Chapter 25

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Thank you FoxKit123 for voting and commenting!!!

Tw: mentions of abuse, s*x, knives and life threatening, James Reynolds, probably more that I forgot (basically this chapter is horrible)

I'm sorry for torturing my characters-

Third person POV

Maria stared at her ex in horror. She tried not to show it though. "What do you want James"

"Well. I wanted you back baby girl" James cooed.

Maria cringed. "In your dreams" she growled.

"Strange. The little puppy is standing up for herself" James grabbed Maria's arm. "She knows better than that"

Maria let out a squeal and tried to pull away. "Let me go!" She yelled.

"No. You're coming with me or else." He pulled out a pocket knife and twirled it around his fingers. Maria knew better than to fight him when he did that. He almost killed her once with the same pocket knife. That was the day she told Peggy.

Maria timidly nodded. James pulled her out of the building and into his dorm building. Maria knew exactly where they were going, although she didn't like it. James opened the door to his dorm building and shoved Maria onto his bed.

After um that... if you don't know what happened just ask. But I will NOT be putting that in my book

Maria sat on the floor of James's room and sobbed. James had left to get something and threatened Maria's life if she had left.

"Get up sl*t" James snapped, walking back into the room.

"S-s-sorry" Maria stood up, her whole body shaking from nerves and pain.

"Stop stuttering" he ordered. Maria bit the inside of her lip. "Now who's the boy you ran away from me with?"

Maria's face suddenly turned from fear to anger. "No"

"Did you just say no to me?" James asked in a threatening tone.

"No. You can hurt me all you want but you won't touch any of my friends" Maria snapped.

James was taken by surprise. Maria had never talked to him like that. "Excuse me?"

"I said you can hurt me all you want but you will not hurt my friends" Maria said sternly.

"Oh we got confidence all of a sudden" James laughed psychotically. He walked towards her. Maria stood up straighter, not wanting to show any fear. "Guess we want to meet our old friend" James pulled out the pocket knife.

Maria panicked. She picked up the first thing she saw and held it in front of her. The knife went through it. Maria pulled the knife out of the object. Then she realized what she was holding. It was a picture frame with a picture of Maria and James from when they first got together. The knife landed where James's head was in the picture. Maria threw the picture onto the ground, making the frame shatter.

Maria realized that she had the knife and James didn't. She twirled the knife. "Not so strong now are you?"

James lunged at her. Maria ran out of the room as fast as she could. She closed the knife and put it in her pocket. She ran with James close behind.

"Get back here b*tch!" James yelled. James stopped running when he lost sight of Maria. "Damn it. I'll get her. She won't know what's coming" He muttered.

Maria was pulled into a dorm room. Her breathing quickened as she looked around the room.

"Maria are you ok?" A voice asked from behind her. The voice startled her, making he jump slightly. She turned around and realized that she recognized the dorm room.

"Alex!" Maria called. She turned more and saw Lafayette standing slightly beside her. "He must've been the one who grabbed me" She thought. She saw John next to Alexander too. "Thank you guys so much"

(For clarification, they're in Laf and Herc's dorm)

"Was that James?" John asked.


"What did 'e do? You're face is very bruised and you don't look ok" Laf pointed out.

"I- I'd rather not talk about it" Maria muttered. They boys nodded understandingly.

Hercules came out from another room and saw Maria. "Ria what happened? Are you ok?" He asked immediately, seeing her bruised and still a freaked out face.

"I'm ok Herc" Maria assured, even though she was obviously not.

All the boys knew she was not ok. They also knew that she would come around and tell at least one person eventually.

"Do you want to stay here for a while?" Hercules asked.

"Yes please. James is going to hunt me like a dog so I should probably stay with you guys for a while." Maria answered.

They were all sitting and watch a movie, trying to distract Maria. Maria was sitting in Hercules lap, while he played with her hair. Herc's phone rang from the table beside John. They paused the movie as John answered it.

"Hey Sunflower" John said into the phone.

"Hey Jackie" Peggy said. She sounded worried. "Can you give Herc his phone?"

"Yeah sure" John handed Hercules his phone back.

"What's up?" Herc asked Peggy. It was rare that whatever Peggy was calling for she couldn't ask one of the other guys instead.

"Do know where Maria is? We were supposed to meet her at the coffee shop but she hasn't come. She's never been more than 10 minutes late and she hasn't texted us."

"She's looking for you" Hercules whispered to Maria. He put Peggy on speaker.

"Hi Pegs" Maria said.

"Oh thank god you're ok!" Peggy let out a breath of relief. Maria smiled. It was nice to know that someone cared about her. "Are you in Laf and Herc's dorm or Alex and John's"

"Laf and Herc's" Maria answered.

"We'll be right there"

I'm so sorryyyyyy😭
Please don't kill me for this chapter-
But uh thanks for reading and have a good day/night!

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