

"Ok that's fair" Maria agreed.

Hey y'all! Sorry this chapter isn't super long or great. But after I get the next chapter of But I'm Supposed To Hate You done I'll make the next chapter. But to be completely honest I see Peggy and Maria as those girl best friends that everyone thinks are lesbians but they would never even think about dating. Also I had to make lams in this somehow... I'm sorry XD Ok thanks for reading and have a great day/night!

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