Chapter 16

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Thank you poet_the_phillip for always voting on this story!! I'm pretty sure you were one of the first people to start voting and it means so much to me!

Third person POV

Alex, Lafayette, and Hercules sat in John and Alex's dorm room, watching their best friend pace around. "But how do I-"

"John!" Alex yelled. "Calm down!"

"Mon ami, It's.. 'ow you say... obvious? That she likes you!"

"But I-" John tried to panic more but his friends wouldn't let him.

"No buts John. Now come sit down" Hercules said.

John was about to protest but someone burst (almost literally) through the door.

"WASSUP BITCHES, ITS YOUR FAVORITE LOSER!" Peggy yelled, practically falling through the door.

All the boys but John laughed. "Hey Pegs"

"H-hey P-pegs" John nervously stuttered.

Peggy pointed at him with her thumb. "What's up with Stutters over there?" She chuckled before plopping down on the couch in between Alex and Laf.

"No idea" Alex said with a slightly laugh and eye roll. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Well Sam and Mari have classes. And Theo, Angie and 'Liza are doing something. I don't know what it is but I wasn't invited. I figured you guys would be in here and I was right" Peggy answered with a shrug.

The boys all shared a look, wondering the same thing. Hercules went to ask the question they were all thinking. "Pegs why didn't they invite you?"

Peggy slowly shrugged. "I mean,I don't mind. They do this a lot I guess. They just... I..." She stopped and sighed. "I don't know... they just find a way to do things without me. I don't mind though... It's just quiet time"

"Mon ami, you don't like the quiet" Lafayette stated.

They all laughed and Peggy knew that she would much rather be here than weeping over her sisters leaving her out again.

"So what do y'all wanna do?" John asked, walking over to the couch where the rest of them were.

Peggy dramatically cleared her throat. "Yeah Y'ALL. What do Y'ALL wanna do?" She mocked in a horrible fake southern accent.

They all burst into laughter as John turned red in embarrassment.

"H-Hey John" Alex said between laughing fits. "Do... Do you wanna cowboy hat to go with that accent?" He laughed again and everyone else laughed harder.

John just questioned why he has friends. "I hate you guys" He muttered.

Once they had calmed down Peggy leaned over the back of the couch to be face to face with John. "You love us~~"

John held her chin with his index finger and thumb, sending chills down Peggy's spine. "Damn right I do"

He quickly shoved his lips onto Peggy's, closing the small gap between the two. This took Peggy by surprise but she quickly kissed back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as John pulled her as close as he could with the couch between them. They pulled apart and stared at each other longingly.

Alex cleared his throat. "Alright so that was adorable but there are other people in the room."

"Alex!" Hercules yelled.

"You ruined the moment" Lafayette muttered.

Peggy and John blushed ferociously. Peggy slide back down the couch and hid in John's hoodie.

"Ohh I know what we can do!" Hercules said out of nowhere. "We can have a blushing contest! So far I think Peggy's winning"

Lafayette, Alex, and Hercules laughed while John and Peggy looked ready to kill. Peggy violently elbowed Herc in the side causing him to let out a squeal. The other two boys stopped laughing almost immediately, a little terrified of what the girl would do to them if they didn't.

"Who whats to go drinking?" Hercules asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

John smacked the back of Herc's head. "No dumb ass, Peggy's only 19!"

They fell silent. Peggy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Ok but let's not pretend that I haven't been drinking since I was like 13"

They turned to face the younger girl. "I'm sorry... what?" Alex asked.

"Ok first off, my dad's rich, he had good liquor and too much to count so it was easy to sneak it. Second, he never cared that much about me so I could do whatever without him noticing. Three, I definitely stole some of the drinks at the party we threw a while ago. You guys weren't that good at keeping me out of them." Peggy stated as though it was obvious. "I mean hell, I probably have a higher alcohol tolerance than most people"

"That sounds like a challenge" Hercules smiled at her.

Peggy smirked, ready to accept, but John and Alexander cut her off. "NO! Do not challenge the 19 year old to a drinking contest!" They yelled at the same time.

"Mes amis, she's 19, not 14. She only has 2 years until she can drink here. In France she can have alcohol" Lafayette said with a shrug.

"Thank you Laf!!" Peggy yelled motioning to him.

"Fair, but how are we sneaking her into a bar? She looks like she's 14" Alex said.

They all muttered angry agreements. The group sat in thought. After a while John lowered his head so he was closer to everyone else. "Guys, no one said we had to go to a bar"

Hey y'all! Sorry this chapter is kinda short but I got it out! No long A/N today. Thanks for reading and have a good day/night!

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