Chapter 12

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I must've only blacked out for a second because I woke up to a redhead screaming things at Stephen. My vision's kinda fuzzy and I can't hear super great.

"Are you ok?" The redhead said coming up to me. How exactly do I answer that? I guess try to sit up and there's my answer. I tried to sit up but instead just winced in pain and fell back to the floor.

"Do you want me to help you to your dorm?" He asked sweetly.

"Y-Yes please" my voice was raspy and shaking.

He helped me stand up and held onto my side while we walked.

"My name's Samuel Seabury" The redhead stated as we walked.

"Peggy... thanks" My raspy voice responded.

"What's your dorm?" Samuel asked.

"Can you actually take me to my friends' dorm? It's 356... This building" I lifted my hand enough for it to be noticeable that I was trying to point to the dorm building in front of us. 

"Yeah, let's go"

He walked me to the elevator and we got in. I'm praying it doesn't do what it did the day we got here. Luckily, in no time we were on the third floor. We made it to John and Alex's dorm. I know they don't have classes today so they should be here. Samuel knocked on the door and John answered.

"What- PEGGY!" He ran over to me and picked me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and start softly crying.

"Stephen was beating her up. He then dropped her... I think she might have a concussion." I heard Samuel say to Alex.

John walked over to the couch in his dorm. He sat down but kept holding me. I cried into his chest. I wish I could tell him everything. I can't risk it though. I have to ask them about the SDR later. I felt John stand up and lay me down on the couch.

"Pegs how many fingers am I holding up?" John held up his hand. It looks like a blob. I'm just gonna guess.


"No..." He sighed and got up to talk to Samuel and Alex.

I tried to sit up so I could hear them but instead I just fell back on the couch. My head is pounding. I can barely see. And it just hurts.


I walked over to Alex and Sam to hear what they were saying.

"Sam, I never thought I would say this but thank you" Alex said to Samuel.

Sam just nodded then looked at me.

"I think she has a concussion" I sighed and looked at Peggy. I saw her try to sit up then just fall into the couch. "I'm gonna get her some meds"

I walked over to the med cabinet and grabbed ibuprofen and a glass of water. I walked back to Peggy. She's slowly losing consciousness. She also looks really thin. Wait she's not wearing a yellow hoodie? Oh wait it's navy... it must be mine. I laughed to myself.

"Peggy..." I quietly spoke just incase loud noises made her head hurt worse. She tried to sit up again but failed. I helped her sit up enough to take the meds but she kept drifting in and out of consciousness. "Sunflower you have to stay awake long enough to take these meds ok"

She nodded and took the cup and pills from me. She swallowed them and I helped her lay back down. Soon enough she was out cold.

I stood up and walked back to Alex. Apparently Sam left, he still had classes or something.

"Lex, do you know if Angie and 'Liza have classes? I figure they would want to know what happened."

Alex pulled out his phone to check the time. "I think they do but they're on a few hour break right now"

"Should we call them?"

"We could text them to come here and explain in person"

"That works"

"I'll text them now" Alex typed on his phone for a second. "Ok they're coming"

I looked at Peggy passed out on the couch.

"How long do you think this has been happening?" I felt like a whole was being carved into my heart as I looked back at Alex.

"I-I don't know... but she didn't tell us...anything" Alex's voice cracked.

Me and Alex just stood there thinking about what could've been happening and why Peggy wouldn't tell us.

*knock knock knock*

Alex walked over to the door and opened it to reveal the rest of the Schuyler sisters.
(Ngl I kinda cringed writing that but then I remembered that I decided to make it just the three of them the Schuyler children)

"Guys what do you need us for?" Angie asked as Eliza hugged Alex. 

"It's about Peggy" Alex said pulling away from Eliza.

You could see the two of them quickly shift into older sister mode. "What about Peggy? Is she ok? Do-" Eliza worried but was cut off by another voice.

"Guys I'm fine don't worry" I heard Peggy say from the couch. Those meds and that power nap must've done a lot because she was now sitting up and talking normally.

"Peggy you are clearly not fine" I scolded walking towards the couch. For some reason I call her Peggy when I'm worried, but that's the only time I call her Peggy.

"John..." She looked like she wanted to say something but she just bit her lip and laid back down. What is she hiding? I don't wanna pry but I'm so worried.

I saw the sisters bit their lips and look at each other out if the corner of my eye.

"John, Alex... Can we talk to you?" Angie looked at both of us with worry in her eyes. Me and Alex looked at each other then nodded.

We stepped into mine and Alex's bedroom and closed the door. Why? I have no clue.

"Look something similar to this has happened before..." Eliza started explaining but trailed off. What? Happened before?

"Last time this happened we found out that Stephen was mentally abusing Peggy and that turned into her physically and mentally abusing herself..." Angie continued what Eliza was saying but she also trailed off at the end. I was in shock. No way was I letting that happen again. I'm definitely going to keep a close eye on her.

"B-But we didn't notice for a while a-and... this went on for years and Peggy still hasn't fully recovered..." Eliza looked ashamed at what she said, like she was more telling it to herself. Still hasn't recovered? Who knows what'll happen if we let this continue!?

"Just watch her carefully ok... we'll be looking too... we should probably tell Theo, Maria, Laf, and Herc too so we can all keep an eye on her." Angie sighed and bit her lip again.

We nodded and I sighed. I can't believe this... I can't let anything happen to her... I just can't. I have to protect her....

Ok so this is kinda a bad chapter because I rushed to get it put out today.

Today is August the 27th, the day John Laurens died. I just wanted to make a mini appreciation paragraph about our secretly gay, very amazing, soldier. He truly was an amazing person for speaking against slavery because at the time speaking out was almost unheard of. Thank you Lin for making me notice this amazing persons existence, and thank you Anthony for playing him amazingly. That's it for my ranting about my crush that died 238 years ago today.

Lol anyway thanks for reading and have a good day/night!

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